
Stroke Caregiver - female
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About robangell

  • Birthday 01/25/1942

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • Stroke Anniversary (second stroke)
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    Donald G.
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  1. Happy Anniversary robangell!

  2. Happy Anniversary robangell!

  3. Happy Anniversary robangell!

  4. Happy Birthday robangell!

  5. Donna, I'm a new at this. y husband had a right brain deep tissue stroke due to lack of blood flow. He had polio when he was 14, was told he would never walk and yet he did. In fact most people did not realize that his left arm and right foot were weakened by the polio. Now he is left with 1 fully functioning limb, his right arm. Transfers require two people at 6 weeks out from the stroke. Of course, my hope is that he will be able to transfer and come home, but your story may be my story. If so, I pray for the strength that you have shown throughout this journey. God bless you and Lauren as "love never fails." robangell
  6. Welcome to the forums robangell :)