
Stroke Survivor - female
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About seaGg1

  • Birthday June 24

Contact Methods

  • MSN

Shared Information

  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • Interests
    gardening, baking-cooking, tennis, improving/recycling things, arts n crafts, nature and birds, learning new things
  • How did you find us?
    Google Search

Registration Information

  • First Name
  • State
    New Mexico

seaGg1's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/10)

  1. Happy Anniversary seaGg1!

  2. Happy Anniversary seaGg1!

  3. Happy Anniversary seaGg1!

  4. I am new to this. I had my stroke on Oct. 15 2013. My life has turned upside down! I am very greatful that I have a wonderful husband and family and friends who are here helping me. Bless them all.

  5. Welcome to the forums seaGg1 :)

    1. seaGg1


      Thank you. I hope we can all help each other in some way.