
Stroke Survivor - male
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About magilla

  • Birthday 02/28/1961

Contact Methods

  • Stroke Network Email

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • Stroke Anniversary (second stroke)
  • Interests
    I'm a normal red blooded All American male who has been stricken with this anomaly and deal with it daily. My God be with us all at all times. Amen.
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  1. Happy Anniversary magilla!

  2. Happy Anniversary magilla!

  3. Happy Birthday magilla!

  4. Happy Anniversary magilla!

  5. Happy Birthday magilla!

  6. I know where you are coming from. the same thing happened to me in the last couple of months and the Doctors say I didn't have a new stroke. So, what is it then? I'm at a loss and have been seriously bummed oiut. But I move along, strong in my faith and in my family. God bless.
  7. Welcome to the forums magilla :)