
Stroke Caregiver - male
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About kerrilee

  • Birthday 11/17/1971

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
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  1. Happy Anniversary kerrilee!

  2. Happy Anniversary kerrilee!

  3. Welcome to the forums kerrilee :)

  4. Dad just had a stroke during or after triple bypass surgery on the left side of his nrain affecting his right side and ability to swallow and talk. They told us the risk of stroke was only 1% now I am upset because it seems like he could be gone at any minute. The hospital made him fast for 17 hours and then cancelled his angioplasty because he was the least critical until the following day. I tol dthe hospital administrator you do not know how critical he is until you look, then after placin...

  5. Dad just had a stroke during or after triple bypass surgery on the left side of his nrain affecting his right side and ability to swallow and talk. They told us the risk of stroke was only 1% now I am upset because it seems like he could be gone at any minute. The hospital made him fast for 17 hours and then cancelled his angioplasty because he was the least critical until the following day. I tol dthe hospital administrator you do not know how critical he is until you look, then after placin...