
Stroke Caregiver - female
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About cetch1

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  1. Happy Anniversary cetch1!

  2. Happy Anniversary cetch1!

  3. cetch1

    Hi Everyone

    Hi Cathy, Thank you for sharing your story and what your situation is now. Although my mom has been living with me for 6 years, she was extremely independent until her stroke a week ago (she's 89) and I am just finding out what the future is for her and me. We have gone around the world birdwatching (and photographing) and I am very sad to think she may not be able to participate in the same way. I am lucky she has started to eat (ground foods) by herself, is able to speak (although sometimes searches for words) and is learning to walk again (in acute rehab). Her left arm is paralyzed so far (can raise it from the shoulder) and has 'left neglect' syndrome. I hope I can take care of her at home eventually (I work full time but work is 5 minutes away), have a sister about 30 minutes away that travels for work, a son who does not live at home who also works full time and another sister 3000 miles away so my support system is limited. I don't know if my Mom will be able to live alone without constant supervision; Before the stroke she had shingles one year and pneumonia another year and I was always on tap but not 24/7 that she might need now. I am trying to take things day by day, take advantage of the time I have for myself now that she is in rehab. You are fortunate that you have found a way to be home with your husband, your story is very courageous. Carol
  4. Welcome to the forums cetch1 :)