
Stroke Caregiver - female
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About rusty

  • Birthday 02/24/1960

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  1. Happy Anniversary rusty!

  2. My husband had a stroke may 10 2013, minor stroke, the day after rehab he started back drinking heavily I have stuck by him, he is unbearable at times, fortunately he was blessed and able to return to work within six months, I tell him all the time, how lucky he is. He cusses God all the time, whenever something don't go right. He is kind to everyone but me, snaps over nothing, if I try to have any conversation at all. I constantly walk on eggs, we have four dogs, and they run and hide when he starts his mouth. Also he moved to the spare bedroom, hurt my feelings, he runs me down all the time, I am very depressed, cause I thought this would wake him up. He drank bad before his stroke, and was mean and hateful to me. I don't know whether just leave, or what to do. Thanks for listening.
  3. Happy Anniversary rusty!

  4. Happy Birthday rusty!

  5. Welcome to the forums rusty :)

    1. rusty


      Thanks for inviting me, I haven't been on here much, my husband had a stroke may 2013 with no disabilitys, but he drinks heavy and very angry towards me. Just need someone to talk too.