
Stroke Caregiver - female
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About chowardsgal

  • Birthday 02/01/1959

Shared Information

  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • Stroke Anniversary (second stroke)
  • Interests
    Simple Living; Gardening; Permaculture (Perennial Edibles); Foraging; Fishing; Caring for the Love of My Life; Visits from Friends & Family; Minimizing effects from my Fibromyalgia & ADD; Trying to cook simple & healthy meals; Talking to and texting/fb time with our three wonderful adult children; Keeping up to date on the newest love of my life, our first GrandBaby Christopher, born on Jan 17, 2014. Doesn't live close by, but get lots & lots of great updates & pics from his Mom & Dad!
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  1. Welcome to the forums chowardsgal :)