
Stroke Caregiver - female
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  1. Welcome to the forums Cipeko :)

    1. Cipeko


      Thanks Smallory :) I am Cagin from Izmir, Turkey, caregiver for my grandma who had a stroke 6 days ago at the age of 83, leaving her with a right side paralysis :(( she is fighting :)) we will all fight!

    2. eddied8


      hello my name is Edward I read about your grandma I have had 2 strokes,I walk with a stick to help me get around I attend a day center 3 days a week its for adults I am new to all this internet because I am getting on a bit I am 62 years old I love football and follow Manchester united I just wanted some one to talk to on line best wishes to you and your grandma Edward I live in England. At this moment in time I am on a course learning IT at the digital den.