
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Entries posted by Brijay14

  1. Brijay14
    So I am a newbie to this site and to blogging in general. I want to take the time to introduce myself. I am probably one of the youngest ones on this site. I am 23 years old and a Stroke survivor. My story is unlike anyone else's I have ever heard of or that anyone that I know of has ever heard of. I survived a stroke at birth. Yes, you read that right, at BIRTH. I have overcome many hurdles and obstacles to get to where I am today. I have become a successful young woman today working in a career I love and devote my life to. I have accomplished goals I never thought I could accomplish in my life. I was able to graduate not only high school but college also where I earned my degree in Occupational Therapy. I struggled all my life when it came to academics. I have right hemiparesis, but nobody would know unless I told you my miracle story. My goal while being on this site is to provide support possibly to any parents out there going through what my parents did when I was a baby. Or to give support to anyone out there having difficulty with their own challenges or obstacles they may be suffering from. I wish everyone the best and I cant wait to hear everyone's remarkable story!
    Remember to always have Faith, Hope and Love in your life.
    God Bless!