
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by Brijay14

  1. You sound like a remarkable young woman and I am sure your parents are extremely proud of you. What a terrific attitude! I'd bet the ranch that you are an awesome occupational therapist. Congratulations on taking one of life's toughest blows, getting up and moving on. I admire that a whole lot.

    Thank you RonA. 

  2. Hi Brijay14  **hi** welcome to our wonderful site! My name is Yolanda; my granddaughter Tootie is a multiple stroke survivor (5 total); she is 11 years old.

    Hi Yolanda! Wonderful to meet you! :) I am so sorry that your granddaughter has had to go through that. I have a few questions for you and would like to chat with you. I am going to send you a private message. hope you dont mind! :) 

  3. You mentioned right hemiparesis but it is not noticeable, do you struggle with spasticity also. Just curious I suffer from left side hemiparesis. Again, welcome Kristen,39 years old, stroked 2 years ago.



    Yes, well I am unsure of how it would be if I was older and suffering from hemiparesis but mine is on my right side. I have decreased sensation on my hands and face specifically that I realize. I cant feel food on my right side of my face, i cant feel when my nose is running, When I hold my hands up and look at my left compared to my right, my right hand and fingers are bent backwards i guess you could say where my left hand is a typical as compared to most other individuals. I am left handed actually also. My fine motor skills for my right hand are very poor. I cant feel keys, money, coins, pens, pencils, silverware with my right hand. Those are just some things of probably many that I cant feel with my right hand. I have no spasticity from my stroke. IF you dont mind me asking what is your left hemiparesis like for you? 

  4. Thank you everyone and Great meeting all of you! Its great meeting and getting to know others out there who are individuals who are going through similar experiences. I look forward to getting to know you all and continuing to raise awareness and supporting each other!