
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by smarshall

  1. On 6/6/2018 at 1:15 PM, ksmith said:

    I had the same problem and I was given Trazadone for night time to sleep. With ADD , your mind can race and even without ADD , similar effects . Im sorry Keep s up t date


    Hi Kelli,

    I was given Trazadone too.  It worked well, but I couldn't continue. (Major brain fog the morning after. :#$%/!!:)  Hope you have a better experience!

  2. 11 hours ago, ksmith said:



    One way you can look at it is to  be proud for he is on call to help others......




    My 'gratitude chip' started working soon after I wrote the initial post.  As it turns out my ex and his family will be there, and even though I don't bare any ill feelings I look at not going as a plus.

  3. Hi there,

    Many years ago I went to a headache specialist; he had me keep a log/diary for about 3 months.  We looked at possible triggers, like food, weather, hormones, etc.  I also had to stop any and all caffeine.

    He put me on a couple of different meds from the 'triptan' family;  the medication was too $$ for me and didn't always work.

    Since hormones aren't a factor any longer, (menopause) I'm primarily bothered by impending bad weather, and have been waking with a headache now for years = sleep study.

    Much luck with getting to the bottom of your headaches, and I wish you well with your garden.  (I'm going to give it a go this year.)


  4. I think of how I was back in high school; usually I just wore jeans; no high heels or dresses for me.

    It's still funny to me that my best friend from that time was/is Coco Chanel and I'm LL Bean! (The older we get doesn't seem to make a difference)

  5. Thanks so much everyone!! I've turned a whopping negative, (In my eyes) to a positive, and have spent some time looking at very cute shorter hairstyles, and even have an appointment with my hairdresser. (The light at the end of the tunnel isn't a freight train after all!)



  6. I'm pretty tired of being medicated to deal with my anxiety also. I've been doing some reading on how to manage it without seeing a therapist - only because I can't afford one right now.

    What I see over and over - exercise, green tea, deep breathing, water intake, and diet modification. I think I'll give these a try; please let us know how you're doing!!



  7. My 2 cents :

    - As a stroke survivor, my daughter moved in with her dad when she was 15, and even though I loved her very much, my stress level decreased significantly. Stress for anyone isn't good; stress for a stroke survivor could be lethal.

    - Who is legally responsible for her?

    - I think she most definitely needs stability; being moved around can't be good.

    - Are you able to speak to her teachers, or guidance counselor? There must be child advocates who work for the state. Maybe there are some programs that she and your sister qualify for.

    - Does she do anything artistic? Would she benefit from volunteering at an animal shelter? I bet she needs to feel worthwhile, and by doing something she enjoys, and keeping busy, maybe it can help.

    Please remember that she'll most likely rebel regardless of what you do, and that once she's legally an adult, or maybe even before that - she'll be out on her own. Mike's staying put.

    I wish for you guys the best,
