
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by smarshall

  1. Happy Anniversary susanmarshall!

  2. From the album: misc.

    My son, his fiancé and their pooch!
  3. smarshall


    Miscellaneous pictures of family, friends.
  4. From the album: misc.

    A little humor...
  5. I had my hair cut today. The stylist told me that my hair was thinning on the paralyzed side, but the cut being layered would help. I've got some meditation music, an acquaintance to get me out of the house, and a different attitude. This time of life is looking good.
  6. smarshall


    I think of how I was back in high school; usually I just wore jeans; no high heels or dresses for me. It's still funny to me that my best friend from that time was/is Coco Chanel and I'm LL Bean! (The older we get doesn't seem to make a difference)
  7. smarshall


    Thanks so much everyone!! I've turned a whopping negative, (In my eyes) to a positive, and have spent some time looking at very cute shorter hairstyles, and even have an appointment with my hairdresser. (The light at the end of the tunnel isn't a freight train after all!) Susan
  8. smarshall


    Usually not an issue for me. I've recently realized that the rather large spot on my scalp where hair didn't grow back, (following the shaving for the ICP monitor) means that I can no longer have "longish", hair - it's lopsided. That side of my face is paralyzed and looks weird as it is. I'm thinking that after 18+ years of the post stroke life; now this? It bothers me that it bothers me. Susan
  9. Thank you so much Sally! Susan
  10. smarshall


    She's absolutely adorable!!
  11. smarshall


    From the album: misc.

  12. smarshall

    moving forward

    From the album: misc.

  13. From the album: misc.

    I think this is pretty.
  14. From the album: misc.

    My son and his girlfriend
  15. smarshall

    L & S

    From the album: misc.

    Lisa and Sebastian (My daughter & Grandson)
  16. Like medication, sometimes finding a "good fit" with a psychologist is trial and error. (Go with your gut.) (BTW, I bookmarked Jamie's information) Best wishes!! Susan
  17. I'm pretty tired of being medicated to deal with my anxiety also. I've been doing some reading on how to manage it without seeing a therapist - only because I can't afford one right now. What I see over and over - exercise, green tea, deep breathing, water intake, and diet modification. I think I'll give these a try; please let us know how you're doing!! Susan
  18. I know, I know... I feel like "caca" again today, and I'm just sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time! Have a headache - take a pill, motion sick - take a pill. I take enough meds on a daily basis - thanks. I was recently evaluated by my Neuro; had an MRI - "Nothing new" GREAT, SUPER - so what's the problem? Anxiety. Another pill and psychotherapy - which I can't afford. (I have health insurance too! ) I do deep breathing techniques, (Which help) and I'm open to suggestions.
  19. From the album: misc.

    This made me laugh! (It's soooooo me!!)
  20. From the album: misc.

    Going to pick out a pumpkin.
  21. From the album: misc.

    About a year ago we visited my mom in Florida. He was soon turning 4, and I hope he remembers how much fun he had at Disneyworld!
  22. smarshall


    From the album: misc.

    His very first preschool picture.
  23. smarshall

    My Mom

    From the album: misc.

    Taken in 2005 at my brother's "Iraq deployment" dinner. (Her smile belies what and how everybody was really feeling - sad and scared)