
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by smarshall

  1. From the album: misc.

    Boating summer 2012.
  2. From the album: misc.

    My daughter and grandson.
  3. smarshall

    Mom And Jimmy

    From the album: misc.

  4. smarshall


    From the album: misc.

    My stepdad. He was an absolutely amazing guy, and I miss him every day.
  5. smarshall

    My grandson

    From the album: misc.

    "I like paint!"
  6. From the album: misc.

    My son's girlfriend and her pooch.
  7. From the album: misc.

    My daughter and grandson apple picking.
  8. smarshall


    From the album: misc.

    Makes me smile!
  9. I usually feel my best in the morning; lately I've been more lightheaded than usual. (My hubby says it's because I'm blonde. ) I've had an MRI and an MRA - both "normal." So I've had to really sit down and prioritize my day. Lately it's been - do the dishes --> sit down, vacuum --> sit down, ad nauseum. Do I fix chicken soup, (I made the stock yesterday so most of the hard work is done.) or do I get my exercise in? I made the soup. I guess later if I feel better I'll hit my elliptical and try and burn some calories. Moral to my story? Don't push it; listen to my body; know when to say "when."
  10. Jamie, My heart goes out to ya! I've never has MRSA, but I have had staph. The MRSA alone would be a b*tch to deal with, and you have all that other medical BS. Happy to know the antibiotics are working! Hope you feel better soon! Susan
  11. Hey, You go on and babble any time you feel like it!! I learned from Asha just how therapeutic blogging or keeping a journal can be. I don't do it frequently enough; reading what I had written years ago though helps me realize just how far I've come. Susan
  12. Boy today started out rough. My vision took a hiatus for a couple of hours - double vision with one eye, go figure!! When increasing the font size on my PC didn't even work for me, I decided to make myself a cup of coffee and chill out on the couch. The TV was on, so I occasionally watched as a helium balloon carried some guy 120K + miles upward so he could break some record. (It was pretty impressive as anything concerning heights makes me ill.) Anyway... After a while I decided to try and look at some pictures of my kids and grandson. (A sure way to lighten my mood.) I came across this picture of my daughter and grandson which was taken while they were picking apples. (He's 4½)
  13. Thank you all so much for your responses. Being in denial about this isn't doing anything about it. It's time. Susan
  14. Up and coming holiday chaos!

  15. It occurred to me yesterday that when I get excited about something and speak - I may be speaking gibberish. I was visiting with my kids and mom yesterday, and the topic of politics came up. We're all pretty much in agreement, but I noticed that when I spoke, they all looked at me like I had two heads! Nobody said anything to me about it, but I remembered a conversation that I had with a friend over the phone, and she said, "Susan I didn't get any of that." I had to repeat myself. It would explain a great deal. If this was happening frequently though, it's really upsetting to think that I'm not making any sense to other people. I'm kind of afraid to ask them!!
  16. My 2 cents : - As a stroke survivor, my daughter moved in with her dad when she was 15, and even though I loved her very much, my stress level decreased significantly. Stress for anyone isn't good; stress for a stroke survivor could be lethal. - Who is legally responsible for her? - I think she most definitely needs stability; being moved around can't be good. - Are you able to speak to her teachers, or guidance counselor? There must be child advocates who work for the state. Maybe there are some programs that she and your sister qualify for. - Does she do anything artistic? Would she benefit from volunteering at an animal shelter? I bet she needs to feel worthwhile, and by doing something she enjoys, and keeping busy, maybe it can help. Please remember that she'll most likely rebel regardless of what you do, and that once she's legally an adult, or maybe even before that - she'll be out on her own. Mike's staying put. I wish for you guys the best, Susan
  17. Cat - that is just awesome! You sound so upbeat and positive; my heart is a smilin'!
  18. I would've thought that by this time in my recovery I wouldn't mess up the front of a top when I ate. Wrong! I made some homemade waffles this morning, and thought I had gotten away unscathed; nope! When I looked down at myself, remnants of maple syrup were all over. Oh well, at least the waffles were tasty!!
  19. I woke up this morning feeling okay, (No headache) I thought I'd get some exercise in. WRONG!! I had to stop the treadmill after only a few minutes because I felt lightheaded. (With just the warmup!! ) The non-hormonal me would probably have just taken it in stride, but not today I'm afraid I became really angry and annoyed at my body's limits, and frankly had a meltdown like a 2 yr old has a temper tantrum! I'm calmer now, yet still lightheaded, so I'm not going able to continue........#*%@!!. .
  20. I've only been up a few hours but I'm already dropping, spilling, breaking most everything I come into contact with! (Basically not being able to stay out of my own way!! ) Onward & upward!! :hehe:
  21. Chair yoga has been great for alleviating my low back pain. No new medication, no shots; it's fabulous!! I don't have to worry about my (lack of) balance either; being able to sit makes a huge difference!