
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by Mitch04

  1. I agree with always moving.  I walk at least 30 minutes each day, rain or shine, and do a series of daily stretching exercises.  I try to walk at least 7,500 steps each day.  And I agree with all the comments above. :-)


    Finally, yes....the brain is an odd-ball organ, and it WILL eventually...but ever so damn slowly....change its mind and start correcting itself or find a new way of doing something.

  2. Thanks, Yvonne and fking for yr comments.


    Yvonne, the two ex's sound class, no style, and no nothing....althnough Mia's does have plenty of money which he spends like confetti.  But ultimately he will have no happiness and will prolly end up like several of his  relatives...a sad and lonely alcoholic.


    I am tentative about my tentive exercise classes.  Melbolurne is a cioty of some 4 million, and doing battle morning and afternoon with its peak hour traffic, and attending three 5-6 hour sessions every Mon, Wed and Fri for five weeks hardly sounds like fun!

  3. My right hand has gone.  But I still use it when typing (it hits all the wronf keys and makes editing and checking a bif p[ain in the ass) but it cvomes in useful to hold and steady things...nlot that I can carry a cup of coffee or tea....that would really test it!  I haven't edit thjis comment as I wnant pplk to see what I mean abouit "hitting the mwrong keys". *LOL*

  4. I can remember when I first returned home after spending about 4 months in four different hospitals.....the second morning it was bright and sunny, so after showering and dressing, I sat outside in our small courtyard. I felt the sun on my back for the first time since my two triple bypasses and three strokes....and I felt like had won the lottery! I still love the feeling of having the sun warming my body as I sit outside.


    But I have also become a far more social person since my strokes. I enjoy being with other people unlike pre-stroke, when I was more of a private person.


    Family is also more important, especially now that Mia and the two grand children have been deserted by her rat-bag ex..being surrounded by Mia, Jack and Gus, and my son Nick, has assumed far greater importance than ever before.