
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by Mitch04

  1. I had my last treatment yesterday. Sadly, my health fund only pays 50%,for five treatments, and I have used it all. But I start with my Monash-Epworth research study on August 5, which will include physical exercise as well as mind games.


    And Jules has agreed to join with me in a local gym program called "Strength for Heart", which runs for 10 sessions over five weeks.


    So these two activities will take me through to perhaps late September. And in early November we have taken a punt on one of those internet things - Luxury Escapes ( - for a week at Palm Cove in FNQ. By the time we return we will be heading into Xmas and before you know it it will be 2016 and I can get the five sessions with the neurophysio again!


    So there. :-) Things are good, and I constantly marvel at the way I am able to make things to sort themselves out! As my wife says: "Johnno, the Committee of Ways and Means will see us through!"