
Stroke Survivor - male
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About Deigh

  • Birthday 10/31/1929

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • Interests
    Music, photography, campervanning, fishing, electronics, engineering
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  1. I have these too occasionally, they dont interfere with my vision and slowly get bigger till they disappear. I have never considered them to be a part of my stroke . Interestingly, since my stroke nearly ten years ago I have not had a headache and they were regular occurrences before! I have also lost the background Tinnitus problem, a curse to a serious musician. Since the stroke did serious damage to my musicianship it is a small consideration. Deigh Davies
  2. Does anyone know what has happened to Marcia Harms who used to be on the forum as NewLease? I've been in contact with her for some years exchanging E-mail but she has not replied to my last two messages and this is not like her. Deigh
  3. My wife used to have unexplained tumbles, perhaps you both have some sort of hidden illness. Her last major fall cause a broken hip and that was right in the middle of the Covid shutdown. I was unable to go with her to the hospital and it was five weeks before we met again since I was not allowed to visit. Recently we purchased an upright stepping machine and it lives in a corner of our living room. Using this for her exercise means that a tumble is done on carpet rather than concrete. Deigh
  4. Only trouble is that I have short attention span and I rarely see a session through! I link on to the morning meet and have my feet on a REVITIVE zapper that is timed for 30mins. At the same time my legs are strapped with a pressure sleeve that is also timed. Once these things have timed out I'm ready to move on to the next daily challenge which is a short walk around the shopping area.
  5. Missy has been getting the site fixed, it seemed to have fallen on hard times and few new visitors. With a bit of luck all will be better now and some newcomers will appear. I'm still using the chat part daily. Deigh
  6. She should be OK, had a message from her recently to say that they are doing a boat trip that stops in Auckland and wondered if we could meet. Deigh
  7. When I used to fish a lot wearing full body waders leg cramp was very common. There is no way you can quickly remove waders to massage the legs so I used to carry salt or iodine tablets. Sucking one of them would instantly unlock muscles. That might be trick you could try! In fact every fishermen carried them and would suck them occasionally throughout the day. It is common knowledge that perspiration takes salt out of the body and believe me if you fished in body waders when the sun came out you were soaked in sweat very quickly. Deigh
  8. Stiffness is a tricky thing to handle. My legs always feel stiff so have evolved an exercise routine to try and handle it. Every morning I do a floor exercise routine, getting to my feet again afterwards is not ot be filmed! Most mornings I am involved with the stroke chat forum so to avoid wasting this time my feet are on a REVITIVE device which sends mild electric shocks through my feet and legs. During this time both legs are wrapped in leggings that pump the muscles to encourage activity. Now, to be honest I'm not positive that all these things do me any good but I am still able to walk a fair distance every day and I'm not keen to experiment by dropping any of them. Regards Deigh
  9. I have probably explained it badly. Help to shower would be available for me if I asked for it but I'm still fully capable. Since we share the same flat any housework would benefit us both. I was joking about the washing up. I do it for my share of the work. Gardening is my choice. If I didnt cultivate the area out side our flat it would be taken care of by contractors who mow the grass strip and also the domain in front of us. House mainainance and painting are taken care of by the owners but they dont mind me looking after the bits that are mine as long as I dont change the colour! The plan is similar to the Aussie one that is designed to keep people out of care facilities by keeping them independent for as long as possible. I just had a government subsidy on my new hearing aids, which incidentally have rechargeable batteries that should last 6 years. Meaning that I'll have to buy new ones on my one hundredth birthday. Deigh
  10. I totally failed, cant find a means of application! Can anyone help me here? Deigh
  11. I thought I'd have a go at joining the forum as a new member using a spare name and address. I cant find out how to get started! Has anyone else tried this? Difficulty may show why we have few new members. Deigh
  12. That was tough for you and most uncomfortable. Trust nothing serious happened because of the fall. I have been fortunate that all the stumbles I've had I recovered quickly enough to not lose my balance and fall. I do floor exercises daily and getting back on my feet is not pretty to watch. So, when it was needed that I went down to ground in my den to do a wiring job full of confidence that I could regain my feet afterwards. My confidence was ill-founded as I found there was not enough room for me to turn to get my legs into the right position. I ended up slithering along the ground till I could get through the door into the sitting room. There at last was the amount of room needed to execute my three point balancing system. All this took the best part of an hour to do and I am fortunate that nobody videod me! Deigh
  13. Things are different here, Valerie has a lady come in every other day to help her shower and another who comes in midweek and does an hour's housework. With all these ladies you can imagine how much chat goes on between them and Valerie who could talk the leg off a donkey! Mind you we are a lot older than you and this would make a difference. Nobody comes in to help me wash the dishes or do the gardening! Life is a bit unfair! Deigh.
  14. Can you please tell me about 'A support worker' please. Is this a free service from the Austalian Health service, or do you pay for it? It sounds very interesting. Deigh
  15. No new ones for some time. Occasionally someone makes an attempt in the contact channel and I put a message on showing correct times but nothing happens. Not sure what can be done. 


    1. Madade


      Needs a host for the main site.  No one welcomes and helps anyone visiting the site.  Last joining member was LavillBix on September 2, 2023.