
Stroke Survivor - male
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About Deigh

  • Birthday 10/31/1929

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  1. a hand surgeon I met told me to hold a guitar i my lap and keep trying to get my left hand on it, the brain will take over.


    ive been trying, but the hand slips off mostly, still gotta keep trying.Ive got an offer from a band if I can get it going...

    1. Deigh


      I think you should hold your hand on your hand surgeon and see your brain makes your hand slap him around the head!


    2. alansd


      He's quite a fine dr.  To many athletes and musicians but the answer is further out for me, my hand just slips offvthe neck...very frustrating..will I ever play again? Still think so....

    3. Deigh


      I apologise for my reply, I should expect with the amount of effort you are putting in, you should play again but we have different problems, My left hand was still able to do most of the things it did before except for a 10% loss of strength and that meant that getting the right hand to hold a plectrum was the major concern for me.


      I've oversimplified that a bit, building up the strength is only part of the problem, the rest is re-learning how to get  it to do what is expected of it. But the point I'm making is that the left hand is the most important part of guitar playing, I've met a muso who could strum with just a stump instead of a right  hand.

      Keep at it.
