
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by SweetMom

  1. Thank y'all. Some people tell me to just get over it. Yea right. Gladly. Thank you RonA from a caregivers point of view. my husband (my caregiver) is the one who told me that. He was mad and said he wanted HIS life back. He didn't sign up for this. But I told him he didn't have a choice. RonA, You are a god send to your wife. Most men don't make good caregivers and my husband is in that category. Now, I feel like he is caring for me out of guilt, not love. 

  2. Ya know a stroke doesn't make you're stupid or dumb (altho I feel that way sometimes). The smarts are there, its just harder to get them outta your head. We need a country song about that. LOL Ya know it would benefit all stroke survivors if insurance would pay for group sessions. I know if I had an hour in a group session, maybe I wouldn't have such social problems. 

  3. The last 2 years that I worked, I worked as a waitress in a tourist town in the mountains. My goal each day was to make some kind of difference in someone else life. Most days I made a positive difference, but some people just prevent the positive, but I did make a difference. LOL. After my strokes, I still want to make a difference in someone else life, but everything is limited now. It seems harder now. But I'm still trying.


