
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Entries posted by 25March2015

  1. 25March2015
    This is my first time ever Blogging! So here goes! On March 25,2015, my life changed because of my stroke. My right side was affected. I have the movement back , Thank God! It took a lot of hard work on my part. My body has gone through so many changes. I have bladder problems and bowel problems, worst than before. I am so very Grateful be be alive, Truly I am but I have to admit I really do miss my old life! I am unable to return to work because it is a stressful, turns out it was a part of what gave a stroke. I have shed so many tears in my steps to recovery but still I have more to shed it would seem. I feel so bad for my Husband , he is my rock for support! I am very lucky to have recovered so fast and most importantly to be here! Still my mind won't shut off with all the thoughts and longing for my family who live so far away from me....I have to constantly remind myself my life isn't over just on hold! My Life isn't Over It's Just On Hold! Thanks for letting me vent! I would love some input on to what to expect next on my road to recovery!