
Stroke Caregiver - male
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Everything posted by Richkelly1

  1. Happy Anniversary Richkelly1!

  2. Richkelly1


    Yes sandy caregiver , He does not suffer any physical problems, which I'm thankful for, but does suffer short term memory loss, cognitive impairment, and thinking issues
  3. Richkelly1


    Thank you so much ethyl17, for sharing your story and for giving me some advise, it's nice to Know that I'm not the only one going through this, I will keep posting and giving updates, take care!
  4. Richkelly1


    Thanks for the encouraging words and advise. My husband is only 41, so this came as a total shock to us, but thank the good lord above that he felt it wasn't his time yet to leave us. I've started a routine for the daytime, but sometimes it's so hard to stick to the schedule, and I recently went back to working 4 hrs a nite, which I normally work during the day, so it's a new thing again for him, his family has been sitting with him while I'm gone, they have been so supportive. I do try to let him do everything for himself, which he can for the most part. I'm sorry that you had to retire from the job that you loved, but someone had other plans for you! It's nice to have web sites that I can hear other survivors stories and advise, again thanks so much! Take care. Kelly.
  5. Richkelly1


    my husband recently had a right thamalic hemorrhage stoke( about 2 months ago) , this was due because of prolong high blood pressure that we were unaware of. 3 weeks ago he was discharged from the hospital and now he is recovering at home with outpatient therapy 2 days a week . He suffers from short term memory loss, vision problems, and cognitive impairment. I was wondering as a caretaker if there are any suggestions that I could do to help him, and was wondering if this will get better?