
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by heathber

  1. Hugs Sue!  Tough times. But knowing first hand how stroke impacts, you already know it's worth taking the risk on the aneurysm surgery. Fingers crossed whenever I can spare them and non faith based prayers for you to find the strength you need for this.

    love and more hugs


  2. Hi Asha, the main thing is you are out there trying. Yes there's a reason you are no longer in the paid workforce. But despite that you are willing to give it a go. Sometimes writing down the steps as you think of them helps, main thing is don't let it get you down. The more you practice the sooner your brain will rewire for the skill you are trying to get back, but in the process there will of course be times things don't work (probably most times).


    Keep trying!


  3. Very true Tracy, And we have Autumn not Fall as here only the imported trees are deciduous our winters are not usually cold enough that the trees need to "hibernate".  Right now it is Summer and I'm living at our family "cabin/holiday house" up in the hills outside Melbourne.  Thankfully no drought here like there is further north.  But I do have to watch the fire weather warnings and be ready to scamper back to town if it gets too hot and windy.  So far the nights have been coldish (5-15 C)(~40-65 F) but the days 25 (that's 80 in your crazy numbers) and up, we had one stinker with a hot north wind and max temp of 43 (~110) So mostly it's been very pleasant although you don't want to be outside between 2 and 5pm the UV is at extreme and sunburn is a given, and if there's a cool breeze or it's overcast you get caught so quickly.

  4. Tracy another friend here saying It was not and is not your fault or your responsibility. You are in no way responsible for how your birth mother felt long term about her decision about you.  And if a funeral happens while you are out of town then again that's not your responsibility or even in your control.  Life happens and you do not need to take on their guilt or discomfort about ancient history that cannot be changed.

    Yesterday is done and you don't get a do over so face forward and take the next step.

    Living alone is both scary and rewarding. You and kitty are going to have a blast, and yes there will not be a lot of spare cash for treats but living your own life your way is a treat of a different sort.


    Here's to a fabjoyous 2019 for everyone.

  5. So pleased for you Tracy.  It's a huge step forward. Other people can't read your mind! and allowing yourself to ask for help is not an imposition on others. I wish I could get my Mum to realise that! She is going blind (macular degeneration) and still won't ask for help when she needs it. I thought I was bad on that one but it turns out I'm only a minnow compared to her.

  6. Well done you! that lifting rule is so easy to forget if you aren't lifting regularly, look after yourself. It is sad that she didn't make it, but you all did your best and if it was her time it was her time.


    I am so glad that your confidence has been boosted rather than sapped as it easily could have been by an event like this.

  7. All perfectly understandable though. Your step mom shows all the indications of pathological hoarding so she isn't going to throw anything away as she feels that the memories are the things. She will need to want to change and get psychological help before anything does change so yes "let it go" is your only hope.  She doesn't really want you to touch anything or to "help" so hopefully your can move out soon and leave her to it.


    Fingers crossed for the disability hearing