
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by heathber

  1. heathber


  2. Hugs and "Breathe". you can do this. -H
  3. heathber

    Keeping Busy

    Good to hear you are adjusting even if it's crazy making at times. Good luck with the painting. And having the furkids to look after helps. Hugs -Heather
  4. heathber

    Memory Lane

    That was a stunning show! I remember getting wet as we had seats near the front and one of the routines they danced in a shallow trough of water. I think I might have had that dress too🀣 Yes the past is gone so you might as well remember and laugh.
  5. Hi Asha and Sue, the not labeling events as good or bad is a big one. I had a training course at work last year that was focused on adapting to the exponential change that we all live with these days. Their way of explaining it was look at conditions as what is, try not to assign values (e.g. good or bad) to them. When adapting to change it helps to list the conditions so you can understand what the variables are, but once you do that remember the condition is what is, it's only "good" or "bad" once you attach results to it and what is good for you is probably bad for someone else. A condition may lead to either a risk or an opportunity. You will be more open to it being an opportunity if you don't assign a value to it before you look at all the variables, Also a Risk is really an opportunity for change, especially if you can see it before it happens and be ahead of it. Conditions that have more risks are not necessarily a "bad" outcome.
  6. heathber

    New Mexico

    Good luckπŸ˜‡
  7. heathber

    New Mexico

    Absolutely Janelle, just make sure when you "break the rules" that it was "worth it" i.e. savour the moment and enjoy every bite. Guilt is not productive. Life has to go on so you say that was fun/nice and now it's done.
  8. heathber

    New Mexico

    HI Kev sounds like a brilliant trip. And yes eating out will get you every time. But on the bright side usually coming back to "normal" eating should be enough to get it off again.
  9. heathber

    BP tracking

    haha Janelle - Geek central sorry.
  10. heathber

    BP tracking

    I think x axis must be date. and 2 points per day/morning diastolic and systolic pressure. It will be interesting to see how it clusters over more time. Maybe also record a "headiness" score for each day and see if there's any correlation, give yourself a rating from 1 to 5 as there's no objective data to track.
  11. heathber

    Heavy Heart

    So sad for you, but possibly a blessing for him. Hugs for you and your family. Hang in there and look after yourself.
  12. heathber

    A New Year

    Good plan Kev! That so slow progress can be hard to come to grips with. Goals are good but don't beat yourself up if/when you miss a day. The aim is to create a habit which takes time so maybe start with micro habits at first that will lead up to your big goals. Its the new big thing I heard someone discussing this on the morning radio the other day
  13. Oh Pam hugs, you can do this! My Aunt once fell and broke her back on Christmas day. Once she was stable we all gave he heaps for upstaging everyone at Christmas, and having to be the center of attention. She was in hospital after that one for a couple of months. But you have to laugh at these things! I'm so glad you were with your son when this happened and he was able to take you to the emergency room so quickly. Fingers crossed you recover quickly and life can return to "normal"
  14. heathber


  15. muscle contracture is very common after stroke because that is the "safety" position of muscles with bad nerve connection. I see my neuro physio regularly mostly so that he can release the muscles that have gone into protection mode. It's important to keep stretching so that muscles do not actually shorten. Even with the work of the neuro physio I ended up having muscle lengthening surgery to left quad and calf.
  16. heathber


    you have to laugh Kelli, dad joke or not
  17. That's a great idea thanks George. Will add it to my list of possibles
  18. George that is great. And music is all about logic and math don't sell yourself short. Do some reading on harmonics and scales and chord construction, then train your ear to guide you, if you had no exposure to playing music as a child your brain may not go there at first. But if you have some rhythm sense and a head for maths music should come relatively easily. I found scales and chords made much more sense once I understood the math behind it. I'm still looking for an instrument that doesn't need a left hand and is relatively portable. A friend suggested harmonica, but it just doesn't appeal to me. There'll be something but I haven't found it yet. I'll have to investigate properly once I retire, but there's no rush right now. Enjoy your Dulcimer! Heather
  19. yep being on the floor unexpectedly is common during stroke rehab, why do you think our therapist hover so much πŸ™‚ But it is scary and you need skills to deal with it. Make sure you talk to your PT about learning fall recovery and getting yourself up after. Fainting can have many triggers in stroke people not just your diabetes medication. e.g. I have to be very careful not to let my blood pressure or blood volume drop, because I'm missing a brain feeder artery now. I guess I'm saying talk to your doctor and make sure you understand why it happened, and you may need to monitor your blood sugar more often when you are changing meds until you get a routine going and understand the new pattern. long acting drugs are great once you are setup on them, but can be erratic while you are adjusting to new conditions. Take care and good luck! -Heather
  20. Hi Kev, I was a Scuba addict. Wreck/Tech diver qualified to 55m and working on my trimix certification for 60m+, when I had the stroke. So I wasn't going to give up easily. I stroked after a bend, diving WWII wrecks in Scapa Flow (Scotland). Stroke was triggered by physical exertion not the bend. But it meant post stroke investigation was about why the bend as well as why the stroke. turned out I have a high tendency to pleuro shunt, which allows return of unfiltered venous blood to the heart and hence N2 bubbles into the brain. adding that to existing stroke brain damage is a recipe for disaster even though physically I can manage the diving. There's a great group called Disabled Divers Association who helped me get my skills back in the pool. Hence my suggestion to Will that he look at adaptions for skiing.
  21. yep I had that talk with the heart Doc about my scuba diving after the stroke. I did go back to diving a little bit, but once we understood more about my physiological issues, I decided it was too much of a risk and let it go. but not before I'd done enough to prove to myself that I could if I wanted to.
  22. stairs can suck but they are worth persevering with.
  23. I used a harness like that on a treadmill at one point. doesn't matter how we get there so long as we do.