
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by heathber

  1. Hi Fred,

    Hang in there and remember use it or lose it.  While rest and pacing yourself is vital, you also need to keep using what you have, try not to depend too much on the assists.  Try to do a little bit each day and ask for a new PT assessment and exercise program.  It sounds like the steps at church would make a really good goal to keep you motivated.  I'm sure there are people at the church who could park your car for you and who would help you up those steps.  Take it slowly for a while, but don't stop completely please.


    Hugs ((()))

    Happy Christmas

    Bless you


  2. Yes Jay these little things make all the difference to your day.  I just wish our supermarket would get more of the smaller size trolleys.  I had a trip very like your last year one to do my weekly shop yesterday (no thanksgiving here, but they have put out all the extra Christmas stuff in the aisles  which makes the navigation harder.)  The small trolleys were all MIA so I had to use one of the big family trolleys and it had a mind of it's own.  As I only use one hand to push with a wonky trolley is a nightmare.


  3. It's such a great feeling when you can do fun things as part of your therapy. Pushing your limits will hurt a bit sometimes, but you have to push to improve.  It's about doing the risk benefit analysis, and so long as the pain and dizzy's pass within a reasonable time frame it was worth it.  Especially if you had fun playing ball/baloon games.  My trainers do that with me too, we'll have a session that on the surface looks simple, but I come out of it exhausted.

  4. Oh Mitch, I know that stiff arm walk syndrome so well.  When the arm and shoulder aren't behaving all the torso muscles tighten up too with trying to stabilize it so your whole walking and balance get stuffed too, as the stiff torso restricts the hip movement.  I find a heat pack on my side,under the arm is a great help, along with regular torso massage and stretching( yoga).  The best answer for me is to botox the arm, but it wears off so fast. 


    Good luck with it  One thing that stroke makes so obvious "Everything's connected"

  5. Sometimes we don't want help but we do want our frustrations acknowledged.  I had to learn to say that out loud as appropriate. or people go into problem solving mode when that isn't really the issue.  So now I tend to say" I'm just venting, I don't expect anyone to fix it, but I do need someone to hear me."  Maybe you could try prompting that way when something is "wrong" for her.




  6. Hi Pam,  Hang in there.  Forgiving is hard.  But you are correct you need to learn to let it go or at least pick your battles.  Some things are worth fighting for, like the feeding of the lady who can't/won't eat,  but some things will take more energy than you can spare from your limited store.  So follow up on the fights you have a chance of winning or that involve higher principles and learn to let the others go through to the keeper. The phrase that got me through the rehab hospital was "don't sweat the small stuff", and that was hard enough when I knew I was going home in a few months.  It must be so much harder for you.


    Love and Hugs


  7. I have a great team of trainers and therapists who don't panic when I do something silly.  My physio encourages risk taking within reason, such a nice change from hospital therapists who are so risk averse that they don't let you try anything new.


    He's all for finding out what your current limits are and he stresses "current" when he says this.  My trainers are similar and while they like to be there to catch me when something goes wrong, they also understand that the only way to improve is to keep pushing limits.  So I push and they pick up the pieces afterwards. :)


    Sue Sorry but I always overdo it eventually.  I am however always aware of the consequences and have a planB ready for that.