
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by heathber

  1. Be a bit careful Mitch.  That's a pretty tough program with minimal recovery time.  I hope you are keeping a fatigue diary as well to discuss with your physio.  It sounds like they don't yet get the inpact stroke can have on your physical stamina, and ability to increase muscle use, where's your plateau/consolidation periods in this training plan?  I've just been through this the hard way, so if you can do it great and I'll see you at Hanging rock on the 20th.  That's my current training goal.


  2. Hey Mitch, none so blind as them that will not see.  You're not alone in not being able to see the obvious until someone outside tells you.  I'm sure Jules is enjoying her giggle at your expense.


    Can't wait to hear what your phsio has planned for you.  Just don't try to make haste too quickly.  I'm currently saying very rude words to myself because I stuffed it up.  I was doing heaps more and getting away with it so I kept on adding, I forgot (again) that I can't do what I used to.  So the exercise ramp up was the same as what i'd have done pre stroke, as was the recovery plateau timing and length.  So I triggered cumulative fatigue that has set me backwards, 2 weeks extra recovery level training.  I saw the nutritionist again last night and he was able to give me the numbers that prove I pushed too far,  my muscle quality measure had dropped off, even though my fat% is still going down.  I'd been gaining muscle quality in the 3 months prior, and feeling really good about what I could do.  But this month I got the reality check, and it's hard. 
