
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by heathber

  1. Love that photo Mark, He looks like a real charmer, no wonder you miss him.

    Janelle for your Riley I guess it's like training about going in the car or for any sort of walk. Maybe start with putting her lead on as if going for an ordinary walk and then letting her ride with you when she gets tired, but she's not allowed on Henry except when she has her lead on.  She'll work it out quick enough.  Lead on She can come with you. lead off shes not allowed on Henry.  Just like she doesn't leave the yard without her lead on. But I guess it also depends on what rules she already knows.  Will be harder if you've been spoiling her 🙂


  2. Nothing like that love is there. A pity she couldn't go to the doctors with you.  Just had a thought about your exercise goal and using your legs more. Maybe Riley can ride on Henry with you to the park and then you can both have a play/walk and ride home. Good for both of you. But it will make it harder to stop her coming with you to the appointments she mustn't go to.

  3. Janelle maybe start with a window box in your kitchen, for things like cherry tomatoes, lettuce and herbs. Things that you can see everyday and snack from. Window boxes also mean no heavy digging or bending to physically challenge you.  I have a cat who eats plants so I don't do it myself, but occasionally I think about it. Another easy one to grow close to the house is strawberries in a hanging basket.

  4. Sue my mum now has a face shield for when she goes somewhere a mask is actually necessary, as well as a letter from her doctor that exempts her from wearing a face cover under the rules. She has a form of COPD so even a simple cloth mask restricts her air flow enough to cause problems.  But she is pretty much not going out. even though risk should be low in her area.


    Tracy yes I too enjoy the "anonymity" of wearing a mask. I'm not sure if I'll feel the same by Summer, but right now when it's cold out, I like that the mask keeps your nose warm when out for daily permitted exercise.

  5. Kittens will be kittens unfortunately, they get into all sorts of places you thought were out of reach. I know you and Kitty will both miss her when she goes but it will give her a better life.

    Stroke is one time where stubborn is a trait in your favour. Plenty of times I've had to recruit the inner stubborn since I stroked. You go girl and remember we love you and support you.💙

  6. It's scary if you let it be. You need to take care of you and those close to you but still remember there are many many things we have no control over at all, so pick your battles, do what's right for you and try not to worry about what you can't control.

    I'm not saying this is nice or easy, hang in there HUGS


  7. yep long car trips are hard. My physio said to make sure you stop every hour and walk at least three laps around the car before you head off again. It does help a lot. That bum cheek gets me even from my ergonomic office chair too if I don't get up regularly enough.

  8. 22 hours ago, HostTracy said:

    I'm not sure if that is humerus or not. 😅 I tried. 

    An oldie but a goodie, nothing beats a good "Dad Joke"

    Just keep on keeping on and doing your best to be your best. Trying gets "trying". As in when I used to moan to my Mum "I'm trying" when I was not doing well at something and she would reply "very!"

    I vote for doing, overall it's better for your mental health.

    Hugs to all


  9. yep getting the car back is a huge step and feels wonderful. yes take it slow and get the lessons. Depending on where you live there may be legal requirements to getting back on the road too. Certainly here, I had to get sign off from doctor and optometrist and then convince a specialist driving OT that I was safe on the road to get my licence back (they are cancelled here once you have a brain injury). OT will also prescribe any necessary vehicle modifications.


  10. Asha you are not a loser, you are an imperfect human person just like the rest of us.  Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet. You can't undo the past, but you can acknowledge your mistakes and try not to repeat them. Say sorry to hubby and the family God and you will feel better.  Then pick up from now and do your best, that's all any of us can do. Beating yourself up for the past only makes you feel bad, it doesn't change anything.  Live your best life now and work for a better tomorrow and it will happen. Maybe not the way you wanted or planned, life is change, but that doesn't mean you don't work towards what you want.

  11. Sounds like a good priest.


    Glad to hear all clear on those results.  The waiting is the worst part. No matter how much you tell yourself "it's not worth worrying, cross that bridge when you get there" it's so hard to take your own advice.

    Let's not be "interesting" for a while!!
