
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by mish1228

  1. Hi guys, my memory is so bad i totally  forgot about this site(sorry) it was by accident i re-found you guys! well hope everyone well, i'm now battling how to start dating again just turn 49yrs and it's pretty lonely i mean i have my kids but would love to be in a relationship again. but enough about me how are you guys

    1. ksmith


      I am also looking to date but I don't want to go through the 'explaining' my situation. I mean there are many things I still can't do ( vestibular issues) .. so right now I am just doing me 🙂

  2. Happy Anniversary mish1228!

  3. Don't take Xarelto i just got out the hospital, bleeding i had to have 4 bags of blood!!! Thank God for my kids they found me passed out
  4. From the album: My World!!!

    My son who stop whatever he's doing to Help his mama!!! 18yrs old
  5. mish1228

    My World!!!

    Me in my new journey living as a Stoke Survivor, with family and friends
  6. From the album: My World!!!

    Me finally "A Smile"
  7. From the album: My World!!!

    family visiting. my brother and his family came from Fort Lauderdale
  8. From the album: My World!!!

    Me at the hospital after first Stroke about 2months later
  9. From the album: My World!!!

    Mom who was at the hospital everyday when i had my first stroke!!! she feed me, bathe me, and made my bed everyday!!! She came all the way from Montreal Canada... Thanks Mom
  10. From the album: My World!!!

    Mom and daughter(one of my Rocks)
  11. mish1228


    From the album: My World!!!

  12. mish1228

    IMG 8715

    From the album: My World!!!

  13. mish1228


    From the album: My World!!!

    Sibling Love!!
  14. mish1228

    IMG 9708

    From the album: My World!!!

    Me and My Kids!!! My biggest supporters!!!
  15. Enjoy The Little Things :)

  16. How long does administrator takes to validate your account

  17. Hello 'Newbie' In The House