
Stroke Survivor - female
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About GreenQueen

  • Birthday 08/12/1972

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  • Stroke Network Email

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  • Stroke Anniversary (second stroke)
  • Interests
    Family time, scrapbooking, reading
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    Western Australia

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  1. Hi Deigh I guess the cost is covered by being disabled!! Up to age 65, there's NDIS, and support worker's hour's can be built into the plan. This is a free service, providing it's built in to your NDIS plan. Organising a plan can be very daunting and traumatic, but once on place, definitely worth it. It's government funded and as per usual the brakes have been put on by the government as to what's allowed. Over 65 have My Aged Care. As far as I can tell, it's NDIS for the elderly. That's a bit tricky as well. My dad is on the aged care plan, but my mum is not. He can't get help with cleaning etc because she's there to help. If she wasn't so stubborn and went onto a plan, they'd get cleaners. Typical mixed up system. 💚👑
  2. Yes. A support worker was definitely the answer. Her name is Jackie and she's amazing! She doesn't say things like: wouldn't it be better if... She does it my way, without comment or question. I know if I ask her opinion, she has great ideas or suggestions, but doesn't get upset if we then streamline her idea and mine. Best thing I've done. 💚👑
  3. So true Deigh! 🤣🤣🤣
  4. My chair has finally been approved by ndis. They wanted my left lung! The amount of paperwork was ridiculous, as it was well over the $1500 spending limit. My OT got it over the line! One more week and it will be here! The cats don't sit on my chair, Heather, but Riley does. She actually sits between my knees and rests her head on my bad leg. When it spasms, she sleeps through it! Wish I could!! 💚👑
  5. GreenQueen

    Hearing Aids

    There's an upside and downside to hearing aids: Upside: you can hear everything that's being said Downside: you can hear everything that's being said 💚🕊
  6. Once we start counting blessings Sue, they are everywhere. 💚🕊
  7. I have a high toilet in my ensuite with a bidet. Absolutely love the height, I really don't need the grab rail now. Leaving it there, because one day it might be needed. When I have to go, and I'm closer to the kids toilet, or Wayne is on nights and sleeping, I'll use that toilet. Trouble is, now I have a high toilet, it's so low! Like, really low!! Anyway I have a grab rail to put in that toilet, but if you've read my other post, I really don't know how long it will take! So, I'm thinking about getting a raised toilet seat. Does anyone have one? Thought? 💚👑
  8. Excellent! Glad it was sorted quickly for you, and at the right price!! 💚👑
  9. Sue, the eternal "what if"... Life certainly throws spanners in the works! I have three other people in the house, so it's not lonely, but I love my alone time at home. I don't have to leave the house until Monday to do the food shopping. So that's four days of bliss in the environment where I cope best. Not sure if I'm going to like being an empty nester. Glad the podiatrist was on to it about your leg. Hopefully you'll have things sorted by the time summer hits. It's already hit here, during the day at least. Oh, I love your family photos! 💚👑
  10. Oh Deigh that's not good! Technology is great when it works! Did they manage to get it fixed? 💚👑
  11. I'm reading another "body in the..." book. I think it's body in the snow. Mark I've just watched a doco called The Innocent Man. John Grisham wrote a book about it, I read it yesrs ago. The doco was really good. Been watching so much European tv lately, haven't read much at all. 💚👑
  12. GreenQueen

    Hearing Aids

    Deigh I'm so glad you gave in and have hearing aids! Will certainly make a difference with day to day activities! Hearing aids have come a long way. The Bluetooth is a weird one. We'll be driving along and wayne will start talking to someone, through his hearing aids! Hope you get used to them soon 💚👑
  13. Pam I'm so very sad to read about your health issues, your daughter and now all this upheaval in your living arrangements! So unfair! Not sure why the owners would think a clinical environment is a good idea! Hopefully with so many staff changes, they will get the idea and sort things out 💚👑
  14. Carers, you might not like to read this. I have a healthy husband, and two healthy young adult children. We all share a house. I'm pretty self sufficient, but there's definitely things I physically cannot do. There's also time when fatigue takes over. There goes my self sufficiency. The two sentences that I absolutely cannot handle: 1. I was about to do that, 2. I was gonna do that. Right. Always said when I've given up waiting, and tackle things myself. And I am not great at it, or exhausted, but do it anyway. This putting stuff off until I have had a gutful really wears me down. I try my hardest to not ask for help, because all I get is 'in a minute,' then all it seems I do for the next few days is nag about it. When I say I'll get someone in to do things for me, I get told I'm impatient. I need a break from my life. 😪😪 💚👑