
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by GreenQueen

  1. Thanks Asha! It was really great, and we were reminded of how many wonderful friends we have. 💚👑
  2. We did Sue. As Wayne doesn't really have a good relationship with his mum, we wanted it to be special. Totally exhausted Heather, but the fun was definitely worth it! 💚👑
  3. My amazing husband is now 50! My next blog entry will tell you more about the market day. Back to Wayne. We went out for tea to our favourite pub with my parents and Wayne's mum and our kids. It was a really good night. A few days later, we went to Perth for four days. We did a few things, like shopping and appointments. We also caught up with our Perth friends for Wayne's birthday. There were 14 of us for lunch. It was really great, except walking from the restaurant back to the hotel we were caught in the rain! The hotel was amazing. We got the most amazing deal in a five star joint. A real luxury. Back home we organised a party for 28 people at home. We had the party catered, but there was lots of organisation to do, from invitations to organising the food and hiring tables and chairs, and the music playlist!! Then tidying up! It was totally exhausting, but he's totally worth it!! 💚👑
  4. Sue, covid be damned. I just want to hug you! Thank you for sharing your story. Your brother is amazing. I don't have the right words sorry, I know this isn't right...but I enjoyed reading your story. I now know you so much better, my beautiful friend. 💚👑
  5. You, my lovely, are loved and valued, comments or not. Thank you for having the guts to be open and honest with us. That says so much about your beautiful nature. 💚👑
  6. All the best Alan. You are in my prayers. 💚👑
  7. GreenQueen

    Time flows

    Sue there's two words from a poem; I can't remember who wrote it, nor any other words: Live deliberately I am pretty sure that's exactly what you have done. 💚👑
  8. Pam! Hello!! So lovely to hear from you!! I cannot believe they felt it was ok to call your stroke a TIA!! Yes, I would be very annoyed by that and demand the record be changed! You are quite right in doing so. So glad you are enjoying the gaming, and a new phone! That will make things easier! Take care 💚👑
  9. Heather I find that too. A lot of people say they don't notice I don't use my arm. Very weird, as I feel it's very noticeable. The joys of seeing it from the outside, I guess. Are you enjoying your new freedom? 💚👑
  10. Paul day by day is a great achievement. Hopefully the issues caused by covid19 can be resolved. 💚👑
  11. So True!! But yes...they really don't care! 💚👑
  12. That's an interesting point, Deigh. I didn't think of it from that angle. 💚👑
  13. I joined a pommie site once. Very very confusing! And not as friendly as this one! 💚👑
  14. Onward and upward indeed. James, you are so right. Being thankful for the new me is very important. The new me is a lot more spiritual, which I'm extremely thankful for. 💚👑
  15. Asha, that's so inspiring. You are amazing. 💚👑
  16. Sue, you are amazing. What a wonderful, caring mother you are. I hope the leg is on the improve. 💚👑
  17. James, repeat after me: I will not compare my stroke deficits to others. I will not belittle my deficits and move on. live your life, not someone else's. We don't live your life. Please, every feeling you have is warranted. Every vent, warranted. Please, do work on your speech. Not to make it better for others, but to make it better for you. Anyone messes with you when you are talking, remember they are showing what kind of person they are. I got you. 💚👑
  18. Excellent, Paul. Visual reminders are great. 💚👑
  19. GreenQueen

    British Breakfast

    Happy birthday to you Kev! We quite often have breakfast for tea, as it's yum! The view is spectacular! 💚👑
  20. Paul, I no longer tell my kids stories of the ' olden days'. Such a shame, as it's the best way of keeping family alive. Times have certainly changed 💚👑
  21. Mark, wow. That sounds quite frightening. Mine is annoying, sometimes painful, but never across my chest. Take care. 💚👑
  22. Exactly Heather. Prices for travel will be very interesting. I really want to visit Napier in deigh's next of the woods. Hopefully because it's in the bubble it won't be too bad... 💚👑
  23. GreenQueen

    Winter is here!

    Awesome Kev! Safe cat and great leg control! 💚👑
  24. Yes, she, I know the ones you mean. On Christmas day, we may play a couple of religious carols, but definitely none that have been doing the rounds since November! 💚👑