
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by GreenQueen

  1. GreenQueen


    Exactly! Same storm, different boats! I'll have to try the walking around the car thing Heather. Sounds good. 💚👑
  2. Tracy...steroids? I really hope you are ok and that the steroids do the trick. 💚👑
  3. You're welcome, Carrie. And yes, it's very fulfilling, understanding someone, 'getting it'. You, dear lady, will totally rock at supporting people. 💚👑
  4. Tracy letting Bella live a different life shows what a kind and generous heart you have. Knowing and accepting she needs a different family is awesome. I think Kitty will be happier too. The Wise Woman in you is very wise indeed! 💚👑
  5. my brother is in Mudgee and wants to visit; my mum can feel your pain. I tease my brother and say we don't want him, but the truth is I'd love to see him. This has to end...right? I hope you can visit him too. I shocked my niece today for I didn't go up to her for a hug. I told her I love her but I don't know where she's been. lol
  6. Kev I so want to be your neighbour and be in that garden! We tried a veggie garden. Not too successful as the kids lost interest and Wayne is just too busy. I may have to give it another go, but be a little more realistic as to what we grow. Keep up the updates. 💚👑
  7. Hey Sue. Big hugs. Being out of your normal routine cannot be easy, hopefully the onset of spring will make things better for you. 💚👑
  8. Carrie I think most of us have got you with this one. So very very hard. It's definitely one that gets easier with time. Also I say this to everyone: Do what gets you through. When you are ready, you'll change your habit. This could be medication, counselling, asking for help. I started listening to my own advice when I had kids. Everyone was like, don't nurse your baby to sleep, you'll make a rod for your own back. Well I decided you can't spoil a baby with love, so I did things that I could handle, like nursing my babies to sleep. When I was ready to not do that, I dealt with it. Which is my point. YOU have to be ok with dealing with stuff. No time frame except for the one you make. 💚👑
  9. GreenQueen


    Willis, amen to that. The level of comfort required is a very hard one to explain. We've been to Perth recently. 4.5 hours in the car there, two days driving around doing stuff, 4.5 hours in the car coming home. The muscles in my right bum cheek are still screaming at me. I have physio next week; I'm hoping she'll get me sorted. 💚👑
  10. GreenQueen


    Willis. I'm really trying to run with this kind of thought: I cannot help people's feelings about situations. They may be disappointed I don't attend certain things etc. Not my problem. The other thing. They've all got two feet and a heart beat. Why couldn't they come in and sit down and be with you? Instead of making you do all the work. I'm gonna say it again. YOU are NOT disappointing. Any one of the fam bam makes you think different, give them my number. I got you. 💚👑
  11. Tracy you go girl!! I'm so thrilled for your surgeries! When we feel good about ourselves a lot of other things fall into place! Two kitty cats to love! Nothing could be better! BTW: you aren't "trying " your best, you are "doing" your best!! Love you! 💚👑
  12. Tracy beautiful words for Sue Awesome Sue, that you are an inspiration! ❤❤❤ 💚👑
  13. GreenQueen

    Breaking Habits

    Sloth is laziness. Slothin' around. Doing not much. Must be an Australian expression? 💚👑
  14. GreenQueen


    Willis: repeat after me: I never have been and never will be disappointing. Tracy my dear friend, you didn't mention she ok? 💚👑
  15. GreenQueen

    Breaking Habits

    Tomatoes. Yum. 💚👑
  16. GreenQueen

    A big step forward!

    So awesome Sue! 💚👑
  17. GreenQueen


    Well said Willis. I have to ask but....your in-laws?? How old are they? 💚👑🤔
  18. You are welcome!! 💚👑
  19. GreenQueen

    A big step forward!

    Awesome!! Sue, this is great for your independence and confidence! 💚👑
  20. Oh Mike, so sad to read this news of your dear brother. Please take care of you, so that you are ready to welcome your brother home. 💚👑
  21. Mark, dude, getting out of bed itself, is therapy. Go easy on yourself. We got you. 💚👑
  22. When we are low, everything seems bad. Definitely will keep you all in my prayers. 💚👑
  23. Me too, Heather. He's only 16, so there's time. It's like stroke, isn't it? We can accept it and run with it, or try to run away from it. 💚👑
  24. GreenQueen

    watercolor #2

    The colours are beautiful. 💚👑
  25. GreenQueen


    Heather the bike definitely needs to stay!! Puss will never forgive you if you even think about moving it, let alone selling it!!