
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by GreenQueen

  1. My son does not like change at all. Even small changes, like moving his bed, or me moving the lounge furniture around. He coped the least when I first became disabled. I'm hoping he'll "change" as he gets older, but I'm not holding my breath! 💚👑
  2. GreenQueen


    Card maker!!!! I'd love to see some of your creations! I get you with the weather. I lived in the UK for two years in the 90s. Went from 0°C one day to 16°C the next. Hottest 16° EVER!! 💚👑
  3. Happy 29th Anniversary Asha!! That is a fantastic milestone! And Kudos to you, for making the movie! 💚👑
  4. George I'm so very sorry Lesley's beloved mum has died. What a strange feeling it must be for you both, having this gap in your lives. I'm so glad you were with her at the end. Much love to you both and the family. 💚👑
  5. GreenQueen


    Tomorrow is four months since my beloved cousin Jason died. Seems like a lifetime. On Sunday, a lady I've known my whole life died after a very quick battle with ovarian cancer. Last week I had a mammogram and a half (had to do one side twice) and two ultrasounds. I have a lump in my neck and one in my boob. As my mum is a breast cancer survivor , I always worry about things like that. I kept thinking that God has already given me more than I can handle. He wouldn't be that cruel. And no, he wasn't. I'm very pleased to say everything is fine. In those days between tests and results, the paralysing fear and thoughts of the worst consumed me. I really don't like things being about me, but I allowed myself to dwell on it instead of reassuring myself. The weight lifted from my shoulders at good results was amazing. Fun fact: I saw a priest I know at the radiology department, he was asking after my health in general. After a quick run down, I said "that's enough about me, how are you, Fr Brendon?" The cheeky bugger replied "Oh no, let's talk about you, you're far more interesting!" 🤣💚
  6. My mum keeps saying 'when we get back to normal '. I think there's a new normal on it's way. And yes, Sue I hope we are there by Christmas. We need something to celebrate. 💚
  7. We were in Perth last week and very few people wore masks. None here at all. We are getting complacent, that's for sure. 💚
  8. Aaaww, that's sad, Sue. I'm sorry that they aren't able to see you or their mum. It's easy to say it's for the best blah blah blah, but when it's family it's very hard to handle. I hope time goes quickly for you as you look forward to January 💚
  9. That's priceless! A happy memory that will be talked about for years to come! 💚
  10. Sue masks are the new toilet paper! Today, I'm great!! I generally don't shout this from the rooftops, but it's my birthday. I'm 48. I've had a lovely day, Wayne had the day off so we went to church then went out for lunch. Western Australia currently has 1 covid19 case, in Perth, so life is quite normal at the moment. Paul I really feel for you with sending your child to school. Not an easy decision at all. Heather I'm very worried for you, please be extra vigilant. Sue New South is a worry as well. Not only for covid19 but the weather. Is that your area? 💚
  11. Du bist unglaublich sue! 💚
  12. GreenQueen


    Tomatoes are my favourite food. I'll have some, Kev! 💚
  13. Nana Naps are the bomb. My brother lives in mudgee, and wants to come home for a visit. WA isn't letting anyone in though. Take care, Sue 💚
  14. GreenQueen


    Alan and Willis I'm getting a recumbent exercise bike!! I'm just a little excited!!
  15. GreenQueen


    I loved the fact my children grew in my tummy, and "survived" in there because of my choices, food wise especially. The other side of being a woman, however... I'm unwell at the moment, women stuff, and I have menopause to look forward to as well!! Again, so many upsides. Two well adjusted, thoughtful human beings that I'm proud to say they call me mum. 💚
  16. Sleep pattern meep blattern. Every time I think my sleep pattern is getting nearly in tune with the rest of the 'normal' world, things seem to go south very quickly. One day.
  17. GreenQueen


    Hey Willis!! Part of the problem could be your AGE!! Happy 70th birthday!! You are officially in the 70s club!! It's very unfortunate when the list on the fridge doesn't match the list the body is able to complete!
  18. Madade, weight is a battle I don't always feel like fighting. Not with so many other uphill battles going on. Loving the irises. Such a pretty colour.
  19. GreenQueen


    Kudos for April exercise Willis!! You did well. For some reason I thought you were Florida, maybe that's Wil2. Michigan is cold, right? Heaps of wind off that lake...can't remember it's name. Ontario maybe? Yep. I'd stay in bed too!
  20. GreenQueen


    Yes Heather, totally worth it. Our neighbours are the same vintage as my parents. They are the most amazing neighbours ever, it would be awful to leave them high and dry at a time like this. You know, thinking about it, people accept me as I am these days. Awesome. I love it. Except, everyone tends to forget that a lot of tasks are impossible for me now, or take so much out of me that the next few days are a nightmare. It's all good, they don't live my life. But I do think that living the way we do makes us more empathetic to the plight of others. 💚
  21. Thanks ladies. In Kings park in Perth, plaques for soldiers line the roads, each plaque having a tree to itself, and sometimes one other plaque. Jason was a huge war historian and about a month before he died his sister organised a plaque for our Great grandfather who was KIA during the kokoda campaign. Next year, the family plan on getting together and having an ANZAC day service at the plaque. He knew about that, and I'm sure he'll be happy to know we are planning it still.
  22. GreenQueen

    Home alone

    Awesome! Now you have helped from afar, that's something you'll be able to continue later on. What a blessing! 💜
  23. George, it was on the news tonight that 25 million Americans are now unemployed. There are 25 million people in all of Australia. That made me quite sad. I hope the economy can recover too. I'm so very grateful that Wayne's job, for now at least, is ok.
  24. Sue, it's so sad the amount of people who have died after contracting the rona on ships. Yes, maybe the wrong thing was done. That doesn't take away the sadness surrounding people, not the event itself.