
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by GreenQueen

  1. There most likely is Jay. This damn virus for one. Adult issues never crossed my mind as a kid.
  2. GreenQueen


    Awesome Kev. Love snow. We spent 3 weeks in Canada a few years ago. Had a white Christmas. Magical. We spent hours holding our arms out and looking at how different snowflakes are.
  3. Sue, absolutely. Very scary times.
  4. GreenQueen

    Keeping Busy

    Busy alright. The night out with your friend sounds great. Glad you were able to have a good time with everything you have going on.
  5. I would love to go on another cruise...
  6. Kids today Asha, are a league of their own. The internet, I think, has made them grow up quickly compared to us. I'm 47.
  7. GreenQueen


    A snow storm in Arizona? I hate to sound naive, but is that normal? The weather is finally changed here...bring on winter!! Western Australia has about 60 CV cases, all in Perth. We are waiting for it to spread.
  8. GreenQueen

    My Ivy

    I have had the worst week EVER. My precious Ivy is sick. She started walking all wonky like she'd had a stroke. At first we thought her back was broken. Totally devo'd. Took her to the vet the next day to discover she has a parasite that's affected her brain. My little kindred spirit. I decided to send her to heaven, but wanted a few days with her first. Kind of a mistake. Kind of. After many many many tears, I decided I couldn't do it. She has brought me so much joy and comfort over the last few years, I need her. Anyway, she is now on very strong medication. We discovered today, at the vet to discuss medication, that Ivy has lost half her body weight. This is due to the food being on the second floor of the hutch. Due to her wonkiness she can't get up the ramp, so she was only getting greens not pellets or hay. Situation sorted. She really frightened me this arvo. The medication is very strong, and she was...well...stoned. I thought she had died in my arms. More tears. Good thing my kids are level headed. After this week, I have discovered that I won't be able to cope without her.
  9. I've had so much trouble this last few weeks with talking. Stumbling over words, not finding them at all and losing train of thought mid sentence. Doesn't help that I get interrupted. It's always been frustrating, but really bad lately.
  10. GreenQueen

    Nephew Visit

    Awesome! Glad your nephew can help and wants to help. What movie did you see?
  11. A cruise!! Awesome! I wonder if you went anywhere near Deigh? Yes. There's a big difference between being alone and being lonely.
  12. This is another photo of Jennelle and I. Yes, same name, just spelled differently. This photo is from 1994 in London. We were going to see a show called Hot Shoe Shuffle, an Australian tap dancing show. It was amazing! Jennelle and I were asked constantly if we were sisters. Not only is she short and blond, while I'm tall and brunette, we have the same name... After a while we started saying that yes, we were sisters!!
  13. I usually don't like to reminisce. I'm sure you know what I mean, reminiscing is a constant reminder of what we could do. Although... At the moment, I'm having Carrah scan old photos into my phone, then I'm making digital scrapbooking layouts. My current lot of photos is me and my main bestie when we lived in England during the mid 90s. I've been texting Jennelle some photos and we've been having a great laugh. Maybe remembering old times is good for the soul. After all, we can't change the past, so we might as well remember with happiness.
  14. GreenQueen


    Kev you certainly sound like things are better each day! Your property would easily fit in down here...have to start calling you an Aussie!
  15. Thanks Kelli. I make cards for everyone I know, but I'm a worrier. Selling them is entirely different than giving someone a birthday card. It's awesome that you both like it, makes me feel like I'm not too bad at it! ๐Ÿงก
  16. Ha ha Willis! You the man! Will let you know if stick men are needed!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿงก
  17. Since becoming disabled, I have had to alter my interests. I love to read, but can no longer hold a book open and turn pages. Well, I guess I could have the book on a flat surface and use my head to hold the book so I could turn the page, but you lose fluency. So now I read on my iPad. I used to tap dance and play badminton. My interest now, has been for about 4 years, is card making. I have this you beaut machine that trims paper. I'm also very selective about which paper I use, and stick with an Australian brand, kaisercraft. I make cards for everyone, and have even started selling them! I don't do it for profit, mainly to buy more supplies! My home office is my happy place.
  18. Sue I have an app called Bible in One Year. It's a Nicky Gumbal app. David Suchet narrates, I know you'll love it. Might be good while you are grounded?
  19. Thank you Tracy. The counselling is perfect timing actually. I had a melt down about being unappreciated and unvalued. That's a whole other thread right there! I'm so glad you find counselling a great help and that you stick to regular visits. That alone is valuable. It can be quite stressful trying to make an appointment that suits on a non regular basis.
  20. Asha I bought my daughter a pendant of the goddess saraswathi. She's the goddess of creativity. I too am Christian, although Carrah identifies as spiritual. Having a faith is a beautiful thing. Thank you for sharing.
  21. GreenQueen

    New Mexico

    Thanks ๐Ÿ’œ
  22. GreenQueen

    New Mexico

    That's my aim, Heather. To make the treat moments guilt free. And a one off. Some times treat moments last a few days! That's the habit I'm trying to break. ๐Ÿ˜€
  23. Thanks Sue. It was amazing just saying things out loud. I'm sure it's going to be very beneficial.