
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by GreenQueen

  1. I've been to counselling about other...issues...besides all This. It was really useful. I've been to this lady before, when Carrah was a baby. Even though it's been years since I have seen her professionally, we still had that connection. It was really nice not having to tell old stories for Kathy to make sense of new stories. We all cope differently, but it is something I would recommend giving a go.
  2. GreenQueen

    New Mexico

    I've eaten out today and feeling slightly guilty. My bestie is 45 today, so we had cake. That's ok. Done now. Back to normal and moving on.
  3. GreenQueen


    Absolutely Willis! It's a wonderful thing we can do! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
  4. GreenQueen


    Ha ha Willis! Just had a chuckle at that! Didn't even think of that when I posted the picture! It must look strange to you. When we were in North America a few years ago, it was quite frightening actually. We kept looking the wrong way for traffic, freaking out when the taxi drivers crossed intersections. Goes to show, in this altered life we live, what's normal for one is not necessarily normal for another.
  5. Absolutely got that right Willis!! I think laughing and seeing the funny side of life gets us through. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’œ
  6. Sure is a long time Willis. I hope those that are no longer with us on the site are doing well.
  7. GreenQueen


    Excited much!! We have rain!! Everything has been so dry here. We've had catastrophic fire warnings, but no fires to speak of. The rain is such a welcome event. I hope it sticks around.
  8. Oh Sue. I'm sorry it's growing. Not to upset you, but will that make the op and recovery more difficult? Prayers for you, lovely lady.
  9. GreenQueen

    New Mexico dude....quahogs???. Correct spelling or not, I can tell I don't wanna know!! ๐Ÿ˜
  10. GreenQueen

    New Mexico

    Kev it looks beautiful! Kudos to you for giving it a go! Champ!! Don't stress about a small weight gain. You needed to enjoy your holiday. Happy anniversary to you and Deb! ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ‘จ
  11. GreenQueen

    Heavy Heart

    Dogs are knowing creatures. I hope they give you great comfort. All the best Sarah with getting back to full health.
  12. No worries madade. I'm full of information! Just ask me, I'll tell ya!! ๐Ÿคฉ
  13. Beautiful Sue. ๐Ÿงก My brother Allan has had two days off, his first in ages. Hopefully he'll get more time off now.
  14. GreenQueen

    BP tracking

    Sorry my lovely people...but this just go waaaay technical!! Glad you all get to bond over computer stuff!
  15. Yes Kelli, but not my idea! One of my friends said it in passing one day, about the possibility of a morning tea. Well old Bull at a Gate here, said Great Idea!! And here we are! Asha I'm the same; places where I volunteer have changed dramatically since This Happened. I still adhere to my signature quote, Tracy's words, I'm where I need to be, today. When my kids were in primary school, I was there all the time, doing something. Sue, yes it is special. The, sorry, older ladies in the church do so much. We are hoping they will come and enjoy themselves and relax! They deserve it!
  16. My church, whilst not old, needs a new roof. So, me and two of my friends are determined to raise money to help pay for the roof. Last year we raised $450 selling handmade Christmas cards. This year, so far, we've decided to hold a morning tea in the church hall. We are going to have raffles, a small craft stall and some entertainment. I'm so excited! I love all the behind the scenes stuff. Who am I kidding?? I love all the stuff. I'll probably be MC on the day too. Mainly because I'm not good with carrying stuff or dishes...all that stuff is not high on my list as exciting to be honest, so it works well. Part of the rollercoaster we have been talking about. Doing for others definitely keeps me on the upside.
  17. GreenQueen

    Heavy Heart

    Sarah I really have no words that will help. You had 15 more years with Gary than you initially may not have expected. May happy memories warm your heart.
  18. GreenQueen

    BP tracking

    Kev I'm glad the headiness has reduced for you. That must be a great relief. You are so good, recording things. You must be your doctor's favourite patient! Enjoy Rosewell! I have to admit, just a little bit jealo!!
  19. GreenQueen

    F.A.S.T indeed

    Kelli our furbabies are the absolute best. ๐Ÿ˜ป
  20. Thanks Will2. I took the photo, but kudos for the frame and filter go to my dear friend Nichola. She's amazing ๐Ÿ’™
  21. GreenQueen


    Yet another club no one wants to belong to!! ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ง๐Ÿ˜“
  22. GreenQueen

    F.A.S.T indeed

    Absolutely. I think the ED cop a lot of abuse, but do an amazing job. Unsung heroes.
  23. Asha, I really can't look after that many pets! We have three rabbits. They have a life span of up to 8 years. One is 6, the other two 4. Our old dog is 12 and has lots of cysts. They are "ok" at the moment, but worry the vet. Riley is a beautiful lap dog, and I'm sure she'll comfort us when we start having to say goodbye to other babies...
  24. GreenQueen

    F.A.S.T indeed

    Wow Kelli, you have certainly been through the wringer. Very glad you are now healthy ๐Ÿ’œ