
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by GreenQueen

  1. Madade we have a lot of erosion along this beach. It's all recently had new planting done to help combat it. There are fences set up along the beach to discourage people walking through the planted areas and use the sandy paths. So far it's working.
  2. I kept thinking, after I've done ____ for ____ I'll get back to the site. But along comes the next Fill In The Blanks. Is it wrong to put myself first? Is it? It feels wrong. But good wrong. Like, I just got a puppy wrong. Her name is Riley, she's 12 weeks old and we got her from the dog shelter. I love her so much. We didn't need another pet, she's #7, but hey. What are you going to do? She snuggles in, licks my hand, and looks at me with unconditional love. She's all mine. I share her, because I want to not because I have to. It's heaven.
  3. GreenQueen


  4. GreenQueen


    Hope your appointment at the specialist was informative and helpful Kelli.
  5. Nancy, I can't imagine how you are feeling. I'm pleased your brother's suffering is over. It wouldn't have been nice for him, or for you to watch. May he rest easy now. May happy memories keep him alive in your heart.
  6. GreenQueen

    A New Year. A New Word

    Love your word for the year, Sue. Also I couldn't post a comment on the photo of your fur babies! They are just beautiful!
  7. GreenQueen


    Take care, Kev. Eating out. One of my favourite things to do. That's what fat pants were invented for! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Madade hope you have recovered now.
  8. GreenQueen

    A Day late

    Kev, kudos to you for giving yoga a go! So glad you are having a take it easy day, they are very important.
  9. Family and friends...Yes, Sue. They are the best. My brother is a pilot for NSW Parks and wildlife. Very involved in fires and saving wildlife. You have been in my prayers and thoughts constantly over the last few months.
  10. Oh Pam. Much love and many prayers. Apparently God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently.
  11. Excellent!! Happy dance coming up!!
  12. GreenQueen

    1 year old soon

    Wow!! Ryder will be 1!!?! How exciting! Enjoy the drive
  13. Like Sue, I'm a Christian. I accept everyone as they are. After all, I'm accepted the way I am.
  14. GreenQueen

    We are back

    Glad you had a great time Asha! Sounds awesome! You won't believe it, but we have recently been in Singapore! We probably bumped into each other and didn't realise it!
  15. With so much sadness in my world at the moment, I'm so very happy to read you have reconnected with your daughter. Very happy for you Pam. As you mourn the loss of your dear friend, there is much to be grateful for in her friendship.
  16. Thanks for the kind thoughts, Willis. We've had a couple of fires in town, lots of Bush areas in town. Thanks no evacuation needed, and no one injured. Pretty scary stuff, considering it's only November. Going to be a very long summer, as it's hot all the way through to end of March.
  17. What a great find. I'm sure this will make a difference!
  18. Willis, sorry you feel your left side has become worse. I do think sometimes we are our own worst enemy when it comes to improvements. We get used to changes, either good or bad. Hopefully you are just used to the ability you have in your left side, and subconsciously feel it's worse? I don't know Willis. I'm just trying to make you feel better. A little bit of going backwards is ok, as long as mentally you keep going in the right direction. J x
  19. Sue, October was a very short month, it seems! March will be here before you know it. Carrah is 18 in March and it seems no time we celebrated her 17th birthday. My church has started a soup kitchen, and I'm one of the volunteers. Once a fortnight I'm on roster, and it comes around very quickly. My brother lives in mudgee. He works for the National Parks something; he's a helicopter pilot. Says mudgee is very brown this year, not green and lush like previous years. Farmers here aren't expecting a good harvest. So sad about your friend with cancer. I'll keep her in my prayers. J x
  20. GreenQueen

    Team pride

    Eeewww!! That's one tradition I'd be willing to break!
  21. GreenQueen

    Team pride

    Sorry Willis, this is rugby we are talking about. I don't follow the rugby really, but Aussie pride allows me to get excited about the international games. If Australia is not playing then I go for the all blacks, which is the New Zealand team. Springboks are from south Africa. J x