
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by GreenQueen

  1. Unfortunately ups come with downs... Prayers for your dad.
  2. Yes, it’s a pretty big time difference. We were in Canada when my father in law died a few years ago. He died on Christmas Eve, but in Canada it was still the 23rd. When we were talking to family just after he died it was really strange trying to talk in the same time zone; they were talking about a day that hadn’t even happened to us!
  3. Sue, decisions are the worst. Many prayers for you.
  4. I was awake at 4am the other day, but this brain of mine couldn't figure out if it was chat day or not!
  5. Sue my kids sometimes say “if only I was rich,” when they are saving for something new. No, I say. Waiting patiently for things is good for the soul. I remind them of what you said: we have a roof over our heads, we have food on the table. We are rich indeed.
  6. Mark, I totally get you about the job thing. My two episodes happened at work. Now, even after all this time, I cannot go back. Not even to say hi or have a coffee. Sue, beautiful words. You are right, we shouldn’t be cross at people dealing with all this in their own way. After all, isn’t that exactly what we do?
  7. My daughter is my best caregiver. She reads me so well. Can you read Shannon? Everyone is going to give you great advice, I do not doubt that for a second. Some of the best advice I think you’ll be given is from Shannon himself. If he’s reaching for something, and you know he’s given his all but had a gutful, grab it for him. You know? Each situation is different. Each rehab worker will tell you something different (we all experience that unfortunately). The person who needs the help, is the best person to talk to. Even if Shannon can’t talk, be guided by facial expressions, grunts and moans. This is my opinion only.
  8. Tracy I have just searched the time difference! 4am here!! Some days I’m just turning my light you never know, I might surprise you!
  9. Amen to that, Asha. Once I accepted that this life is what the lord intended for me, I am at peace. Mostly.
  10. Tracy, it is a very viscous cycle. Trying to not sleep during the day usually means I fall asleep for a few hours at 5pm. Then we start the craziness all over again...
  11. Today I decided my one word will be routine. Without it, everything else just falls apart. I have worked hard all week at getting out of bed on time, so the rest of the day can go to plan.
  12. Well said. So many people set unrealistic goals. Or way too many. Being better at something is an excellent resolution. Asha my daughter is heading into her last year at high school. She suffers terrible anxiety. My goal will be to understand her better, to enable her final school year to be memorable.
  13. Nice to have holidays, but nothing like your own bed!
  14. One of my besties is a boy. Luckily he married a girl I'd known for years. My friendship with them is such an easy going one, I'd be lost without it.
  15. PS...we have HOT summers, but it rained here today! Wow!!
  16. I have lived here all my life...fifth generation. Town is know when you live somewhere there's nothing to see or do. I have started volunteering when cruise ships come to town, and I'm amazed by how much there really is to do. And the beaches. People can't get over our beautiful beaches and the footpath that goes forever, dotted with playgrounds and barbies. I live in a lovely spot. Just takes outsiders to remind me!
  17. Oh Tracy, big hugs to you my gorgeous friend. The family is laying their grief and guilt right at your door. Keep that door closed to are so right, you were 3 days old. The only thing you had to do with it all is that you were there. Let it go. Don't let them interfere with your inner peace. That's a very childish and selfish thing for them to do. You are and Kitty have so much to look forward to in 2019...bring it on.
  18. Thank you Tracy. Midnight mass did indeed lift my spirits, and Christmas day was lovely. Hot, but lovely. I hope you had a wonderful day.
  19. Tracy today I'm celebrating life. So very grateful to be here. So much sadness around at the moment. Two years ago today, my father in law died. Too many other sad things to explain, not related to my family but devastating nonetheless. Hopefully midnight mass will bring peace to my heart.
  20. Oh Pam. You certainly have a very big cross to bear. I pray for a steady hand for the biopsy guy and a compassionate spirit from him and his team. With you in spirit whilst you await results.
  21. Tarina...a rangga! It's interesting what you say about improving when you are cross. I'm like Deigh, all downhill if I'm angry or upset. Stay Calm are two of my favourite F words!
  22. Sue my aunty and uncle in law have moved to a retirement center in Perth. They love it. In saying that, you are the only one who knows what the right place to live is. We can be surrounded by people and still be lonely. I'm just so very glad you can open up to everyone here. You are never alone here.