
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by GreenQueen

  1. Sorry, Mark. I assume everyone can read my mind!! This xray is of my left shoulder, my good shoulder, for comparison to my right. This is how things are supposed to look, not a great big gap between the arm bone and shoulder bone like on my right side (the other xray pic) 💚👑
  2. So hard for you at the moment Heather, only so much outside time etc. No wonder your muscles are all over the place! 💚👑
  3. Wherever your mind wants to take us, my dear friend, we will follow. 💚👑
  4. Oh Will! That's no good at all! Foot drop is annoying and I will admit that I'd rather have full time annoying than intermittent! Easy to say take care etc, but when it's unexpected what's to be done?? You could possibly wear a brace, but if you are anything like me, and the weather you have, you probably don't even wear shoes inside? Yet another thing to upset a lovely day 💚👑
  5. GreenQueen


    Don't be sorry Tracy! A beautiful post that I really needed! You are truly gifted with your way of stringing words together!! Very much out of sight out of mind here too. Sue and Heather have been truly living covid. We just watch the news in disbelief, but we are also aware that it's coming. 💚👑
  6. I go for heel closures too, Heather. My foot kind of slides to the edge, won't stay on the sole of the shoe. Whoops, bit carried away there! I'm a us 11 as well! Must be an aus 13? I look for a 43. 💚👑
  7. GreenQueen


    My brother works in Sydney, lives in mudgee. From what he's said, western Sydney is very multicultural? I'm pretty sure multi generational homes are more common within some cultures than others, so 15 in one house does sound doable. Hopefully the whole area can get rid of delta soon. 💚👑
  8. Mel Gibson certainly got bigger than his boots. I have balance issues when wearing certain shoes. I have two pairs of shoes. Oh and a pair of boots. They have a zip on both sides but no good for summer. My shoes are extremely comfy, but because of drop foot and the fact my ankle is weak my shoe won't stay on my foot properly. My sandals have quite a wide sole, as the sandals can accommodate orthodics. So the sole gets caught on everything. So shoe shopping I go. I'm a US ladies 13. So yes, shopping for shoes that are comfortable, won't fall off, are easy to put on and are huge...very frustrating. 💚👑
  9. GreenQueen


    Yes Sue, I would definitely be jealous! Everyone is a little lazy with everything covid related. When it does hit, we will suffer terribly I'm sure. Now that your neck of the woods has been separated from Sydney, hopefully life will gain some normality. 💚👑
  10. Hope so Heather. Not sure about Victoria, but WA magistrate's tend to be very unpopular. Not many get what they really deserve.
  11. GreenQueen


    Asha we had lots of trouble with selfies!! Sue we truly take things, like trips away, for granted. WA will get covid, and we will suffer, so until then we are trying to make the most of our freedom. That includes coffee dates with friends, going for walks along the foreshore with the dog and seeing some movies. 💚👑
  12. Western Australia is in what must be an enviable position, no lockdowns in regional areas except right at the beginning, March last year. The city has had two, maybe three short lockdowns overall. Anyway, Wayne and I decided to travel 8 hours away, to Yallingup in the state's beautiful south west. We drove to Perth and spent a night there. Caught up with some friends. Yallingup the next day. The whole area is full of wineries. Neither Wayne or I drink wine! Had a yummy meal at a winery though. Carrah only wears op shop clothes, and much to Wayne's chagrin we visited four thrift shops to get some clothes for her! Saw family in busselton and went to this town called cowaramup, which has fake cows everywhere!! I nearly came acropper there, the rain made this sloped footpath very slippery. Me and my trusty electric wheelchair Dougie slid down towards a rocky flower bed! The highlight of the trip for me was climbing up a 29 step lookout. And then back down. My glutes etc hated me later, but I was very proud of my effort! Completed another lap of the sun whilst away, and received a beautiful piece of jewellery made in yallingup from Wayne for me efforts! Hopefully I can post pics! 💚👑😘
  13. Not fun, but finally have to take things seriously with what I eat. So I guess it's a good thing! I have absolutely no self control unfortunately! 💚👑😘
  14. If you can get out for a daily walk Sue, or get to the shop. Anything will be an improvement! Hope all goes to plan 💚👑
  15. Yes sir!! My diet is my major hurdle! Hopefully your daughter's issues can be sorted. All the best to her. I don't have a gall bladder, so avoid fatty foods. Diabetes...IBS...bring on lettuce and water!! 💚👑
  16. Good news about bad news... The guy who assaulted Carrah has been caught!! He has been charged, and is out on bail. 🙄 Even if he 'gets away' with it (the police do an amazing job, the courts let them down) we are so thankful the police were on it, didn't give up and found the guy. 💚👑
  17. GreenQueen

    New everything!

    Willis God certainly does work in mysterious ways. In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9 I totally get what you are saying about buying the house under those circumstances. But I feel the lady would have been relieved to sell, however bitter-sweet the sale was. She has to turn the page, move on, have closure etc. Never forget of course, but definitely one of the above. You and April were a real blessing to her, making that next step available to her. 💚👑
  18. Willis, life has been full of ups and downs! I had a cold, and because of that developed an ear infection! Still getting over that! My IBS is a little out of control, but that is definitely my fault. I need to get back into better eating habits. Wayne and I have been away, which I will add in to my blog. 💚👑
  19. No worries Willis. My bike is very lonely...I haven't gone for a ride in weeks! Have you set the bike up at the new place? 💚👑
  20. Sarah I agree, covid won't be over!! We are stuck with this I'm sure. It will just be how the government deals with it that will change 💚👑