
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Comments posted by Abranson

  1. That is extremely impressive! I'm sure your wife is not only thankful, but proud as well. Yesterday, my husband was looking a little down when I stopped at a gas station. (He has almost no controlled movement in his left arm and is just recently gaining strength in his left leg.) He said, "I'm sorry. I wish I could pump the gas for you." I almost said that it was no big deal. But then I realized it was to him. So I said, "Okay, let's do it." It meant another transfer into the wheel chair and repelling up to the pump so there was enough room, and probably at least 20 minutes longer than it would have taken. But we both felt accomplished. I will not allow this stroke to take away what he considers his man card. So I applaud you and your wife on your accomplishment. By the wAy, I hate changing windshield wipers too!. That's a job for our son. :)