
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by garydotgray

  1. garydotgray
    Hey everyone,
    I just dropped by to let you know that all is well with me and I think of my friends here on The Stroke Network often. Now I spend most of my time within the Facebook Community where there are many stroke survivors, caregivers, family members and health care professionals.
    If you use Facebook then why not connect.
    You can do a search for "garydotgray"
    click on any of these links.
    Gary Gray
    My Life After Stroke The Stories Of Stroke Prince Edward Island Stroke Recovery
    "Like" any or all of my pages and you will automatically become a follower with all of my posts for that page appearing on your Facebook profile feed.
    Thanks for allowing me to reconnect and I hope that you will be able to come and visit me on Facebook.
    By the way The Stroke Network also has a Facebook page.
    The Stroke Network
    As of today The Stroke Network page has 2,208 "Likes" or fans or followers. whichever you prefer.
    My very best to everyone on The Stroke Network.
    Smiles :juggle:
    p.s. You can find Kyle Jay on Facebook too. Just search for Kyle Jay. Kyle is doing awesome and continuing with his recovery.
  2. garydotgray
    Hi again everyone
    Just came by to say hi.
    It seemed like Feb flew by with the Olympics and everything. March is here already.
    We are having a great winter with temps on average about 4 degrees above normal. No snow to speak of and only one storm day that wasn't really much of a storm day at all.
    An interesting year as the USA not only took the largest medal haul at the Olympics but has also taken Canada's 2010 winter as well. lol
    That's ok, but I hope no one minds when the polar bears begin hanging out in Florida.
    Climate change , global warming and an earthquake that can actually make the earth move on it's axis. This is definitely NOT our fathers world.
    Stay tuned for the next BIG story. (whatever it might be)
  3. garydotgray
    I just dropped by to see if the blog was working again. The last time that I came by the posts were not posting properly.
    This is just my test post to see if everything is back to (should I say it?) normal.
    Normal can mean a lot of different things to a stroke survivor.
    I think you will know what I mean when I am testing to ensure that the blog is posting normally again.
  4. garydotgray
    Hello again everyone
    I didn't realize just how long it has been since my last blog post. April 09. WOW! Well the bottom line is that the last few months have been busy. Where to Start? Kyle has been doing pretty awesome. Home over the summer and back to the treatment centre in the fall for a bit more treatment.He is getting so active that it is almost impossible to keep track of him. He seems to be getting along really well and has great support from his family and friends. Hint If you see an orange streak wising by don't be surprised. It most likely would only be Kyle on his Arctic Cat snowmobile. lol
    These are Facebok links so you will have to be signed up to Facebook in order to view them. sorry...

    As for me, I had a great summer promoting and selling copies of our book "Prince Edward Island Tales."

    My family is growing as we welcomed grandchild number two into the world on November 27th.
    Grandaughter Lily Krista MacEwen.

    While our eight month grandson William Konor Gray Murphy is getting ready to go walking soon.

    So all in all there are few dull moments for me lately.
    I hope everyone is doing great and I will try not to leave it: let me see 12345...8 months before I post to my blog again.
    We are working at getting a stroke caregivers support group set up in Charlottetown here on Prince Edward Island.

    p.p.s. If you are a Facebook user please add me to your Facebook friends... Thanks!

  5. garydotgray
    Hi everyone
    I just thought to check and see if there were any new posts from mama J.
    She did post this last weekend and here is what she had to say.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 4:16pm on April 19th, 2009
    Kyle continues to make progress and now is in Fredericton at the Stan Cassidy Rehab Center. His body is getting stronger and the right leg is taking some steps, rebuilding his trunk and need good trunk to be able to walk. His speech is getting better as the soft palette is beginnign to work. He is now is a power chair and loves having freedom already got caught going to fast too funny. We see each weekend when we come to Fredericton how much stronger and independant he is getting. He is doing awesome. :gleam:
    It seems that our boy Kyle is starting to find his wings.
    Kyle has such a great attitude combined with the patience to make this thing work I really feel that he is headed for great things...
    Till next post,
  6. garydotgray
    Hello everyone
    This is just a short post to give you a link to my Signs of a Stroke blog where I posted the details.
    Here is the link...
    I talked to Kyle last nite after the announcement and he was litterly pumped!
    He told me that he is doing way better than he was in Charlottetown. I understand that he is taking steps and saying words.
    They changed his meds and now he has much more energy.
    He was home for Easter and tried out the renovations to his parents house. Everything worked well he said.
    How did I talk to Kyle you might ask. By using the chat feature that is built into Facebook. We can type back and forth in real time and he has no problem keeping up his end of the conversation.
    Check out that blog post if you can for all the details. Click here to go there
    Til next post,
  7. garydotgray
    Hello everyone
    I just ran across a link to view live streamng video of the British Columbia Eagles this year.

    I know that the site was extremely popular with everyone a couple of years ago.
    The technology has improved and there seems to be less viewers so the live video is pretty good.
    There are a couple of eagle nest locations on that one site. Go, check it out and let me know what you think... Thanks!

    On another topic. As I write this I am waiting for the QVC live broadcast of the Posit Science Software that I mentioned on my last post.
    As we are right now under three hours to air time 11: 00 PDT I thought I should mention it as a reminder.

    I hope you all get to see both the live broadcast of the software and the streaming video of the West Coast Eagle nests.
    Till next post,
  8. garydotgray
    Hello again everyone
    I just received this e-mail this evening from the people at Pasit Science. (the brain software people) As it may be of interest to fellow stroke survivors and thier families I am reproducing the e-mail in it's entirety as I received it. (intended for information purposes only)
    Dear gary,
    The human brain is one of the most complex structures in the universe and Posit Science is teaming up with QVC to help you learn more about how the brain works and what you can do to change yours for the better.
    Tune into QVC this Sunday, April 12th at 11:00 p.m. Pacific Time/Monday, April 13th at 2:00 a.m. Eastern Time to see Posit Science's Dr. Henry Mahncke talk about how the brain helps us see and how our vision changes as we age. Click here to find your local channel or watch the show live online*.
    Dr. Mahncke will explain how the exercises in Posit Science InSight can improve the brain's ability to processes visual information. This can help you feel more confident driving at night and even lower your risk of a car crash by 50%. He'll also demonstrate how the software works live on the air.
    The show is on late, but if you stay up to watch
  9. garydotgray
    Hi everyone
    I would like you to meet a fellow stroke survivor (Ron
    Gardiner) who has a mission to help other stroke survivors and their
    families deal and recover from such a catastrophic event as stroke.
    Ron is being interviewed this upcoming week on XM/Sirius Radio and
    if you have access and are able to listen then here are the details from Ron.
    "I will be a guest XM/Sirius radio the week of April 6th on
    booktalk radio discussing my Take Brave Steps book. I wanted to
    invite all my friends to listen. The schedule for "This Is Audible"
    on both XM 163 & Sirius 117 simultaneously beginning the week of
    April 6 is: Mon. - 8am, Wed. - 7pm, Thu. - 3pm, Fri. - 11pm, Sat. -
    8pm and Sun. - 8am, all eastern times. Continued good health and
    happiness. Ron"
    My hope is to get to know Ron a little better over the next while
    and maybe to work with him to further his goals as they are mine as well.
    I encourage you to listen if you are able. (Ron will be sharing his story)
    If you are not able to receive the live broadcasts Ron has also been interviewed in the past and
    here is a link to some of those interviews.

    More and more people are being plunged into unexpected catastrophic
    events these days such as stroke and they and their families really need the help
    of someone like Ron because he has the first hand experience as
    well as the skill to apply and share his experience in a way that
    can really help.
    Here is an excerpt from Ron's book

    Till next post,
  10. garydotgray
    Hello everyone
    I have talked to Kyle a couple of times now over the internet on Facebook.
    Kyle has moved from Charlottetown to Fredericton New Brunswick to receive more intense therapy.
    Here is the latest from mom Jay.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 9:33pm on March 12th, 2009
    hello to all, on Sunday which was a year since Kyle had his stroke, he was out home and drove his new snowmobile for 2 hours with his Dad sitting behind to support him but Kyle did the driving. He drove for 2 hours than on Tues another 2 hours. He has come so far in a year. On Monday we leave for Fredericton NB where Kyle will be a patient at the Stan Cassidy Center. This is a very good rehab center. Kyle will do very well here. He is walking with both legs in his room with Dad supporting him so it is there just needs to work on it. Saying some words and phrases and his right side is getting stronger each day.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 11:32am on March 18th, 2009
    hello from Fredericton. Kyle was admitted to the Stan Cassidy rehab center here on Monday. He has adjusted really well. He has begun his therapies and has impressed his physio in his strenght and what he can do. He will be here for awhile to continue his therapy. So all is good as Kyle continues his road to recovery.
    So Kyle is continuing to improve as time goes along.
    Thanks for reading and until we hear more.
  11. garydotgray
    Hi everyone
    I just wanted to let you al know that I saw Kyle on Thursday and he said hello to me. Very softly but the words are beginning to come. Kyle was attending a press conference with his parents. The subject of the conference was of course the need for an acute stroke center in our province.
    Kyle's mom Darlene spoke to the gathering while Kyle's dad Garth stood behind her in support. Kyle looked on from his wheel chair.
    The conference was highlighted on our local CBC TV and Radio news and Kyle's parents were interviewed for a feature on the CBC supper hour newscast "Compass".
    Here are some of the releases that have appeared over the past couple of days.
    CBC News Article:
    Charlottetown stroke unit would save lives, say families
    Last Updated: Friday, February 27, 2009 | 2:16 PM AT Comments11Recommend5
    CBC News
    Families of stroke victims, health workers and opposition MLAs joined the Heart and Stroke Foundation in Charlottetown Thursday to garner support for a stroke unit in the province.
    'Long-term care is reduced about 25 per cent.'
  12. garydotgray
    Garrett, Stacey and Zach
    Hi Everyone
    I just came from checking in on the Jay room and all is quiet. (no posts from mama Jay) Of course that could mean that Kyle is busy relearning to walk and talk and Darlene and Garth are also busy getting things ready for Kyle to move home soon. (see the video in my last post)
    Anyway I sent an email to Garrett's mom Eileen with the link to the CBC Compass news video ( ) on Kyle and here are the emails that she sent back.
    "Hi Gary,
    Good to hear from you. Darlene sent me the link and I was able to watch Kyle and his dad last week. He looks great-hard for me to watch. Brings back lots of memories. I was most impressed with Kyle's ability to keep his composure when his dad got emotional. Garrett never would have been able to do that. I know Kyle will continue to recover and pray for him and his family.
    Garrett continues to move forward with his life. He's taking a college class this semester. He is becoming confident with his driving and has ventured out on his own. He is also going out more with his friends. He loves his job-I think he was concerned that no one would hire him, so it's a relief. They love him there (at the cleaners) and it's great that he has to interact with strangers and make his speech understood. We are so proud of his continued recovery.
    We are involved in the American Heart/Stroke association's heart walk in May. A fundraiser that is very close to us all. We walk with Gaylord Hospital. I'll send you his heart assocation web page-the picture is of Garrett with his inpatient Occupational Therapist Stacey and her son Zach. We never dreamed that Garrett would be able to hold her son. How far he has come. It still amazes me that neurologists and doctors do not believe that young people have strokes. Like Kyle, Garrett was mis-diagnosed for the first 30 hours. We are hoping to educate others, so that doesn't happen anymore. I know that Kyle's parents are fighting to get a stroke unit in their hospital. We had one in ours (in fact it's now nationally recognized), but it didn't matter. Education is the most important, that's why we try to be as involved as we can. Garrett will be a "stroke ambassador" for the heart walk for the 3rd year. How time flies.
    Thank you for sending me the link. I always tell Darlene that it is a matter of time, of the brain healing. I know firsthand how hard it is to understand. I kept waiting for Garrett to "sit up and start talking" and be normal again like the neurologist initially told us he would. It took a long time for me to understand that this is an ongoing recovery. I think Garrett has a better understanding of that than I do. Garrett always comments that he will be in recovery for the rest of his life.
    Hope all is well with you. Thank you for staying in touch-love to hear from you!

    "American Heart/Stroke Association
    Hi Gary-here's the link to Garrett's web page
    Unfortunately, too many of us have a loved one affected by heart disease or stroke. To help stop this, I will be walking in this year's Start! Heart Walk benefiting the American Heart Association. I have set a personal goal to raise funds that are needed for critical heart disease and stroke research and education.
    You can help me raise funds and protect those you love by making a donation online. Click on the link below to visit my personal donation page where you can make a secure online credit card donation. The American Heart Association's online fundraising website has a minimum donation amount of $25.00. If you prefer a smaller amount, you can do so by sending a check directly to me.
    Your donation will make a difference in the fight against our nation's No. 1 and No. 3 killers-heart disease and stroke. Thank you for your support.
    Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support American Heart Association - FDA Greater New Haven, CT"
    (note: Link disabled as it is not the intent to ask for contributions as per Stroke Network policy)
    Garrett is giving Kyle a great example to follow and Garret's mom Eileen has been an encouragement to Kyle's mom Darlene.
    Thanks for reading.
  13. garydotgray
    Hi everyone
    Well Kyle's mom has posted a few days ago in the Jay Rom and I just wanted to let you read what she had posted. Here it is.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 3:16pm on February 7th, 2009
    Hello everyone, so sorry haven't been updating but really busy as major renovations going on at our house so we have moved out while this happens. Kyle is still making progress each day, he is now saying some words, taking the odd step with the right leg and using the right hand more. His eyes are nearly back to normal with the help of Dr. Rusk. He continues to get stronger each day.
    Also Kyle and his dad Garth did a video for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI and I wanted to let you see it.
    Here is the link.

    I hope you enjoyed Kyle's video. You should let him know by posting to him here at The Stroke Network.
    Here is his link.
    Till next time.
  14. garydotgray
    Hello Everyone
    Just a quick post to give you a link to Kyle's story that was aired in our local news channel last Friday.

    It plays as a Real player file so if you have Real Player installed on your computer then you should be able to view the video.
    It is a very nice piece and Kyle's mom and dad are both featured along with Kyle.
    Till next post.
  15. garydotgray
    Hello everyone
    Just after I posted the other day I met Kyles grandparents at the local coffee shop. (they stop by there quite often) They were telling me how well Kyle has done over the holidays. He was home both over Christmas and New Years. We had a big snowstorm on New Years day and Keir (Kyle's grandfather) said that Kyle got along great and didn't seem to mind being away from the hospital. Although Keir also told me that it was very clear that Kyle was more at ease when he was back under the care of his nurses at the hospital. ( I remember those days and I remember that it took a long time to be really o k with being away from the care of the hospital staff)
    When I checked the Jay Room tonight I also found a post from Mama Jay so here it is.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 3:58pm on January 4th, 2009
    Happy New Year to everyone. We had a wonderful Christmas. Having Kyle home was the best present we could wish for. We also had him home for New Years and was great. As 2009 begins things can only get better and we had great news last night where Kyle took 4 steps with his right leg this is wonderful news. Kyle's will win this race it will be slow but in time he will win it. May 2009 be a wonderful year for you all.
    Wow! Kyle way to Go...Great News! We knew you could, we knew you could, we knew you could. Or, as PEBO (president Elect Barrack Obama) says "Yes We Can!!!
    Speaking of change, is a good segway to changing the subject. (boy that was lame)
    I received an email the other day from Cathy at the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Prince Edward Island to let me know that the education and awareness piece that I had written to help people understand why we need an Acute Stroke Unit on Prince Edward Island has gotten the green light.
    There are a few changes that I agreed to and Cathy offered to do the work of editing and publishing to the point of being ready to share with elected officials, support groups and other persons of interest.
    This is very exciting news to have had a hand in the publication and distribution of such an important education piece.
    I (of course) will share the finished product with all of you as soon as it is ready.
    Thanks for reading and until next post,
  16. garydotgray
    Hello everyone
    We had a major blizzard on New Year's Day that took all day yesterday to dig out from. Today it is bright and sunny with a temperature of about 30F.
    I just received an e-mail from Garrett's mom that I wanted to share with you.
    Hi Gary,
    Just wanted to let you know that Garrett has e-mailed Kyle. I have been in contact with Darlene and hope that I can offer her some encouragement and support. I know that just writing about our experience to someone who understands is helpful to me. I hope I can help her as well.
    Garrett has had other opportunities to speak with stroke survivors over the past three years, but Kyle is the first that he has chosen to respond to. I think they can help each other, certainly no one else can understand what they have been (and are going) through. I believe there are reasons for everything in this world. I'm glad I came across his story, happy that Kyle reached out to Garrett and Garrett responded.
    Let's hope that 2009 will be a good year for all!
    Eileen Mendez
    I did check at the Jay Room just now but I didn't find any posts by mamma Jay since my last blog post here.
    I just simply felt so encouraged by Eileen's e-mail that I needed to share it with all of you.
    Wishing every one only great things in 2009.
  17. garydotgray
    Hello Everyone
    I did make it in to see Kyle on the 10th when I was in Charlottetown for the monthly meeting of the Brain Injury Collision of PEI. It was a short visit just before lunch. He was all smiles and excited that we had heard from Garret's mom. He told me that they had sent an email to Garret but had not gotten a reply at that time.
    Kyle had his nurse for the day with him and as Lunch was about to be served I didn't stay very long.
    Oh yes and Kyle will be going home for Christmas for a couple of days and he is very excited about that. He is set up with the internet and I asked him to talk to me on the net.
    As well Darlene (mom Jay) has posted a couple of posts on FaceBook so I will copy them here for all to read.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 10:40pm on December 4th, 2008
    hello, kyle continues his road to recovery. Each day he gets stronger,he has gotten botox in his right leg again and seems to be making some difference. Told me he bent his knee a little today, this is good. He got high speed today and some excited to be back on line. There has been some changes to his eyes and this is good as well. He is coming home for Xmas and we are all so excited to have him home overnight. This is the best Christmas present we could get, to be able to see him sit at home and laugh and be with his family. He told me that he will walk by Christmas and we will believe and with alot ############ this just might happen.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 8:42pm on December 18th, 2008
    Kyle is doing good. He is getting stronger each day and continues his journey to walk. He is getting excited to come home for Christmas as well as all of us. It will be so great to have all our family home it has been a very long time since we have all been together at home. As the days get closer and very busy we all want to wish our facebook family a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2009.
    So that is the latest news from the Jay Room. We are all so happy that he is making such good progress.
    See you all in 2009
  18. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    I received Kyle's moms email reply today and I felt that I really needed to share it with you the readers of this blog. I really would not have suspected that this would be Darlene's reply but here it is. Read it for yourself.
    Hi Gary:
    Thank you so very much for finding this family. I tried awhile back as the story of their son hangs above Kyle's bed. I found awhile back and read to him. Kyle is doing good, he spelled last night that he will walk before Christmas and we will believe what ever he wants us to, I am convinced he will walk again one day not sure if that soon, but that would be a wonderful Christmas present for us all. We are taking him home for Christmas and all so excited about this venture. Everything is such a learning curve and with mistakes along the way, but we are on the right road as Dr. Harrison tells us. Again Gary thanks so much, Kyle is now online with facebook etc, also joined the stroke network where they all knew him Thanks to You. Gary may you have a wonderful holiday season.
    Darlene and the Jay family
    So the most amazing things do happen and it warms my heart to know that these two families needed to be connected and now they are.
    The point here is never consider what you do as being trivial or not counting for anything. Just remember that every single piece of the jigsaw of life that you contribute will work to complete the entire picture. Have you ever worked on a jigsaw puzzle only to get to the very end and have just one piece missing? Tell me, were you disappointed that that one single piece could not be found?
    Without that one piece the jigsaw puzzle can never be finished. Aren't we all more important than a single piece of a jigsaw puzzle? Please do what you can it could make a difference in someones life.
    This is a great time of year to contemplate on these things.
    Till next post,
  19. garydotgray
    Hi everyone
    I received this email yesterday from the mother of a young man in the North Eastern US. Garrett Mendez suffered a brain stem stroke after a major head injury in a college hockey game.
    I just wanted to share the email with my blog readers as it proves that you just never know when something that you do may actually touch someone in a way that you may have never considered.
    I came across your blog about Kyle while searching the internet for new information about brain stem strokes. My son Garrett had a massive brain stem stroke three years ago at the age of 19, likely from a head first hit in a college hockey game. We didn't think he would survive. He was locked in, fully paralyzed, unable to see, speak or swallow. After 20 days in ICU he was transferred to Gaylord Rehabilitation Hospital in Connecticut. After 2 months he walked out of Gaylord with a walker. His vision had returned, he was eating again, his speech was still not clear, he had no functional use of his right arm.
    Now 3 years later, his recovery has been remarkable. He has a part time job, is taking a college course, has been cleared to drive. His speech is clear with the help of a palate lift retainer, he now has functional use of his right arm. The most amazing thing is that he is ice skating again as part of his therapy. We never thought he would walk again, new dreamed he would skate again. Nothing is impossible.
    If you google Garrett Mendez stroke or Garrett Mendez hockey, you will come across articles about his recovery. We have researched and tried all of the cutting edge technology out there and I would be happy to pass along to Kyle's parents what we have found.
    CBS news NY just did a new piece about Garrett's return to the ice the link is

    We have always asked why our lives have been taken on this journey, perhaps it's to help others through the same. Please feel free to pass along my e-mail to Kyle's parents. We are some of the very few people who truly understand what it is like.
    Eileen Mendez

    And yes I have forwarded Eileen's email on to Kyle and his family as well as the good people at our provincial association for Heart and Stroke.
    I will be checking the Jay Room for more posts and as Donna reminded me, Kyle has become a member here at Strokenet and now having Internet in his room we may be hearing from him directly soon.
  20. garydotgray
    Hi again everyone,
    I know, I know it's been over a month since I last posted news of Kyle here on my blog. Well today I am taking the time to update you on the entries from the J Room since I last posted way back in October 2008.
    Here we go.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 9:56pm on October 30th, 2008
    This has been a day that we never thought would come. Kyle got his feeding tube out today and now he is tube free. Everything went really well and we are all so happy today. Tears of joy not sadness today.

    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 9:17pm on November 18th, 2008
    Kyle is continuing to make progress each day slow but on the right road. He now has internet in his room and enjoying being back on line. He made a trip to Tignish on the weekend and had a great time lots of laughs.

    So even though it has been a month since my last post there have only two posted updates from Darlene.
    It sounds like Kyle continues to progress and that is of course great news. My plans are to be in Charlottetown on Wednesday the 3rd of December as there is a workshop being given by the Heart and Stroke for caregivers dealing with the subject of finance.
    If I can manage it I will try to get a visit to Kyle in and I haven't heard if Kyles mom and dad will be attending the workshop If they do then I will see them there.
    So for now I will sign off. I will try to update you after the tenth when I am planning a second trip to Town to attend a meeting of a new group that is just getting organized. The Brain Injury Coalition of Prince Edward Island.
    Thanks everyone for reading and till next post,
  21. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    Just checked in on the Jay room and found a new post from Kyle's mom and here it is.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 1:50pm yesterday
    Kyle continues his determination to walk and the left leg continues to get stronger. The right is a challenge and we all hope in time it will come. The right arm now is improving everyday. He enjoyed Mozza sticks the other day so his eating is really improving as well. This week he has begun to read and read Dr. Jennings book Locked IN Locked Out. This is the condition Kyle was to be in but he never was and we Thank God for that. Now beginning the Deadliest Catch book, this is good for him and his eyes. His road will be a very very long one but the Drs tell us he is on the right road and slow and steady.
    Sound's like a great book to read Shawn (Dr. Jennings) has been there, done that and got the t shirt. (Locked in that is)
    Well I have been doing some reading too and I have just finished the book "The Brain That Changes Itself". It is an amazing book about the ways that the brain has to repair itself and how they are now able to prove what was always thought to be only theory. I believe that anyone that has suffered a stroke, their families and caregivers need to place this book on their "MUST READ" list.
    Till next post.
  22. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    Well it's just past midnight on the 20th of October and I just don't kmow where the last month has gone. I just realized that my last post was over a month ago.
    I dropped over to the Jay Room and found the latest post from Mama Jay and here it is.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 5:40pm on October 12th, 2008
    Kyle had a really good week, walked the length of the gym in the liftgate with his left leg. Having a lazy weekend, tried Guitar Hero and did ok with it, got frustrated couple of times and threatened to throw Kurt's guitar on the floor. Too funny.
    Sorry to be so long away from my blog. I will try to do better in future.
    Sounds like Kyle is going gangbusters with his recovery. WOW!
    I saw a nursing student at Tim's tonight. Her name is Amie and her mom was one of my very caring nursing staff when I was in rehab. Anyway I asked Amie if she will be doing any OJT (on job training) this winter and she told me that she would be working on Unit 5 (Kyle's Unit) in a week or two.
    So of course I asked her to tell Kyle hi for me and to take good care of him.
    Take care for now, talk later
  23. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    I checked in on the J Room this morning and found a post from mama J that she had posted yesterday and I wanted you all to have it. Soooo here it is.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 2:34pm yesterday
    Kyle continues his progress, Dr. says slow but sure and he is on the right path, tomorrow getting AFO braces made for his legs and hoping this will help him in his dream to walk. This is his first goal to walk, not talk as he knows if you don't know what he wants you soon will have to figure it out. He spells " I will walk out of here" and he is so determined to do this that we believe nothing else.
    What a guy...All the very best to you Kyle. Go for the Gold and I look forward to walking with you. That would be Awesome!
    I have to go play at the other office right now so tc (take care) and will talk soon.
  24. garydotgray
    Hay everyone
    I don't have any news from the J Room today but I did get an email earlier this morning that I found very encouraging. So I thought I would share the news with all of my stroke buddies.
    It seems that a blog that I created in August as part of my 30 Day Challenge marketing training has been picked up and included in a top 100 list of resources for Physical Therapists.
    I just couldn't imagine my Physical Therapy Exercises blog being included but there it was number 71 under blogs.
    I posted a new post on my "Physical Therapy Exercises" blog this morning with links to the list and the site "NursingDegree.Net. You can go there by clicking here.
    So the moral of this story is never stop trying because you never know what is around the next corner.
    p.s. MSNBC had at least three clips on last night on Dr Jill Taylor. I did read her book and truly had very mixed feelings when I finished it. My first thoughts are posted on my "Stumble Upon". I also got an email from her telling me that she is preparing another segment for Oprah that will air this month. ( the 29th I think)
  25. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    I just don't know where the time goes but it seems to go really fast. I just realized that it has been a while since my last post and peeked into the J Room to see if there were any new posts.
    Well there were and here they are.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 9:00pm on August 26th, 2008
    Today has been a great day Mr. Kyle took his first step!!!
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 8:49pm on August 31st, 2008
    Hey everyone Kyle is having a lazy weekend lots of movies and sleeps. Hoping the day will be nice as planning a trip to Morell tomorrow.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 4:52pm
    Kyle is doing good today wasn't feeling well on the weekend but now better. The right side continues to get stronger and his body does as well. Just a note to tell ifanyone is trying to get into see Kyle do not ask at front desk, just come down to unit 5 and there will be no problems.
    I also wanted to say that I had gotten in to see Kyle on Monday August 25th. I found him looking great and I walked with him from his room in Unit 5 to the Physical Medicine area where he was scheduled to do OT.
    While there I visited the PT dept to get a look at the Lift Gait that Kyle is using to try to get his brain to understand walking again. I talked to my PT Bev Fay and she asked if I would volunteer to be on a new list that is being drawn up of former patients to use the device to see if we can effect more progress in our gait. For example for me I might be able to effect a more natural knee rotation which could help me to walk more naturally.
    Also I have talked to Kyles grand father and grand mother several timse in chance meetings around Montague and they are very pleased with the progress that Kyle is making.
    They are always quick to acknowledge the support Kyle has received from his stroke survivor buddies.
    Also on the 25th I visited the PEI Heart and Stroke Foundation office in Charlottetown. Chatted with Charlotte and Cathy about the challenge of encouraging support from government for a Stroke Unit for the province.
    I committed to talk to as many of the politicians that I could to help them to see the value of such a unit being established. The main challenge of course is the 2.2 Million Dollar annual operational cost of upgraded staffing and training for the eight Stroke Unit beds. If anyone can suggest information and or resources that might be helpful in making the case to the politicians please feel free to share them with me. I would really appreciate it...thanks.