
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by garydotgray

  1. Hi Fred,


    It is sooo good to hear from you. I love that you are keeping up with those eagles. :You-Rock: We are getting more and more eagles making their home here on my Hidden Island Paradise


    Of course, we are still growing potatoes here Fred. New P.E.I. potatoes are an excellent choice. We love our potatoes. Note to self: please do a post on my blog about eagles and potatoes for Fred.


    Well Fred I will be honored to be your "Friend" on Facebook if you ever decide to set up an account. Actually Facebook is policed well and I have not heard of those things happening in any of the stroke communities. By the way Stroke Network is there with a little over 2,000 people on their page.


    Take care my friend! I wish you the very best in your continued recovery.


    Smiles :thumbsu:



  2. Hi Asha,


    I just stopped by to check a reference that I gave today for a newspaper interview. While here I came across your post. You have been very faithful in your duties for the past four years. You have always been very kind to me whenever I would post to my blog. Thank you!


    I wish you well in whatever the future holds for you.


    I have been very busy with the Heart and Stroke Foundation in our province. I have also been working with a caregivers group and attended a workshop on stroke in Quebec City in June. Just today I had a one hour national conference call with a national stroke committee, A video recorded testimonial for the P,E.I. Dept of Health on a new skills based healthy living program, a local newspaper interview and a meeting with a Jr. writers group that I also work with.


    There are lots of things to get involved with in our local communities when we have arrived at that point in our recovery.


    BTW Kyle is doing very well. He spends about 4 - 6 weeks in rehab and then 4 - 6 months at home. He tells me that he is still very much experiencing improvement.


    take care, smiles :)



  3. Hi Asha


    Thanks for your comment. I found the Olympic Games very interesting aspecially since I am so familiar with both the Vancouver and the Whistler areas. Brought back lots of good memories. The other great thing was that I had both Canadian and American family there and they were posting on their Facebook accounts with pictures. Of course I do have to mention Heather Moise our local girl two man bobsleigh breakman that won Gold.


    I am sincerely sorry that you got the bulk of our winter this year. Glad that you were able to enjoy some storm days with family.


    Smiles :)



  4. Hi girls


    Yes Kyle is a great kid! Considering the condition that he was in a year ago when he stroked, it is nothing short of amazing the recovery that he is making. I really believe that with his positive attitude, determination and willingness to work hard he will continue to recover well into the future. He has the ability to set goals and work toward attaining them.


    He is an inspiration to us all.


    Smiles :)



  5. Hi Donna and Asha


    Thanks so much for your comments.


    We are beginning to move in the right direction. I have a stroke caregivers workshop to attend on Wednesday and we are in the midst of organizing a support group of Stroke caregivers. I know there are between at least 20 and 40 that have expressed strong interest in such a group.


    The brain injury support group now has split into two groups with meetings every alternating two weeks. There is a major funds raising night coming in May for the brain injury groups.


    It is wonderful to see the interest , support and growth starting to blossom in our area. I am trying not to get too involved directly but just just give a gentle touch to assist in the direction from time to time.


    Thanks so much for all of your support.


    Smiles :)



  6. Thank you Donna. The Kyle man he's our main dude and his parents are true faithful and loyal care givers.


    We had a metting today for stroke survivor care givers. Twenty care givers came and agreed to meet regularly as a care givers support group. I pitched the stroke network as a resource that could possibly give them support as well. Some of them may come by to have a look.



  7. Hi Kathy


    Maybe you just have to get used to your "new normal." (as one of my stroke buddies would say) Pre stroke does not a better person make. It's when we are refined by fire that we can show what we are really made of. (pure Gold) But all that glitters is not gold there may be some diamonds and other precious gems there as well. The skilled potter shapes the clay, he doesn't throw it away.


    Wishing you success in your journey,


    Smiles :)





  8. Hi Donna


    Read your post about your resignation and I as others have already expressed, express my heartfelt thanks and assurance that I will miss you in that capacity. I also want to wish you every success in your future projects.


    I know from my own experience that there is a time to move on and meet new challenges.


    I do look forward to reading your blog posts and hearing from you on occasion.


    Strokenet is such a valuable tool in our recoveries but as with other parts of our recovery therapies we need new and different challenges to continue moving forward on our road to a full recovery.


    May your road be smoothly paved with great experiences and lots of sign posts to keep you on the right path.


    Smiles :)



  9. Hi Kathy


    I don't think that I have talked to you before but I just wanted to say that I am very impressed with how you are dealing with your fatigue and acceptance. These are things that I have had to deal with and it is not easy.


    You are right we do have to make choices depending on what our bodies are able to do. (and that was a new experience for me too)


    Keep up the good work. You sound like you have a great attitude. Enjoy the activities that you can do :artist: and your body should strengthen with time.


    Wishing you the very best in 2009.


    Smiles :)



  10. Hi Asha


    I am so happy to hear that life is making sense to you. If I have helped in some small way then it warms my heart to know that I am able to help. I read your last blog post and it sounds like you have a great life partner there. We are not all so fortunate. You have always been a good stroke buddy friend to me and I miss you when I don't hear from you in awhile.


    Here is Kyle's page on the Stroke Network. Go ahead talk to him there. It is so wonderful to hear of the progress he is making.


    It should be an encouragement to Kyle and his family to make contact with Garrett and his family. It is heartwarming to learn that they were both trying to find each other and now they have.


    Thanks Asha for your very kind words and I know your life will be filled with much joy and happiness as you reach out and touch people on your journey.


    Smiles :)



  11. Thank you Sue and Donna for your kind words I really do appreciate them as well as what everyone does here at Strokenet as well as in your communities.


    Don't sell yourself short. There is such a need to share our experiences with others. To help them with whatever challenge that is confronting them. It is even a very valuable experience to attend a group meeting to hear what challenges others are being faced with and how they are finding their way through the minefield.


    I received a very touching email today from a mother that I will share with you in a new post that I will do later tonight. (you just never know how and/or when you will touch someone in a way that gives you a special joy in your heart - The joy of giving)


    Smiles :)



  12. Hi Jean


    It is great to see your new blog post. Hay no worries many of us (the old gang) have moved on to other things in our lives and isn't that the way it is supposed to be?


    Strokenet filled a very real need in my life post stroke and I will never forget strokenet or the many friends that I made here.


    Thanks for your blog links I do enjoy reading about your and Don's adventures as well as the old dog (Cooper/Bye) and the young pup (Levi)


    Many great memories and many good wishes for all of you and yours in the coming month and year.


    The space crew being up again reminds me of Don and I can't help but wonder if he made the flight this time.


    Take care,


    Smiles :)



  13. Hi Donna and Asha


    Thanks for your comments. Yes we do Donna. Ever onward and upward. (one little baby step at a time) But look bacjward and just see how far we have come.


    Hope you enjoy the books Asha the one on how the brain changes itself is awesome.


    I have recently met a couple of young CFA (come from away) ers that have quite an adventure going here on PEI and are blogging about it.


    Check it out at


    Catch ya both later


    Smiles :)

