
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by garydotgray

  1. garydotgray
    Hi everyone
    I just checked the J room and found that Mama J had just posted a bit earlier. Here is her post.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 9:03pm
    Hello all! Kyle had a great weekend made his first trip home and to Morell, got to see his dog Riley and see his car very emotional for him as hasn't seen home since March 8. He continues to make progress and each day gets so much stronger.
    Way to go Kyle! Yep five months is a long time and especially when you are only nineteen.
    I talked to Kyle's family at Tim Horton's in Montague the other day and they confirmed that he is doing well. He is learning to transfer to his dad's truck in order to do a bit more traveling.
    It is great to know that he is gaining enough mobility to begin recapturing a measure of independence.
    His attitude has been a big factor in his recovery as is the support of family and friends.
    BTW Is it my imagination or is there more activity in the blog section lately? It seems to me that there are more posts being posted to blogs.
    To those that are active and posting, I say Bravo to you and keep up the great work. It is encouraging to everyone when we see the level of activity increasing.
    To those that may not have a blog I encourage you to come on in the water is just fine. If you are having trouble setting your blog up get a teen to come help until you get a few posts under your belt and feel comfortable putting up your posts. Once your blog is set up you can post as often as you want. That way you can keep all of us up to date on what is going on in your life. Some members may wish to post comments back to you and it becomes a real interactive thing.
    Take care everyone...and have a great day.
  2. garydotgray
    Hi again everyone
    Just took a minute to drop by the J Room and found a post from Mama J from the 13th. and here it is.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 8:51pm on August 13th, 2008
    hello! Kyle is doing really well. He has been standing on his own the last 2 days but with therapists right beside him. He continues to eat well and putting on the beef. He now can feed himself. The speech is coming but slowly. All in time.
    So sounds like Kyle is still doing awesome...
    August has been such a busy month for me that I have found it hard to get back to Strokenet to post.
    btw I actually bought Dr. Jill Taylor's book "My Stroke of Insight" and trying to read it in between other commitments. (well I did tell her I would read it)
    I will post my review of it once I get it read.
    Take care everyone.
  3. garydotgray
    Hi again everyone
    I just checked in on the J Room and found two posts from Mama J so here they are.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 9:45pm on August 3rd, 2008
    It has been a lazy weekend for Kyle, lots of sleeps and eat and sleep again. It was such a shitty weekend who wouldn't just wanna sleep. Kyle continues to improve and eating like a frigging horse this is good and hopefully next week maybe feeding tube will be gone. Yahoo.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 9:18pm
    another great day for Kyle. Worked really hard today and body is getting stronger each day. Spelled the alphabet with his right hand the weak one today and did awesome. Had a great evening with all his buddies and laughed till couldn't breath. He is so lucky to have such great friends.
    Sounds like Kyle is working toward finding his new normal. He is so fortunate to have a loving, caring family, friends and community support to make him laugh and feel life again.
    Would'n it be a wonderful thing if every stroke survivor had the kind of friends that could help them regain a measure of life again.
    Hay we all do and it's called the Stroke Community of which the Stroke Network is a very large part. It is vvvii.
    vvvii is a new phrase and stands for "very, very, very. important indeed"
    So always remember that All of our family, friends, support communities (like the Stroke Network) and all of our stroke buddies (that includes caregivers) are VVVII.
    So a BIG THANK YOU to all of our families, friends and stroke buddies here and everywhere.
  4. garydotgray
    Hi again everyone
    I just realized that it has been a whole week since my last post. I checked the J Room and found that Mama J had posted on Tuesday evening. Here is her post.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 6:56pm on July 29th, 2008
    hello! Kyle continues to make progress. Eating well and starting to try to drink from a glass. They had Kyle up in a walker yesterday and he can hold his weight also today up in the parallel bars and could hold himself up. The litegait has arrived and he is very excited about being able to use this machine again. Everyday he seems to have something new to tell us. All is good.
    So Kyle is making good progress.
    I will try to keep a closer eye on the J Room going forward although it looks like August and September are going to be very busy months. (an online course in August and Volunteer work in September)
    Anyway we will do our best to keep you posted on Kyle's progress.
  5. garydotgray
    Hello everyone
    I just thought to check in on the J room and found a post from Mama J that she posted on the 22 nd. (Tuesday)
    I am sorry that I missed it but I will post it now for you. (just past midnight on Friday)
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 6:47pm on July 22nd, 2008
    Kyle continues to do really well eating everything on his plate even vegies and yogurt never would even try when well. He now is only on his tube feed at night and taking his meds by mouth, hoping by end of July no more tube feeds this is such a huge accomplishment for him. Even the eyes are changing. All good stuff
    So Kyle's rehab continues to progress well.
    Unfortunately I have heard of two more strokes involving younger or middle aged people in our community.
    No details as of yet.
    Almost every day someone stops me to tell me that they saw me on TV the previous night.
    The community channel has been replaying my stroke interview that I did back in February at least once (maybe more) every night on the community channel.
    I just hope that it increases stroke awareness and the risk factors tht can contribute to stroke.
  6. garydotgray
    Hello again everyone
    I checked in on the J Room and found that Mama J had posted once yesterday and again today.
    So here are her posts.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 9:47pm on July 17th, 2008
    hello Kyle is doing great got his new glasses today and making a difference he could read his menu today yes now he is picking out his menu and is excited. He asked me what time is breakfast. He continues to make progress and talking is getting better. Going out on his first day pass on Sat and looking forward to that. Oh to all the gang on 7.3 what an awesome t shirt really miss ya all.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 9:34pm yesterday
    Kyle having another great day eating lots and going out on first day pass tomorrow. Than going to home for the first time in 4 months Sunday for a few hours. His choice of food for Sunday is scrambled eggs and cherry cheese cake quite a combination.
    So Mr Kyle is getting out and about.....GREAT!
    And home on Sunday. WOW Things are continuing to progress in a positive direction for Kyle and of course we are all so happy for him and his family as well.
    I am looking forward to the day when he can write his own posts and join all of his online stroke buddies here at Strokenet.
  7. garydotgray
    Hi again everyone
    I know that it's been a long wait but I just checked in on the J Room and Mama J posted a new post less that an hour ago and here it is...
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 9:56pm
    Hello everyone Kyle is having a good few days. Had potatoes and chicken tonight and just loved it. He is getting glasses next week for the double vision and we pray this will help his eyes. Lots of laughs today and hoping to start taking some day trips soon.
    Sounds like things have been busy in the J Room and Kyle is still making great progress.
    We too hope that the vision thingy can get straightened out.
    Sorry for no posts this past week but there has been no posts from the J Room. It is hard to be on the computer when you are being kept sooo busy with rehab. I know from personal experience just how busy they can keep you. (and then they used to wonder why I was flacked out on my bed in between sessions...duh) lol
    I also haven't been around the computer much this past week. The weather has been so beautiful here in paradise, where would you expect everyone to be...The beach of course)
    So give a cheer for Kyle and I'm back to the beach for a day or two longer.
  8. garydotgray
    Hi again Everyone
    Well it has been a few days since we have had any posts by mama Jay.
    But tonight there is a new post and here it is...
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 8:54pm
    Hello everyone it has been awhile but days are busy and late nights. Kyle is doing really well, he now is eating vanilla pudding and is up to 22 spoonfuls and loving every spoonful. He continues to make progress with his movements and now can hold his left arm in the air and the right is coming along very well also. He is saying some words and his voice is getting louder as well. Maybe next week will have a power chair but he tells us this is only temporary as he will walk again and miracles do happen.
    Congratulations Kyle on your great progress. swallowing, talking and waving arms in the air. Yes we understand very well that the power chair is just temporary and with that "can do" attitude of yours the possibilities are unending.
    We also understand that the pace of work in rehab is intense and can leave you spent after the various sessions. Keep up the good work and pace yourself so your body is able to handle the expectations that you have for it.
    Big Cheer!
    Gimmie a K, Gimmie a Y, Gimmie an L, Gimmie an E....Gooooo KYLE!!!
  9. garydotgray
    Hi again everyone
    I just checked on the J room and found that mama J had posted earlier today. Here is her post.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 1:20pm
    Hey everyone this has been a very good day so far, Kyle had his swallowing tests this am and they went very very well hopefully by Wednesday will have some pureed food. He continues to make movements and voice words which is doing very well at. Take care Mama Jay.
    So it sounds like Kyle is inch by inch and row by row making his garden grow.
    Way to go Kyle.
    Question: Have any of you been following Dr Jill Bolte Taylor. She had a Left side brain Hemorrhage back in 1996. She related her stroke experience on the website TED in February of this year.
    She bills herself as a brain scientist (a singing one at that) and goes about on the tv talk shows and various public speaking engagements relating her stroke experience. (which to say the least is kinda out there)
    Dr Taylor has also written a book this past year My Stroke of Insight Peace is just a thought away
    So is it me or is there something strange about Dr. Taylor's stroke experience that leaves one with the feeling that having a stroke is a big joke (like a wow man far out trippin experience)
    I am NOT trying to be critical of Dr Taylor but I just find myself with those back of the mind (excuse the pun) feelings that relating this sort of experience to someone who has never experienced stroke gives the impression that stroke is a big joke.
    Considering that Dr Taylor appears to have made a complete recovery from this far out stroke experience I fail to see how anyone hearing her speak for the first time could ever take stroke seriously.
    Please tell me that is all in my imagination and that Dr Taylor is making thousands of people aware of the dangers in the risk factors of stroke.
    I would really like to know your opinion. Please leave a comment telling me what you think.
    Thanks and Smiles
  10. garydotgray
    Hello everyone
    I just checked in on the J Room and found a post that Mama J posted a short time ago.
    Here it is.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 9:40pm
    Hello to all it has been a few days of a very busy schedule. Kyle is doing well he continues to get stronger each day and voice is working as a few words coming out. He now enjoys sips of Gatorade off a spoon and now can ask for more. Then he burps and laughs, first time he burped in three months. Tomorrow he is having his first shower in nearly 4 months and is he some excited.
    So Kyle continues to climb the ladder of recovery (one step at a time)
    I hope you enjoy your shower Kyle...
    p.s. I have been working on getting a webcam up and running. Ed Dale of The Thirty Day Challenge has enabled posting video comments on The Thirty Day Challenge Blog. (really cool)
    So I thought you might like to see my very first video comment that I posted on the blog earlier today.
    The content may not make sense to you as the comment is in reply to a video post that Ed posted on the blog.
    Keep needing to try new things eh. lol
  11. garydotgray
    Hi Readers
    Well today was moving day for Kyle. He was officially moved down to the Rehab Unit of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. (Unit Seven)
    I got to meet Mr. Kyle this evening and his dad and mom. He has been moved into my old room and it sure seemed a bit strange to be a visitor there now after almost six years.
    Of course we compared notes and Kyle showed off the various movements that he can do now. His dad says that he has been having trouble sleeping so they are giving him meds for that. I hope that he gets his sleep because from my experience they will be keeping him busy in therapy during the days.
    Asha wanted me to take some pictures so I got one of Kyle and his dad and also one of Kyle and me. Click here to go to my Flicker site where I have uploaded them.
    There were no posts from the J Room today as I am sure that mama J had a very busy day. Oh yes and thank you mama J for the coffee. I get to buy next time.
    As a side bar I also found another stroke buddy (John Mongomery) across the hall from Kyle's room. They have found that John has a rare condition that has caused blood clots resulting in two separate strokes. (the last in Feb 08) John's caregiver wife Bev has been by his side all of the way and continues to care for John even though he has been hospitalized since February. I introduced the Jay's to the Montgomery's and I am sure that they will be there for each other as the recovery continues for both of our buddies.
    Kyle's dad told me that Kate Adamson had been in contact with Kyle. So thank you Katie the Jay family do really appreciate the encouragement, experience and understanding from yourself and other locked in survivors such as Dr. Shawn Jennings who was able to visit Kyle. (both members of The Stroke Network)
    Thanks everyone!
    I will post again as Mama J brings us more news from the J Room.
  12. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone.
    I just came in from my evening walk and went online to check in on the J Room.
    Mama J had just posted her latest post an so here it is...
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 9:44pm
    hey everyone Kyle had another good day. He is being moved to the rehab unit on Monday and this is where the real work will begin. He said Mom for the first time today. He is now trying to move himself in his wheelchair. Going to get his power chair next week and he is some excited. Tomorrow is sleep in day and just like the old Kyle likes to sleep till noon.
    So it sounds like another positive step for the Kyle man. (maybe he will get my old room)
    A quiet weekend before the big move. And a power chair too. Kyle will be cruising the halls before we know it. lol
    Great stuff Kyle we are all so proud of you and all of your hard work, great attitude and willingness to keep working one step at a time. "Yes You Can!!!"
    Thanks again everyone for your support. As we all know having other survivors to cheer us on seems to lighten the load...
    Who said that you can't go kayaking after having had a life threatening stroke?
    Step by step it is amazing just what we can do.
  13. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    I checked in on the J Room and found this post from Mama J.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 9:18pm
    hey everyone,Kyle is doing good. New movements of the shoulders and body is stretching. He is working really hard in physio and the right leg is improving along with the hard work. We talked about his eyes last night as there could be nerve damage and he said on his spell board"They told me I would never move and they were wrong and then points to a plaque I got him stating Miracles do Happen and that is him. Each day he shows us something new. He has only been here 2 weeks and it is amazing how far he has come.
    Kyle is an inspiration to all of us.
    Gooo Kyle!!!
  14. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    Had a great weekend away. I spent the weekend with about 3000 of my friends (not stroke survivors) at our annual district convention.
    So I am all charged up and ready to fly...
    I peeked in on the J Room and Mama J had posted a couple of times while I was away. Here are her posts.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 9:42pm on June 13th, 2008
    Hey everyone, Kyle is doing good really tired these days as days are really busy. New movements in his ankles and the right arm is improving. Swallowing tests so far went really well and more next week. He is loving his Popsicles in the evenings.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 3:19pm yesterday
    Hello everyone, Kyle is doing very well. Yesterday we noticed he has shoulder movement he didn't have before, also the right arm is improving. Lots of laughter and the vocal cords are getting stronger. Thanks Jess and James for coming to see him in your prom outfits. He thought that was great. Take care.
    So it rather sounds like Kyle is making fine progress... Yaaa!!!
    I am tired as it is quite late and I have been getting up at 5 a.m. while I have been away.
    So for me it is time to hit the hay.
    I will be away all day tomorrow until evening but I will check on the J Room and put up a new post if there is any new news.
  15. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    Sorry that I missed posting last night but I think that I was just over tired an went straight to bed after my evening walk.
    I checked the J Room this morning and Mama J had posted last evening some special news. Here is her post.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 7:04pm yesterday
    Hello everyone, the latest news is Kyle got his trach out today, he is swallowing,the vocal cords are working and the site looks good. He is so happy and this is a huge step ahead for him. Lots of smiles and some tears of joy today for all of us.
    So this is very good news! I posted a congratulatory message on his Facebook group and I will re post it here for information purposes.
    Gary Gray wrote
    at 10:06am
    Hay Kyle
    You are da Man! Great work and congrats on your progress. We know how hard it is for you but we are cheering with you every step of the way. It was great to meet your family Tuesday nite at Tim's (Montague) They seem very happy to have you back on PEI.
    I will be traveling to Moncton this weekend (Thursday till Sunday) but I have made some arrangements to pay you a visit next week.
    I am looking forward to meeting you in person.
    Keep up the great work you are an inspiration to all of your stroke survivor buddies.
    Have a great day everyone and hope all is well with you...
  16. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    Well I just peeked into the J Room and found a post from Mama J. Here it is.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 6:08pm
    Hello everyone, Kyle is having a bit of a down day today. Really tired. But continues on with his corking and bound to get it out soon. He can put his sunglasses and hat on now. Each day he seems to do a new thing. Oh Happy Bday to you Pam, miss our chats.
    Pam I assume is one of Kyle's nurses in Halifax. It is great that they (Halifax staff) can follow Kyle's progress on his Facebook group.
    When I was out for my evening walk tonight I met five members of the Jay family at Tim's in Montague. Kyle's Grandfather and his Grandmother as well as his aunt Brenda, his dad Garth and his younger brother.
    His grandmother thinks that Kyle is doing better since he made it back to Charlottetown. He had some friends visit him today, so even though Kyle had a down day with some sickness he was lifted up with visits from his friends.
    Kyle is not in the rehab unit yet. He will be in Unit 5 until he is able to get his trake removed and able to take in food the old fashioned way. He is working hard on getting to that level as soon as possible.
    His dad told me that he seems to be understanding that this is a long haul thing and he is settling down to taking it one step at a time. Kyle's attitude is good and he is making good progress.
    He is being kept busy with his recovery exercises and routines so when I do get to visit with him it will most likely not be a long visit.
    I will post again as more news comes in.
    Thanks everyone for all of your encouragement. Kyle's dad said tonight that there is certainly a large group of stroke survivors encouraging his son and he would like to say thank you for your support.
  17. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    Well mama J has confirmed that Kyle is now back on Island soil and getting settled in to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) in Charlottetown.
    When I checked today I found two posts from the J Room and here they are.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 1:18pm
    Hello all, Kyle is doing great here at the QEH. He is now on hour 84 of his corking and continues on. They are going to look at maybe taking the trach out next week. He is really working ####### his movements and continues to make progress. Lots of smiles. Even putting on his own cap and shades. He typed on a machine yesterday that talks for him and he said "I'm The Man". So Kyle has settled in quite well here and the nurses are very good to him.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 9:25pm
    It is now 9:30 and Kyle has just realized how to make sounds with the movement of his lips. He has just said ya,no,Aman,and laughs in between. Just enjoyed a few sucks of a choc popsicle. It is amazing in the past few days the progress he is making. We are so proud of him!
    I am sooo happy for Kyle and his family I hope his progress continues as he is doing sooo good.
    I will be heading in to visit as soon as the visiting restrictions are lifted.
  18. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    Well late last night Mama J put up the post that we have been waiting for. Here it is.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 11:17pm yesterday
    Hello to everyone. Well we are finally home and Mr. Kyle is doing great. He is very excited to be back and can't wait to see everyone. He is pushing the corking tonight as wants to get rid of it soon as he can. It is so nice to be home yet it was a very emotional day yesterday leaving behind the special nurses and Drs. in Halifax. Many tears shed but tears of joy when we got on PEI soil. See you all soon.
    So as soon as I get the word that visitors are allowed to come visit I will be on my way to go and pay Mr. Kyle a visit.
    Maybe next week if they are able to get the "super bugs" (two of them) that are roaming the hallways of the hospital under control.
    Does anyone know Mark McEwen an ABC news anchor from Orlando Florida who had a massive stroke in 2005.
    He commented on my "Signs of a Stroke" blog the other day. He has just released his new book "A Change in the Weather, life after stroke". He says that he is dedicating his life to stroke awareness and stroke survivor education to build hope for them that there is life after stroke.
    Sounds like an interesting fellow. In fact Mark if you are a member of Strokenet and you happen to read this post send me an IM cus I would love to connect with you.
  19. garydotgray
    Hello everyone
    I was away for three days to Nova Scotia on a work assignment (volunteer) and just got home late last night.
    Well there has been a good deal of activity from the J Room. I will begin with the posts by Kyle's mom Darlene.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 8:26pm on May 29th, 2008
    hey everyone. Kyle had a good day today feeling some better. Just watching Pinks in his chair. Got his head shaved again tonight and is loving it. Well looks like Kyle will be spending his 19th bday in Halifax but for sure the 20th one will be the party. We are all hoping for the Island next week. Have a good night.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 7:46pm on May 30th, 2008
    hello to everyone. Kyle had another great day lots of laughs and feeling good. He is now 137lbs getting a little belly on him. This tube feed is fattening him up better than smokes and honeycombs. Unfortunately we have to be here for Kyle's 19th tomorrow but there will be a few surprises tomorrow to bring a smile to his face. Take care and hope to see you all early next week!
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 5:51pm
    Well the time has finally come and we are coming home tomorrow. Kyle is so excited as we are as well. Can't wait to see you all.
    Along with Mama J's posts there have been at least another 49 posts since Thursday nite bringing Kyle birthday wishes as Saturday May 31st was Kyle's 19th birthday. (legal drinking age here in Atlantic Canada)
    The post from earlier today is really the celebration as Mama J is announcing that Kyle is coming home to Prince Edward Island tomorrow.
    I will do my very best to get in to Charlottetown to visit and meet this amazing young man.
    So good news from the J room for sure!
    Please continue to keep Kyle in your prayers and encourage him in any way that you can.
    We all hope that he is building a stroke story for the record books. Goooo Kyle!!!
  20. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    I checked the J Room for any news on Mr. Kyle but all was quiet with the last post being the one from yesterday.
    Soooo again usually no news is good news.
    I will blog again when the next post goes up.
    ps Donna and Asha thanks for your comments over the past few days. I missed seeing them cus someone went and CHANGED the skin AGAIN! lol
    It's gotta be a "man" We gotta push every button there is and sometimes.....repeatedly. (until we annoy the dickens out of our wives)
    Oh Well sometimes I contemplate what it would be like.......... But NO I am definitely NOT going to go THERE. lol
  21. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    I checked in with the J room and found a post that Darlene (Kyle's mom) had posted today.
    Here it is:
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 3:53pm
    Although Darlene doesn't mention it in her post I got an email from her last night. It was just a short one line email but from it I gathered that our very own Dr. Shawn Jennings had dropped by for a visit.
    Darlene said that Kyle was all smiles about Shawn's visit so I hope that it was an encouragement to Kyle.
    I can't think of a better role model for Kyle as Shawn also suffered a brain stem stroke in about 1997.
    Well as Darlene says we all hope that tomorrow will be a better day.
    ps Darlene made me a FaceBook friend to her today. I had sent her an email last night thanking her for putting me on her email distribution list.
  22. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    I checked in with the J Room and Kyle's mom had put up a new post today.
    Here it is:
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 7:20pm
    hey everyone Kyle is having a pretty good day. Feeling better and fever is gone. He got a new pic line today as this is where the infection started. The antibiotics are working. He enjoyed seeing the pictures from the Auction on Sat night. He gets emotional when we tell him how many people are showing their support for him and us. We Thank You for all the support on Sat night and Sunday at the bingo. You are all amazing people!
    I posted to his group board to night to let him know that we are all pulling for him.
    remember the little engine that "thought I could"...... He had to "think I can" first.
    So if we can all help Kyle to "think I can" well you know the rest of the story.....
    Goooooo Kyle!!!......
  23. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    I checked in with the J Room and Kyle's mom had posted earlier today. Here is her post.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 12:33pm
    Hello! Kyle is having another sick day as fever is up and down. He has two infections that he is fighting but on powerful antibiotics. Hopefully feel some better tomorrow.
    So Kyle is fighting hard to overcome the infections within him. The doctors are giving him the meds he needs.
    So we can keep him in our prayers that he will recover as quickly as he can.
    All of our very best wishes to all of the J family as you face each new day...
    ps Thanks Donna and Asha for your posts to my last blog post. The setup here has changed and I have no idea how to post back to you on the comments thingy now.
    Steve are you changing things AGAIN?!
    My word, the man is worse than any woman with a furniture rearranging complex. (kidding of course) LOL
    Steve's changes are always a huge improvement to the Stroke Network site.
    pps There is a new post on the "Signs of a Stroke" blog. Go have a look and a listen.
    ppps There are flowers growing on my blog post. (who knew) I think Steve has been working in the garden as well. Daisys are my favorites. (luv the flutter-bys Steve thanks)
  24. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    Kyle's mom posted an update today around noon our time. Here it is.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 12:26pm
    Well it is yet another wet day in Halifax. Kyle is feeling rotten today as high fever and sick. Either an infection or flu. Hopefully will feel better tomorrow as we hear PEI is getting closer.
    Sorry to hear that Kyle is under the weather. It always seems rottener when you already got the fight of your life going on.
    Do hope you are on the mend soon Kyle. It's hard to fight when you feel lousy.
  25. garydotgray
    Hi again everyone
    I just checked in with the J Room and found this latest post from Mama J (Kyle's mom)
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 11:58am
    Kyle is still doing well and continues to move. He now found out how to move his bed plus trying to pull himself up by holding on to the railing. He is trying to mouth words now . Garth was doing something yesterday with Kyle and Kyle came up with the left paw and caught Garth on the face and laughed too funny. Take care
    As we all know stroke recovery is a painfully slow process but the Jay family appear to continue to have that sense of humor and patience that is needed to keep moving forward. (one bed rail pull up at a time) LOL We can probably all say been there, done that got the t shirt.
    Take care everyone and thanks for following and expressing your interest and concern over Kyle's recovery.