
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by garydotgray

  1. Hi Donna


    Sorry to learn of the passing of your mom. Life is sometimes much shorter than we would like but we must all pass through that door at some time in our lives. I really can't think of a better blessing than to go without a lot of suffering and to have loved ones that truly love us in our life when it is time to go.







  2. Gary, it's always a pleasure to see you have posted a new blog. Thanks for the Kyle updates. Seems it it the same hard battle for the smaller stroke survivors and how much is that good support team needed eh? I am so grateful for all of those great people who still act as cheerleaders for Ray and me.


    I love your blogs. Like me you live in a world where people still connect to one another and you CAN ask this one to look out for that one. Please continue to update us about Kyle and his family. Maybe one day he will ocme here and have a blog himself, who knows?





    Hi Sue


    Thanks for your great comments!


    I am not really sure if I am slowing down or if I am speeding up and my body is counter balancing by making me go slower.


    Anyway I guess it will all come out in the laundry as they say.


    Great to hear from you and I hope you and Ray are doing well overall. (tell him hi for me eh)


    It is very amazing that Kyle has come as far as he has and by way of determination he is not done yet. (not by a long shot)


    I am so happy ( as we all are) to see him make such great progress. And for being so young he seems to understand that you can't get it all back overnight and continues his steady pace toward recovery.


    Smiles :)




    PS Here is a link to a blog by a young lady and her boyfriend here on PEI. (about less than 10 minutes from me) They came from Victoria British Columbia about a year ago, bought this property and are obviously having the adventure of their lives. Please check it out I think you will like it.





  3. Hi Marie


    Sorry if I sounded hard on you in my comment to your last blog post. I am so happy that you have decided to stay.


    Being a stroke survivor can be a very depressing and lonely place not only to mention confusing. I feel that every one who can share their experience has the power to encourage another.


    So keep sharing your experience Marie because your experiences can touch other stroke survivors in a way that maybe no one else can.


    Thank you Marie for being part of our stroke community and thanks for sharing!


    Smiles :)



  4. I am sure that you have a great excuse for not wanting to blog anymore... Right.


    Turning ones back on the stroke community should be a piece of cake.


    There are thousands of new stroke survivors every year who need the encouragement of someone positive who has been there, done that and wears the t shirt.


    But hay since you have nothing to say why waste breath talking to that crowd.


    Wishing you the very best with the rest of your life. We will still be here if you change your mind and decide to come back.


    Smiles :)



  5. Hi Asha


    Thanks for your great comment. It is because of stroke buddies like you that we are all truly encouraged to rise to greater challenges in our recovery from stroke.


    I just realized how long it has been since my last post and checked the J room for more posts.


    So I had better go do a new post to bring everyone up to date eh.


    Smiles :)



  6. Hi Donna


    You know you are most likely close to the mark. Most people just don't think it will happen to them.


    Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it. Boy what a busy week It was like it was Monday morning this morning and tonight is Saturday night. Blink and you are in a whole new week. lol


    Off to post a comment from Mama J in a new blog post.


    Smiles :)



  7. Hi Donna and Fred


    Thanks for your comments. Sorry to be so long posting back but I have been on the go a lot lately and not on the computer that much.


    In fact I think I ran out of gas sometime yesterday and have been sleeping a lot both yesterday and today.


    Anyway the humidity has been playing havoc with my body and I am looking forward to some clearer air so I can feel a bit more normal. That should allow me to spend a bit more time around the computer again.


    Take care both of you and talk soon.


    Smiles :)



  8. Hi Sue


    Thanks for your comment and your feedback on Dr Taylor. I know it is difficult to watch someone making fun of the experience of having a stroke when there are so many that not only have to endure the stroke experience more than once but also have to live the remainder of their lives with the after effects of those strokes.


    Thank you for sharing.


    The more we care, the more we share...


    Smiles :)



  9. Thanks Donna


    Yep first and foremost we are all soooo proud of our man Kyle. His attitude is the stuff that recovery's are made of.


    His parents have both told me how much they appreciate the support and encouragement they have received from the stroke community.


    Big thank you to everyone...


    Thanks for your comment on Dr. Jill. Right after I posted I found the post by justsurvivin on her blog and all of the comments that she received on the subject of what I call Dr. Jill's "magic medicine show" complete with brain props.


    I really think that there is a good possibility to put a positive spin on the whole Dr. Jill thing and use it to increase stroke awareness in a positive way right across the net. (which in essence is the entire globe)


    I am most interested in hearing what others feel about what she is doing and just what message she is actually giving to people in general.


    Smiles :)



  10. Wow I think you hit a hot button..Great comments


    I actually just finished my post asking for comments on what others thought of this lady. I was getting negative vibes and so emailed her with some very open concerns. I got a very shout email back telling me that in essence due to my Right brain hemorrhage I tended to be critical and that she hoped that I would be able to control that part of my stroke. then wishing me peace, hope and joy along with blessings hoping that I would enjoy her book.


    My gut feeling is that this bird is a ditz but I was encouraged to read the other comments left here already.


    Maybe the stained glass brain was the tip off. Or the so called "real brain" prop that she so eagerly displays during her magic medicine show.


    I too have ordered her book through the library and will read it when it comes in.


    In the meantime I see no reason not to question her motives on any and all posts and comments that I put up on the net. It may even get her attention.


    Smiles :o)



  11. Hi to both of you (Vi and Donna)


    Thanks again for your comments.


    I just checked in on the J Room and there were no new comments since Thursday night. I can well imagine that the Jay family are being kept quite busy and receiving lots of visitors as Kyle and his family have so many friends and family in the Charlottetown area.


    So I will continue to monitor and post any new news as it becomes available.


    When I was in that room they had to post a notice on the door for all visitors to report to the Unit Desk before visiting. The reason was simply that they just could not keep up with all of the friends and family that were coming in to visit. Prince Edward Island is a small island of about 150,000 people. Not many more than a small town. So, it's not like the big citw where you might never get to know your neighbor.


    Well have a great night and check back to keep getting updates.


    Smiles :)



  12. Hi Ladies


    Thanks for your comments. It was great to get to visit with Kyle yesterday.


    I just checked for posts from the J Room and didn't find any.


    I am hoping that that is a good sign.


    I imagine with getting into the new routines and being tested and so on the Jay family will be kept quite busy this week.


    There is also a meeting coming up on Friday that Garth and Darlene are doing research and preparation for.


    So we may or may not get much this week. I will keep monitoring and post any news that mama J posts from the J Room.


    Smiles :)




  13. Hi Fred


    I haven't posted to you in awhile. Hope that everything goes well and that your return to work is a great success.


    We will be looking for more posts from you as we don't want your blog to get dusty. lol


    Are you still playing one potato two in the garden, or did you have to take a pass this year.


    Wishing you only good things in your future and don't spend that raise all in one place eh. lol


    Smiles :)



  14. Hi Asha


    Thanks for your comment. Kyle does appear to have his seat back and tray in the upright position. His seat belt securely fastened and ready for takeoff. LOL


    We hope that he will have a smooth flight into rehabilitation and that that he can maintain altitude right through to his final destination. (independent living and getting on with the rest of his life)


    I checked just now and there were no new posts from the J room. I trust that no news is good news.


    Anyway I am going away this afternoon for the weekend and will not be back till Monday. So I will check in when I get back to update everyone on the news at that time.


    Have a great weekend and I will see you Monday...


    Smiles :)

