
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by garydotgray

  1. Hi Asha


    Thanks for your post and faithful support for Kyle. It was an unexpected supprise to meet Kyle's family on Tuesday night and hear from his dad first hand how much they appreciate the support that they continue to receive from the stroke community.


    Kyle had a great day yesterday and a special accomplishment... I am off now to update my blog with the details in a new post.


    Smiles :)



  2. Hi Asha and Donna


    Thanks for your encouraging comments. As far as I know Kyle transfered to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Charlottetown today. (Unit 7 Rehab, where I did my rehab back in 2002 )


    There has been no posts today so I will wait till his mom puts up a post to let us know for sure before I do a new blog post.


    The hospital was on the local news tonight as there is a bad virus making rounds. Hand sanitizers are in mandatory use and visitation is restricted to immediate family members only.


    So...I guess I will just have to wait a little longer before paying Kyle a visit.


    Smiles :)



  3. Hi Asha


    Thanks for your cool post. Remember what Shrek said to Donkey. "Change is GOOD Don-kaay"!


    I sometimes think that Steve has been watchin too many Shrek movies... LOL (just kidding Steve) You continue to keep Strokenet at the leading edge of on line stroke support sites and you have a membership heading toward 7,000 to prove it.


    Thanks again Asha and I am off to post the latest from the J Room as of about 10:30 tonight.


    Smiles :)



  4. Hi Phil


    I guess I need to throw my hat in the door first eh. To see how it plays. LOL


    Congratulations on your one year anniversary. (explains a few things)


    I was missing you and thought of you often.


    I have posted on the Harmony Lane Blog that I am closing it down and shifting focus to the three blogs that I have chosen to develop into the future. (the links are at the bottom of this post) Don't worry there will always be welcome mat at the door and a stock of Pepsi for you in the fridge. lol


    Your blog post is so powerful and to the point. ONLY a stroke buddy can have a reasonable understanding for what another stroke buddy has had and continues to live with.


    When I say stroke buddy I include caregivers in that group because in my eyes caregivers are survivors too.


    This is a very special journey with a very special group of brothers and sisters.


    We live our new normal lives with a higher awareness of the value of life.....every day.


    Great to see you post again Phil.


    Talk soon and Smiles :)



  5. Hi Asha


    Thanks for your comment and yes the attitude and friends and family support are so important.


    I just checked the FB group and no new posts today so I would take that to mean another god day. (beating up on his poor dad) lol


    I will keep checking and put up a new blog post when Mama J posts again (or any other news from the J Room)


    Smiles :)




    ps I posted a new post on my Hidden Island Paradise blog today. Click the link below to check it out. (great view of the Confederation Bridge)



  6. Hi Louise


    Thanks! It is always fun to work with other survivors, see their attitudes change bit by bit from victim to survivor and watch them getting on with the rest of their lives.


    There are at least a half dozen survivors in my community that are truly survivors and are getting on with the rest of their lives.


    I think it would be fun to conduct an interview with each one of them and then have the interviews transcribed into written form and compiled into a book that could be shared with even more stroke survivors.


    Mmmmmmm Note to self: Give that idea some more thought and maybe there would be a way to include Kyle's story as the headline and feature chapter.


    Dreaming again eh. lol


    Smiles :)




    btw here is a link to the Heart and Stroke Newsletter from last year that featured my story (pages 3 and 5) as a lead up to the Provincial conference on Stroke Recovery where I was featured as a keynote speaker.



  7. Hi Sue, Louise, Donna and Asha


    Thanks a bunch for your kind comments I really appreciate your feedback.


    The TV interview was a great opportunity to promote Stroke and High Blood Pressure awareness in the Island community. I know that it had a definite effect. People stop me and want to talk about stroke and share their own experiences whether it is a personal experience or a family member. They most often tell me that I AM changing attitudes and people are realizing that there IS life after stroke.


    I have to thank all of my online stroke buddies for helping me understand that concept too. (you know who you are) Thank you! So now all that I am doing is trying to pay it forward by helping others to understand it too.


    I have no idea how many times the interview was aired in February and March but it was a lot.


    I just checked on the J Room and there has been no post today so I imagine that Kyle has been resting since today was a holiday here in Canada.


    Asha as I understand it Kyle got up one morning and had breakfast. Then he headed out the door to go visit with a friend. He didn't feel well and turned around and came home. Thinking it to be the flu he stayed quiet for the rest of the day. By evening he and his family were suspicious that there might be something more serious than just the flu bug so they took Kyle to the QE Hospital in Charlottetown.


    I am not sure how long it took but the doctors did diagnose him as having had a stroke. They had him Air Ambulance d to Halifax and by that time he was entirely paralyzed and only able to communicate with eye movements.


    according to Kyle's granddad there was not much hope for recovery in fact he told me "even the doctor's had written him off"


    So in time Kyle moved a finger Dr. said "no! just a reflex". Kyle's dad said "Kyle,move your finger" and he did.


    And so it goes...


    Kyle and his family are all on a huge learning curve right now and I am sure appreciate the fact that there are survivors and caregivers that can understand and give needed support along the way.


    THANK YOU!!!


    I will check in with the J Room tomorrow to see if there is any news...


    Smiles :)





  8. Hrllo Donna and Asha


    Thank you again so much for your posts. When I talked to Kyle's grandfather Kier the other day he mentioned about Kyle having received a message of encouragement from a lady somewhere quite a distance away. I just wanted to mention that as confirmation that your posts are getting to Kyle and that he finds them encouraging.


    Thank you so much now I am off to create a new post for today in order to post the latest news from the J Room.


    Smiles :)




    btw I posted a linkback to this blog from Kyles FaceBook group so that anyone from his group can come and check us out.



  9. Hi Asha


    Thanks for your very encouraging post.


    I met Kyle's Grand Dad today at our local Tim Horton's. (coffee shop) He introduced himself to me and told me that he had seen Kyle last weekend and that he is good mentally and his memory is intact so those are both good things. He also talked about Kyle's fighting attitude and his wanting to get back into life with his friends and family. He also mentioned that Kyle had gotten encouraging messages from distant places which I took to be emails from stroke buddies by posts and emails.


    He also said that Dr. Shawn Jennings (Stroke Network Member) has been in contact with Kyle.


    This is all very encouraging and the stuff that recovery is made of.


    Thanks again you are a very dear friend Asha.


    Smiles :)





    Hi Jean


    Well this is propably old hat but as you most likely know by now. (I keep saying it)


    Caregivers are survivors too!


    It must be a team effort. So much to learn, so much to accept, so much to adjust to.


    So much love and care to be given, so much energy to be drained.


    Caregivers especially long term caregivers not only give us their best. You are our Super heroes.


    Faster than a speeding bullet. Leaping buildings in a single bound. Stopping a speeding locomotive dead in it's tracks and you know the rest.


    How could we EVER express properly what your care means to us. (survivors)


    A simple thank you does not seem to be enough.


    Smiles :)




    Hi Don and Jean


    Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary. Jean, Don is right you are very cool. It is an honor to have met you on the Stroke Network site and to have been benefited by your insight and knowledge of the stroke recovery process.


    I hope you and Don have a great trip and enjoy your time together (Don is indeed fortunate in having you in his life)


    I wish you both every success as you move on in your lives. As stroke survivors and caregivers that have managed to find our "New Normal" and move on, we have an obligation to help others as they begin their journeys as stroke survivors and /or caregivers.


    I see you continue to do that in your writing. (congratulations)


    I am fast becoming a fan of "The Levi and Cooper Chronicles" as it is such a fresh and unusual approach. I will always of course miss Cooper (bye) from our nights in the Stroke Net chat room.


    I hope that all stroke survivors/caregivers are able to enjoy success in getting on with the rest of their lives post stroke as you and Don have.


    Smiles :)



  12. Hi Fred


    Thank you so much for your post.


    I checked last night and Kyle is registered here at the Stroke Network. He was registered an May 5th.


    Here is his profile page


    Why not drop by, say hello and add him as your friend.


    And as for the eagles I have not run across any more sites like I did two years ago but if I do I will be posting it here for sure for all of my stroke buddies to go see.


    If anyone happens to find such a site please be sure to let us all know.


    There sure are a lot of naturalists around and bird watching is a very popular activity.


    Take care Fred and I hope all is well with you and yours.


    Smiles :)



  13. Hi Donna


    Thanks so much for your post. It is good to know that they have registered here. It has to be a frightening and frustrating time for Kyle and his family.


    By being here they will experience the support that only can come from the stroke survivors community. (Care givers are survivors too)


    Smiles :)



  14. Hi Phoenix


    Thank you so much for your post. I just checked in on Kyle's group on FaceBook. His mom (Darlene) has posted that returning to PEI is on hold as Kyle has been sick this week. It seems that he is having some trouble as" he is getting sick often." She says "Kyle has a problem with secretions in the back of his throat and this makes him gag which makes him get sick."


    Sounds like Kyle needs all of the support that he can get. She says "Kyle is having a really tough time right now as the sickness continues. Us along with Drs are not sure what is going on but Kyle is frustrated as hell. "


    So thanks,




    p.s. I am going to copy Kyle's mom's (Darlene) latest posts to a new blog post as an update on how Kyle is doing.



  15. Hi Jean


    Thank you so much. I just posted to his group site. (FB) Sounds like he may get transfered back to Charlottetown this coming week.


    BTW Sorry to hear that Cooper (bye) had to go to sleep. I am enjoying the new blog and looking forward to getting to know Levi.


    Say hi to Don for me and hope that all is well with you both.


    Smiles :)

