
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by garydotgray

  1. garydotgray
    Hi Gang
    I havn't blogged in a while so I thought I should give you an update on how my summer is going.
    Well I started an online course on internet marketing which will run for the month of July.
    My goal is really to learn how to use the many internet tools that are now available to manage the emense amount of information available on the net, create marketable information products and make them available to the massif amount of niche net surfers.
    Interesting stuff. The course is quite intense so I will be busy for the entire month I am sure.
    August will be the month to host visitors to our gentle island. Sounds like the visitors will be comming for almost the entire month.
    Summer weather is here now with daytime temps in the high 80's F Nighttime temps in the 60's F The beaches are inviting and the Strawberries are ripe.
    What more could anyone ever desire in their life.
    Thanks for letting me ramble on and if you have the chance to make it here for a visit please give me a holler.
    ps You can now Skype me. My Skype ID is "garydotgray", Did you know that you can conduct an audio conference with up to five people on Skype for FREE.
  2. garydotgray
    Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water..... :oops:
    Here is a link to a neat and addictive game. :throw:

    Enjoy........ :big_grin:
    Big Smiles
  3. garydotgray
    Hello again
    I just wanted to let everyone know that the Hornby Island Eagle nest is now empty. The eagles have gone and the nest cam has been shut down.
    However the people responsible for the site has set up a nest cam at a new site at Swartz Bay. That is where the ferry docks when it comes to Vancouver Island from the mainland just a bit North East of Victoria.
    Mom has two fuzzy chicks and is kept very with the feeding program.
    I hope you will take the time to have a look. (Use the same link as you used for the Hornby Island nest cam.)
  4. garydotgray
    Hi everyone
    Thank you to those who have allowed me to add them to my Yahoo list.
    I also wanted to let anyone know that may be checking in on the Hornby Island Eagles that the site is very busy. (3.3 million visitors per day and over 75 million visitors this month) Now that's busy. So the site is having a real challange to keep the feed on with that much traffic.
    You may happen to visit the site at a time when the feed is down and only see a big black window on your screen.
    Don't panic. We will just have to exercise patience and follow the suggestions posted on the site under the heading NEWS below the view window.
    Also if you check the forum you can find pictures that are posted daily by various eagle watchers.
    WOW 75 million visitors. How would you like to play host to that crowd? LOL
  5. garydotgray
    Hi all
    After talking to Bonnie last night on MSN Messenger I went looking to set up Yahoo Messenger. I have been using Yahoo for some time now but never set up the messenger as I was already set up on MSN.
    Well Bonnie said that I could have both set up at the same time so I decided to try it. :juggle:
    Long story short, I now have MSN messenger and Yahoo Messenger set up. You can find my setup information here at strokenet if you look.
    Just wanted to let you know.
    Here's to happy Yahooing eh
  6. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    Yep it's Saturday again and I guess the end of another week. However I guess it depends on when you start your week right...
    So does your week start on Sunday or Monday? (maybe even one of the other days) and if so why?
    Just thought I would ask (like don't beat me over the head or anything)
    I was wondering as well how Steph is doing. I havn't talked to her in awhile. I had heard that she was having tia's and then the email from Steve saying that she has given up the store.
    So if anyone knows let me know k...thanks.
    Oh btw I started a thread on the message board with a link to the Eagle's nest cam on Hornby Island BC Canada so if any of you are bird watchers you may want to check it out. One point of caution though is that I think you require High speed to view the cam but there are some great pictures posted on the site every day so go have a look
  7. garydotgray
    Hello again
    Had a minute so I thought that I would post to my blog. My knee seems to be doing much better. However the weather is not doing so hot. After the beautiful sunshine and nice temps last week the weekend has been mostly rain and a bit colder today. Rain is forcast for the rest of the week. (at least till Friday)
    So I will be happy to be able to get back to walking again once the rain is over.
  8. garydotgray
    Hi again everyone
    I just checked my blog and realized that it's been like a month since my last entry. Sooo I thought that I should at least post something to recycle back to the top again.
    Been a bit of a slow time around here lately I just don't seem to have the interest to be on the computer that much. (Hay I guess that is a good thing)
    Nancy is back at the office (recovering ever so slowly) so I have been backing down my office time (only two days last week)
    The time changed last week and I think it took a week to adjust. LOL The snow (the little that we had) is all gone now and the next few days are supposed to be sunny and warm. I hope to be spending more time outside from now on.
    I went bowling again two weeks ago with friends and guess what? I somehow got my knee out of sorts.(Left efected side) So I have been trying to walk it out and it is taking it's sweet ole time about it. I have an appointment with my doctor in the morning so he can check it out for me then.
    Well I actually just logged on to check my mail so I will keep this entry short. (using dialup tonight as my DSL computer is being flighty at the moment)
    Well thanks for listening and we'll catch you again next entry k.
  9. garydotgray
    Da middle of March and I need a hug! Well kinda. Must be haven an off day today. We are at that crazy time of year when Spring is almost here but not quite. Snow is mostly gone and it is raining. The temp is 34F right now and daylight saving time will be kicking in around the first of the month.
    SO! Why am I so blah!
    I know that I havn't blogged in awhile and I needed to do that. I havn't been getting enough walking because I have been spending a pile of time in the office over the past month and a half.
    Ordered my Bracelets from Strokenet and havn't received them yet. Oh well they will be along one of these days.
    Maybe I need to read to get my mind to focus... who knows?
    Had to take my mp3 player in for repair yesterday and they had to send it away (it is under waranty)
    My Dell laptop had to go in to be reformatted with a new setup.
    I know this feeling will pass...I just have to get focused on the positives eh.
    Happy thoughts now (focus)
    A virtual hug would be appreciated. Not sure why but I know it would help.
    Maybe I need cake and icecream. No...that would just make me fat. LOL
    Well I have to end this on a positive note. Right, End of March is only two weeks away and I should be able to walk more and more. (happy toughts)
    Daylight saving time will be here first weekend in April (longer days..more happy thoughts)
    I have more books on my to read list (more happy thoughts)
    I CAN have yogurt and ice cream later tonight. (very happy thoughts)
    I CAN get off to bed early tonight as well. (been up way to late last few nights) (peaceful thoughts)
    Well thanks for listening (it helped) and now I am off to my HAPPY PLACE!
  10. garydotgray
    Well the store is open and I ordered my bracelets today. (Very Kewl!) I am now (like Jean) waiting by my mail box eager to see them first hand.
    I am also very happy that the system appears to be set now to accept Canadian orders. (so Should I assume other countries as well?)
    At Steves request I was able to do some testing before the store went live. (so I hope my feedback was helpful in working out the bugs)
    I hope everyone gets involved in the bracelet program. (order them, buy more, wear them, give them away to friends etc. and have a blast promoting the heck out of stroke awareness)
    It has been a few months now since I started the thread about bracelets and I am so happy that Steve was able to pick up the torch and carry it into the stadium for the opening ceremonies so to speak.
    Thanks Steve!
    I don't want to leave Steph out either. What a girl! Thanks Steph for volunteering to run the store.
    So now that the store is open and operating will we be expanding the product line? If so what should be available? Should we as Strokenet members be able to make suggestions?
    I wonder if anyone knows if the upgrades are complete yet and if the site will have a new look? (other than the Blue Screen)
    I also wonder if other interesting add ons are available for the site and what they might be?
    Food for thought eh. Comments are most welcome.
  11. garydotgray
    Hi Sue and Kristin
    I am sorry that I left you guys so abruptly last nite in chat and I wanted to tell you what happened.
    When I typed "brb" it was because Frank was on MSN Messenger. (we talk there from time to time) So after we had concluded our little chat on the side I came back to chat and typed "back". Well! wouldn't you know it that was the moment when my computer chose to freeze. So I tried to reboot and was not succesfull in getting back to chat.
    Since it was quite late I just left things till this morning. I guess after a rest my computer decided to allow me access once again. LOL
    So, that's my story and I am sticking to it eh.
    Catch you guys again another nite k.
    It was so nice to get to talk to you again Kristin, please say hi to Patrick for me. Sue can you tell Ray that I was sorry to have missed him but I could hear him "ZZZZZZZZZZ's eh all the way to Canada. LOL
  12. garydotgray
    Hi all :hiya:
    I just thought that it was time to blog again. Been pretty busy with Nancy still in hospital I have been spending a lot of time in the office.
    I guess I missed the Friday night Coffee Room chat. (I was watching the rerun of the opening of the Olympic games.)
    The previous Friday I missed as well as my daughter had gotten hit by a car and was in emergency. Thankfully she only needed five stitches in her face an was released. She is doing good. (off work for a few days )
    So yesterday I really started to hit the wall and so today was tottaly a rest day. I did go for a walk this afternoon. Rented a movie (Radio) and had a great dinner.
    Snow started this afternoon while I was out and we are forcast to get a "Nor Easter" meaning that most likely no one will be going anywhere tomorrow.
    Hope everybody is doing great.
  13. garydotgray
    Hi Bonnie
    I am sorry to have left you so suddenly today when we were talking on MSN Messenger.
    I have been having computer frustrations lately and the darn'd thing hung up on me and I had to reboot from scratch.
    In fact it wouldn't even reboot and I had to go to safemode to run a diagnostic so I was off the net for awhile.
    I think this type of thing is called "Gremlins in my Computer"....Sorry
    To everyone else here at Strokenet I have not had the energy for the past few weeks to be up and about on Strokenet. So to that end I have been missing some chats, not doing much by way of posts on the message board and not posting to this or the Harmony Lane Blog.
    You see a couple of weeks ago I had an "episode" about 6:20 am where I ended up on the bathroom floor for about an hour before recovering enough to get going again. Unfortunately that little "episode" has knocked the stuffing out of me and although I am trying to keep on the go, my go is quite slow.
    At the same time I have had a few "Little" projects that I am working on.
    1) My aunt has sent me some family history that she has been working on for the past few years and I am attempting to key punch the data into a computer program in order to create an electronic file of all the information that she has compiled.
    2) I have about 5 or 6 books on my todo reading list.
    3) The lady that I work with had a hip replacement so I have beeen putting in more hours at the office. (she just fell on Friday and fractured her upper arm bone. (I got a call tonight to let me know that the new hip is not functioning properly and she will have to be hospitaized))
    4) two or three friends have asked me to do research assignments and tape dubbing projects for them.
    So such is life at Harmony Lane. Thanks for letting me vent and I will be here (at Strokenet) when I can.
  14. garydotgray
    Hello to everyone in blog land.
    A great big thank you to everyone involved in getting the Blogs back online.
    You can sure see the difference in Strokenet since we had to go to the "blue screen".
    I dropped by chat tonight for the regular Monday night Survivors chat. There was only three of us there and another came in after one of the three had left.
    I do understand that site maint is necessary but it dosn't make it any easier for the survivors that have a tough time with the smallest of changes.
    Hang in there everyone and hopefully soon we will have things back to as normal as you can have in this world of changing technology.
    Sure is great to be able to blog again and the chat is still working ( I know that the calendar is not for the time being)
    The last time that we had to do an upgrade a number of us went to MSN Messenger to maintain contact till the site was fully back up, (It was mainly the chat that was gone at that time)
    So happy bloging and keep the faith. It will get better.
  15. garydotgray
    Hi all
    Yep another one of life's milestones. My Stroke bracelets arrived in the mail today.
    So now I am wearing one and making a list of others that might like one as well.
    Thank you Steve for making the bracelet thingy (thingy...An American word I am told...LOL) happen.
    Also thanks to everyone that helped along the way.
    That's all....I just wanted to say.... THANKS!!!
    ps BTW thanks also for including us stroke survivors and caregivers that don't live within the geographical borders of the Unites States of America. (eg. Canadians) Your hard work and kindness is very much appreciated.
  16. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    I just checked my blog and sure enough there were green moldy things growing there. So I came over to tidy it up a bit.
    I got an email to day that was quite interesting to me about a stroke survivor (D'arcy Mayo)in the land of Oz that has made his own site to generate some income for himself.
    Here also is the content of the email. (including D'arcy's own story)
    Dear Gary,
    I remember quite well when D'arcy Mayo of Sidney Australia first
    wrote to us. Here is a man who had suffered several strokes
    and was still courageously diving in to Simpleology.
    He wrote in to say that he had spent an entire day making a
    testimonial recording for us. This was especially touching to me
    because my mother had a stroke that paralyzed her for the last 25
    years of her life. I knew quite well how hard it can be for a
    stroke victim to do the simplest things sometimes.
    Nothing could have prepared me for the shock when I read this
    note from D'arcy...
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    D'arcy Mayo's Miracle
    During the very first lesson of Simpleology 101 you're asked to
    write down, 'One Thing You Most Desire in Your Life.' My
    response was to have the resources to live life fully which means
    traveling the world, loving with passion, creating writings that
    move people to think, act and fulfill their destiny. That was on
    August 11, 2005
  17. garydotgray
    Hi everyone
    This post is in response to a question from HostSue about the Anne series being filmed here on P.E.I.
    I believe the Anne series was filmed in Ontario while great pains were taken to make it look and feel like P.E.I.
    There was another series (based on the writings of Lucy Maud) that was filmed here on P.E.I.
    It is called "Emily of New Moon" and I think they filmed three seasons. The girls featured are Islanders and the set was in the Cabott Park area just East of Summerside.
    You can search Google on "Emily of New Moon" to find information, reviews, the books and the movies. It was shot around 96,97 and 98 so I am not sure if there is DVD or only VHS format.
    Anyway have a boo and let me know what you find.
  18. garydotgray
    I did a quick check with the J Room and all is quiet. I presume that Kyle is taking a well deserved rest as it is the weekend.
    Thanks for dropping by.
    If there is news tomorrow I will post to the blog but if not I will wait till there is.
  19. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    I checked in with the J room a few minutes ago and found a post from Kyle's mom.
    Here it is.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 10:38am
    Kyle is having a sleepy day as it has been a rough couple of days for him. The fever has broke and no more sickness so far. He had a big smile when we walked in this morning so it always brightens the day when he is smiling. Thank you so much to the organizers, workers and all the people who came out last night for Kyle. You are all very special people and we Thank You so much for showing Kyle how much he means to all of you and the support you have given our family is unbelievable.
    Kyle's community held a fund raiser for Kyle on Saturday night and as usual the community came out to lend him their support.
    Here is a post that was put up by one of the organizers of the event.
    Jana Judson McCarron (Charlottetown, PE) wrote
    at 8:58am
    Just want you to know Kyle that last nights benefit auction was a big success. Lots of $ and lots of fun. Wish you could have been there but hopeful we'll see you soon. Keep up the good work.
    So it is great to know that Kyle's fever has broken and that he can manage his smile. He has a community, family and friends to give him support.
    We look forward to the day when you can move into the next phase of your recovery and are able to transfer back to P.E.I. (Prince Edward Island)
    Our very best to you and your family.
  20. garydotgray
    Hi again everyone
    Just took a minute to drop by the J Room and found a post from Mama J from the 13th. and here it is.
    Darlene Jay wrote
    at 8:51pm on August 13th, 2008
    hello! Kyle is doing really well. He has been standing on his own the last 2 days but with therapists right beside him. He continues to eat well and putting on the beef. He now can feed himself. The speech is coming but slowly. All in time.
    So sounds like Kyle is still doing awesome...
    August has been such a busy month for me that I have found it hard to get back to Strokenet to post.
    btw I actually bought Dr. Jill Taylor's book "My Stroke of Insight" and trying to read it in between other commitments. (well I did tell her I would read it)
    I will post my review of it once I get it read.
    Take care everyone.
  21. garydotgray
    Hello everyone
    I just checked on the J room to see if there were any new posts from mama Jay since her last on the 4th. Well it turns out that she has not posted since, so my guess is that she has been too busy keeping up with Kyle or there just hasn't been any news to post about. I will keep checking and post any news when it does appear.
    I did receive an email from Garrett's mom today that I wanted to share with you all.
    Here it is.
    Here is the link to the Fox 61 piece on the ND/Hamden hockey team fundraiser for Gaylord Hospital. Scroll to the middle of the page and you will see the video. It is in two parts, the first is only 20 seconds long, the second is below is and is the actual piece. Rich Coppola did a great job and we would appreciate it if everyone would let his GM know how much we appreciated the segment.
    Rich's GM is Rich Graziano and his e-mail address is Here is the link-
    What a great example Garrett is setting for Kyle to follow.
    The other thing that I had promised to share with you is the piece that I wrote as an information paper to help our local MLA's (provincial elected reps), organizations and other interested people to have a better understanding as to why an Acute Stroke Center is so important to our province.
    The Heart & Stroke Foundation of PEI has approved the content and has provided forty copies for distribution to MLA's, organizations and interested people in our province.
    Click here to see it in PDF format.
    Thanks for reading and till next post.
  22. garydotgray
    Hi Everyone
    The front page headline in our daily newspaper The Guardian featured my stroke buddy John Montgomery and his wife bev.
    Again I explain further on my Signs of a Stroke blog post.
    Click Here to go to the post.
    Please read the post and the article if you can. Thanks!
  23. garydotgray
    Hello everyone
    Welcome to 2010. I have two reasons for this blog post.
    1. I was reading on the forum that there was a problem with posting to blogs. Something to do with the date. So, I decided to put up a post as a test.
    2. I referred someone to this site today. Her name is Nancy Stretch. Nancy lives here in P.E.I. and has a sister in the Chicago area who had a stroke in July of 09. Her sister has Right side paralysis and a form of aphasia.
    So if you notice Nancy and/or her sister on the site please make them feel at home.
    The stroke experience is all new to both Nancy's sister and her family in Chicago as well as Nancy and her family here in Canada.
    Thank you all in advance.
    ps Kyle is doing awesome with his recovery. Darlene (his mom) can hardly keep up with him on that new snow machine he is driving this winter. Go Kyle Go!
    pps Our second book has now been published "Prince Edward Island Tales 2nd Ed". It is available on Amazon along with the 1st Edition of "Prince Edward Island Tales". We are now writing content for our third book "More Prince Edward Island Tales" to be published in the spring of 2010.
  24. garydotgray
    Hello everyone
    Welcome to 2010. I have two reasons for this blog post.
    1. I was reading on the forum that there was a problem with posting to blogs. Something to do with the date. So, I decided to put up a post as a test.
    2. I referred someone to this site today. Her name is Nancy Stretch. Nancy lives here in P.E.I. and has a sister in the Chicago area who had a stroke in July of 09. Her sister has Right side paralysis and a form of aphasia.
    So if you notice Nancy and/or her sister on the site please make them feel at home.
    The stroke experience is all new to both Nancy's sister and her family in Chicago as well as Nancy and her family here in Canada.
    Thank you all in advance.
    ps Kyle is doing awesome with his recovery. Darlene (his mom) can hardly keep up with him on that new snow machine he is driving this winter. Go Kyle Go!
    pps Our second book has now been published "Prince Edward Island Tales 2nd Ed". It is available on Amazon along with the 1st Edition of "Prince Edward Island Tales". We are now writing content for our third book "More Prince Edward Island Tales" to be published in the spring of 2010.
    ppps No, Blog still not working. I will post this as of Dec 31, 2009 and see what happens. Interesting it posted as Jan 01, 2010. Actual date is 1 a.m AST 17th of January 2010.
    pppps Reposted my entry as per posted instructions and by golly,it worked! Thanks!