
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by garydotgray

  1. Hi Louise, Donna and Asha


    Thank you all for your posts.


    Yes Louise you have to be a FaceBook member before you can post to the site. (It is free and easy to do the sign up)


    Donna, I agree comming to The Stroke Network is the ideal solution. I gotta tell ya that Darlene, Kyle's mom, is on a very steep learning curve. With learning about stroke and FaceBook and laptops all from scratch since the first om March.


    I am not sure how much more that she can take on her plate right now.


    That's why I thought if any of us that were Stroke Network members had FaceBook accounts might send a message of encouragement to Kyle and gently encourage that they "The J Room" check out this site.


    Asha Thanks that is exactly why I posted this blog post. Thank you so much!


    Thanks again ladies you are the best....


    Smiles :)







    Hi Fred and Louise


    Thank you so much for your posts.


    No Fred I didn't have a chance to follow the West Coast Eagles this spring.


    I am sure that they are doing just fine without me but if you find any interesting eagle links be sure to send them on to me if you can.... Thanks :)


    Louise Great to hear that you have been getting introduced to Net 2.0 (FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter etc.)


    There is a FaceBook stroke group called Stroke Survivors that love life. It is moderated by a Canadian stroke survivor from Vancouver. It is only a small group of about 22 members and if you do a search in FaceBook you should be able to find it.


    I will not include a link here as it would be counter to The Stroke Network policy. (I think)


    Thanks both of you.


    Smiles :)



  3. Hi Phil


    Wow what a story. Mr Pinky takes a vacation eh. LOL


    Cats will be cats eh.


    Thanks for the Pepsi.


    I wish I could reach out and cut some of that red tape for you so that you could just get on with your life.


    But now they are even demanding ID from ambulances and fire trucks at the US/Canada border. Even the patient who was en route for major heart surgery the other day had to come up with ID before they would let them pass. In the case of the fire truck from Quebec the house on the US side of the border was burning down while the fire crew were detained for proper ID. (et least an extra 15 minutes)


    What can I tell ya eh go figure...


    Then of course there is the story of the RCMP killing the confused Polish emigrant at the Vancouver airport with a tazer.


    As Mark Twain once said "The one thing in this world that is not so common is just plain common sense".


    And as my dear grandmother used to say "It will all come out in the wash".


    Keep your chin up.


    Smiles :)




    Hi Sue


    What a great post. Sometimes we just do what we know is the right thing knowing in our hearts that repayment will come in so many unexpected ways.


    Good on you girl...You do deserve those wings!


    Isn't it neat how the bad memories tend to fade with time while the treasured memories become polished gems that remain forever.


    I could never say anough about the previous comments. Ladies you are all points of light in your own rights.


    It is an honor and privilege to know each and every one of you.


    Smiles :)




    Hi Phil


    Hay congrats on the news about getting on with getting your land thingy straightened out! I hope everything works out good for you.


    OK now you have me on the edge of my seat with the cat story. A simple, (two part) unexpected, (disappeared) concrete, (we all relate) creditable (told by Phil) emotional, (lost cat) story (story).


    You have included all of the elements for SUCCESs.


    Can't wait for part II. Hope we have a happy ending. ( I love happy endings)


    Till tomorrow then. (or is that today)


    Smiles :)




    ps Is there Pepsi in the fridge?




  6. Hi Jean


    It's been three days now since you posted so I hope all is well with you and Don. You two have done such wonderful things together and I know it dosn't get easier.


    I am wishing you both the very best in your endeavors.


    Smiles :)




    ps Hi Clarke! Great to see your comment to Jean's post. It has been awhile since we last chatted old friend.



  7. Hi Phoenix


    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


    Thank you for your encouragement.


    I think ALL Stroke Buddies (survivors) rock!!!


    We have a "been there...done that" experience to share and the more I share the more I realize how important it is to share that experience.


    We all have our story and each story is unique and special. If we can find a way to share our story then we have done a GREAT thing.


    There is a great book about how to make a story stick in the mind that I have recently read. The book is called "Made to Stick" and it develops the principals of story telling that are memorable. Based on the Acronym SUCCESs. Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional, Story. Google "made to stick" and you will find it. It is a great book and an easy read.


    Let's all ROCK!...


    Smiles :)




  8. Hi Asha, Lin and Phil


    Thanks for your encouraging comments.




    Here is a link to the Internet Marketing course. (free) This is the third year. I did it last year and learned a great deal about the subject. This year it runs during August and promises to be new and different and with a focus to Web 2.0.


    The 30 day challenge link


    The other course on goals, wealth and health is a product by Mark Joyner of Auckland New Zealand. Simple.ology 101 (goals), 102 (wealth) and 103 (health). 101 is free while 102 and 103 cost $97 USD each.


    Here is the link so you can have a look and sign up if you want.


    The Simple.ology link


    enjoy :)




    I was looking at your posts on the renovation/expansion work going on at your house. It must be exiciting for you and you must be patiently awaiting the finished product.


    Looks like a very well thought out project. I am sure one that you will get to enjoy for a long time.




    Hay thanks for sharing the Pepsi. (I will have a suger high and they will be peeling me off the ceiling LOL) :bouncing_off_wall:


    Can you just picture that in your minds eye.


    Actually I have been cutting back on the fruit punch and drinking more lemon water. (healthier I yhink)


    I still have my tea at Timmies with milk.


    I am not sure if the English drink their tea iced or not. (maybe that is why the Queen stays so cool) :roflmao:


    I dropped by your blog last night and left a comment on your last post.


    Thanks again you three (for your comments)and don't forget to behave while I am away this summer. LOL


    Smiles :)


    (Your friendly Strokenet long timer eh)






    Boy I know those feelings of frustration. You did the proper thing by leaving it for a while. Chill out and then take another run at it later.


    Stroke is a mean fella and it takes a lot of effort to relearn what he takes away.


    But don't give up! Just keep at it slow and steady.


    Remember that we are here and we are all trying to relearn as well.


    Thanks for sharing cus the more we share means the more we care.


    Oh yeah an iPod I think I saw one of those one time on "My Favorite Martin" eh LOL <kidding...


    Smiles :)




    Hi Phil


    I just happned to see your post and wanted to tell you that I think it is a great thing that you are doing.


    Don't give up just cus the first gathering didn't overflow the room.


    You are an inspiration and I have been trying to come up with a way to gather some survivors in my area for caring and sharing.


    I would like to try something similar.


    I have contact now with about six in my local area including me so I will have to give it some thought as to just how to word the invitation.


    Thanks for the inspiration and hang in there.


    PS Sorry but I have not been around Harmony Lane much lately. I have been all over the internet and still going to the office one day a week.


    Starting two new courses as well a 30 day and a 42 day. they will keep me busy till the end of August.


    All the best to you for your future gathering meetings.


    Smiles :)



  11. Hi Donna. Phil and Asha


    Thanks for your comments. You make me feel like I am not alone treading water in this new swimming pool. LOL :tired:


    Thanks for leaving a Pepsi Phil, I did have one the other night and it helped. Btw I don't agree with your sign. :im stupid: I think it is more like :oops: I did it again. <singing :hahaha:


    Asha the queen of blogs. Great to know that you are here and yes I will keep bloggin. :beer:


    Smiles :)



  12. Hi Bonnie


    Thanks for the skiny on the new skin. I guess I should be used to these annual upgrades by now but they always seem to catch me by suprise. LOL


    I will try to have patience as we do every year and look forward to the improved land of Oz.


    Over all the great deal of work that Steve continues to pour into this site has always proved to be for the better. After all he is the man of vision and we all get to benefit from it.


    TY for the button pushing and clicking advise. (suprises are often a lot of fun)


    Thanks again and I hope you are having a great day.


    Smiles :)



  13. Hi Phil


    I can understand anyone wondering about what happens when we lose a loved one to death.


    I had the sad experience of losing no less than five of my family to death between 1984 and 1994.


    That experience made me want to find answers to the question. So what happens to us when we die?


    I now have the peace of bible based knowledge and I no longer fear nor dread death.


    Here is a link to the Bible's answer to the myths about death.


    Click the link and read the article if you like. I hope that it helps you as much as it did me.



    Smiles :)



  14. Hi Lisa


    It is only natural to have negative thoughts from time to time. Trouble starts when the negative thoughts begin to overpower the positve ones.


    Someone once said "As long as we are taking two steps forward and only one step back, then we are still making progress."


    Keep focusing on the positives. (even the little ones) Life is a journey and we do it one step at a time. (even the bumpy parts)


    Smiles :)



  15. Hi Fred


    Thanks for looking at your glass as being half full rather than half empty.


    I too find that attitude is very important to recovery and those of us who have faith in a loving creator with a wonderful master plan are indeed blessed.


    A couple of my favourite scriptures are Heb 11:1 and James 4:8. They read as follows.


    Heb 11:1 "Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld."


    James 4:8 In part reads "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to YOU."


    Thanks again for your very positive post and like Asha said....."keep bloggin!"


    Smiles :)



  16. Hay Fred


    Thanks! I will be looking forward to it.


    Wow what an honor to be helping disabled vets to cope with the tremendous amount of acceptance and adjustment that they each must face.


    I am sure that it would be encouraging to be teamed up with someone like yourself that has had to cope with a similar experience.


    Perhaps you could inspire other stroke survivors to work with returning veterans that are struggling to rebuild a life after disability.


    I will be watching for you and Lance on Wednesday so be sure to wave.


    Smiles :)



  17. Hi Asha and Sue


    Thanks Asha...We will see how it goes but if my experience can help one person to not have a stroke or to have a better recovery then it will be worth the effort.


    I am talking to PEI H&S about sharing my experience at the fall Stroke conference but it is only just some thoughts at this point.


    I will let you know how it progresses.


    Thanks for your is much appreciated.




    Love your taste in movies, the Anne series is awsome.


    I believe the one that you mentioned was actually shot in Ontario but they went to great pains to make it look like P.E.I.


    There is another series that was filmed entirely on P.E.I. called Emily (similar theme to Anne) I think. The Star went to my daughters school in Charlottetown at the time when it was filmed about 10 years ago

    (she actually had a private toutor during the times when they were shooting)


    I will see if I can find some info on it an post it to my blog (here) for you.


    Thanks as well for your kind words about sharing my experience to increase awareness on Stroke. What I have learned over the past year is helping a great deal in being able to work with the H&S foundation.


    The Stroke Network in Canada is working on a National Stroke Strategy and PEI H&S Foundation is working with them to develop one for our province of P.E.I.


    Thanks to both of you for all of the great work you do here at Strokenet.


    Smiles :)



  18. Hi Steve


    Thanks for your reply and the additional information on the background of Strokenet.


    I can see that I am a relative newbie having stroked in 2002 and finding Strokenet in 2003. As you are aware from our previous communications I am interested in increasing awareness of stroke and how to prevent it as well as being aware of the signs of stroke.


    I have recently been asked to share my experience with local volunteers, (article), allow my story to be told in the June issue of the PEI Heart & Stroke Foundation newsletter and tell my story at the upcomming Provincial conference on November 01, 2007.


    In preperation for the fall conference I feel that the presentation would require a little more formal preperation. That being the case I thought that I might be able to include some information on Strokenet and would like to get your thoughts.


    Being located in Canada it may or may not be something that you would support.


    Anyway if you think it would be worth consideration you could IM me and we could talk about it.


    The stroke stats seem to be reflecting more and more strokes as our communities continue to enjoy the fast food, fast pace, high stress lifestyle and the baby boomer demographic continues to age.


    Again thanks for your response.


    Smiles :)



  19. Thanks girls (Bonnie and Asha)


    You both deserve much higher praise than I could ever give you. Being a caregiver and a stroke survivor you have (between you) experienced both sides of the stroke coin.


    This site has been a wonderful lighthouse of hope for me as well Asha. I have and continue to meet so many wonderful people here.


    As I said, I think it is that special mixture of vision, support and family atmosphere that makes Strokenet so special.


    Thanks for being a friend both of you and don't worry if I am not on Strokenet as much I am never very far away.


    Recovery is wonderful but the new life friends that you make along the way are AWSOME!!!


    Have a great day both of you.


    Smiles :)

