
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by garydotgray

  1. Hi Anna


    Thanks for your comment. I work on it every day. (walking and mind exercises) I will do my best to keep improving.


    Since the Heart & Stroke Foundation of PEI asked me to speak at the volunteer appreciation meet, and the linked article was posted on their website, they have asked if they could feature my story in thier June newsletter.


    I received the draft copy today and wow they have given an entire page to my story including two pictures.


    The one taken with my family the day before the stroke (in the Strokenet gallery) and one taken at the volunteer doo a couple of weeks ago.


    I must say that is much more than I would have ever expected.


    Thanks again for your encouraging words and I look forward to meeting you on site.


    Smiles :)



  2. Hi Fred


    Nice post! Life is truly something to be thankful for every day. There is also a verse in Ecclesiastes that says time and circumstance befall us all. (Ecc 9:11)


    There may seem to be a little irony to that chapter and verse, but I think the point being that none of us knows for sure what our future holds. The life of a dew drop is measured in minutes or at most hours, whereas our earthly home has been around for billions of years.


    We are a part of the creation (some may say eveloution) and may not appear important. A second in the stream of time may seem unimportant, but if you were to remove one second and disrupt the stream, where would we all be?


    A place for everything and everything in it's place. And the great time keeper ensures that the universe unfolds as it should.


    Just had to jump in Fred. The water in your reflective pool just seemed a little too calm. LOL


    Hope you are having a great day


    Smiles :)



  3. Hi Phil


    Great post! I will be looking for the pictures. LOL


    I got your email the other day. Sorry for not being home mutch over the past while. I have some posts lined up for Harmony Lane and I just have to make the time (and the energy) to get at them.


    I hav'nt had the opportunity to respond to your email (it is on my to do list) so I thought I would post to your blog to at least let you know I am doing ok.


    Those canes sound like the cat's meow! :happydance:


    Smiles :)




    Hi Asha


    Thanks for taking a look. I appreciate your comment very much. I try to be nice to the ladies and that way they will be nice to me eh. LOL


    I will try to blog more often. It is nice to be back on Strokenet. I miss the old gang but look forward to meeting all of the new (past year) members both stroke survivors and caregivers.


    You are doing a fab job here Asha so keep up the great work.


    Thanks again!


    Smiles :)



  5. Hi Rich


    Great news! Keep up the good work. I remember when it happened for me (controlled movement of the affected arm) A little at first and then a little more. I still work with it every day (it is still improving both in strength and control five years post stroke)


    The stairs thing sounds like a great PT workout to strengthen and increase control of your affected leg and foot.


    I do a walk every day but mostly on level ground. I do also do stairs but just not twelve flights at a time. LOL


    Smiles :)



  6. Hi Donna


    Thanks for your comment. Yes it was very much an honor and I love to share with all of my world wide stroke buddies. LOL


    I'm not sure if I have met you yet Donna. I am a Canadian stroke survivor and have been a member of Strokenet since 2003.


    I have not been around as much over the past year or so but I do check in every now and then and also network with other survivors by IM such as MSN, Yahoo and such.


    I love all of my stroke buddies and as the article points out, y'all (Sooth'rn accent eh) :hahaha: have been a hugh part of my recovery to date.


    Keep up the great work here at Strokenet!


    Smiles :)



  7. Hi Phil


    So...Does that mean back to earlier risings and longer commutes again?


    I know the check is nice but U have to be there to enjoy it.


    Don't overdo it. As a stroke survivor we know that our bodies have limits and when the jig is's up


    Take care of yourself girl and rest will fall into place. We want you to be around for a long time yet.


    Smiles :)



  8. Hi Phil


    Wow you just never know these days. Guess I will have to stock some extra Pepsi here at Harmony Lane.


    Anyway don't try not taking your meds. Hope the new (older) doc works out. Other options might be to check on who bought his prctice as Bonnie mentioned. Check with the pharmacy that fills your perscriptions and if there is an out patients clinic in your community maybe they could help.


    Boy just when you think that you got your sub under control someone goes and opens an outside valve and you are up to your a** in seawater.


    Hope things work out ok. Remember we're pullin for ya.


    Smiles :)



  9. Hi Bonie


    Thanks for your comment. Yeah I think we talked about that awhile back when we were discussing a way to carry medical information with you. I believe you are right about Medic Aleart. (I will have to do more research)


    I am beginning to think that there is much that could be done in the area of Personal Health Records (PHR) to improve the security and accessability both to individules and to health professionals. (given today's technology)


    Thanks for the kind words about being missed at Strokenet. But like I said to Asha I am never far away and love to talk to all my friends from Strokenet.


    Speaking of friends I talked to Frank last night and he is just getting over the flu. He says he is spending more time in his shop and not as much on the computer.


    You know I don't think it is a negative thing to move on to other things. I think it means that we are healing.


    Strokenet is wonderful and the people here are wonderful as well. It's like leaving the hospital at that stage of our recovery. We leave because we are able to move to the next stage of recovery but we never forget that part of our lives.


    Thanks fo being a good friend and buzz me anytime you like.


    Smiles :)



  10. Hi Asha


    Thanks for the great reply. I think the "normal" that I refer to is what is preceived to be normal (not restricted by a physical or mental handicap) They say that preception is reality but I agree with you that even so called "normal" people have lots of challanges (just not as visible)


    I will try to post more often in future and remember I am never too far away. I am connected with MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Skype and Gizmo all with the username garydotgray.


    Also I still blog at Harmony Lane Blog


    Global Stroke Awareness Blog


    Hidden Island Paradise Blog


    Blackberry Kewl Blog


    Smiles :)



  11. Hi Phil


    Sounds like you are having a tough time to keep your sub (see my blog) close to the surface.


    I hope that the change works out for you. (sleep is good)


    I know about the arthritus thingy cus I was recently asked if that was why I walked funny. LOL


    Boy you are not getting any cold air from this part of Canada. (at least right now) The temp is still 48F so we must be pulling some of that warm Florida air up here.


    I talked to Asha to day in NJ and she said that it was 70F there. (not very good snow skiing weather) LOL


    Smiles :)



  12. Hi June and Bonnie


    Thanks for your posts. Great to see you both settling in to your Strokenet responsibilities. I wish you both the very best.


    Don't worry Bonnie I could never forget all my stroke buddies here at Strokenet.


    I am learning some very neat ways to gather all sorts of interesting data from the net. I will be sharing as much as I can.


    If you check out "Harmony Lane" Blog (link on my posts) there is a link to my other newer blog "Blackberry Kewl". Take a look if you have the time. (It is also on the links page in the members area here on Strokenet)


    I am now working on a series of "blackberry bloopers" for building an autoresponder email series.


    Thanks again to both of you.


    Smiles :)



  13. Hi Bill


    Nice blog entry!



    "My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.""....

    ...Forrest Gump...


    Personally I choose to be HAPPY!!!



    Smiles :)




    ps Also consider the Scripture at Ecl 9:11


    "I returned to see under the sun that the swift do not have the race, nor the mighty ones the battle, nor do the wise also have the food, nor do the understanding ones also have the riches, nor do even those having knowledge have the favor; because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all."...Wise King Solomon




  14. Hi Joanne


    So happy to hear that you are able to close the door on the past and open a new door to your future.


    I sincerely wish you the very best and every happiness in your future endevors.


    Your stroke buddies have posted some very beautiful messages of encouragement for you.


    As I am not so gifted with words I will say, enjoy the VERY BEST in life in every way that you can.


    Smiles :)



  15. :party: Hi Phil


    I sure hope you feel better after that rant. (good one though)


    Don't even try to go there... Why would you EVER think that the people that make the rules are inteligent?


    Why would you EVER think that there is fairness in this world.


    People just want to climb that ladder of success (whatever that is) and if they have to tromp on other people to get there....well that's life eh...


    Just take a deep breath and another now relax. Picture a beautiful lake with mountains in the background.


    Green trees and rolling hills. Children playing, butterflies flutterbying. Gentle breezes whispering in the trees.


    R...e...l...a...x... There now isn't that better...


    Smiles :)




    ps Remember the cola (Pepsi) is allways in the fridge at Harmony Lane and the smiles are FREE. :party:

  16. Hi Asha and Fred


    Thanks for your posts.


    Don't worry Asha I will not forget all my stroke buddies. I have been talking to Frank and Bonnie on MSN and Gunther by phone. Also I try to visit Strokenet about once a day if possible so I am never very far away.


    Fred I loved bowling before stroke. (five pin) So I still love to give it a go. Now I have to walk up to the line and give it my best shot from there. It takes some getting used to as not having my Left side kinda throws my balance off a bit. I did manage a strike the other night with thirteen on the next ball. missed on the third ball but it still gave me a 28 score on the frame so with a little practice it can be done. LOL


    I saw my doctor today and had him check out my knee. My BP was 110/70 (no bad connection there)so he figured that I must have given it a twist while bowling. He thinks it will get better in time. I have a follow up appointment in two months so hopefully by then it should be all better.


    smiles :)

