
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by garydotgray





    Hi Pam


    Just shut up..... and enjoy the ride cowgirl!!! Oops, did I say ride? :big_grin: ....sorry bout that. Guess i lost my focus for a moment. LOL


    Smiles :)




    p.s. Can someone just shoot Vhawk to put him out of his missery. (kidding of course) LOL



  1. Hi Lin


    Thank you so much for the link. I did take the time today to read the entire newsletter and as always you have done an outstanding job.


    Sounds like we have a new skin comming in April...Great! The new translation tool is awsome!!


    Talk to ya soon eh.


    Smiles :)



  2. Hi Steph


    Thanks for the feedback. The T sounds gay eh. (I think that means awsome in teen lingo) LMAO2


    How bout "Stroke Awareness is International" front and www url on back. Anyway whatever works is great.


    I just noticed this morning the translation feature that has been added to the site. (Fab stuff)


    What an awsome thing to be a true International stroke support site.


    I am sure you can figure out the shipping. If worse comes to worse you can always bring it up o the border and maybe I could meet you there eh. (kidding)


    My friends are always back and forth past your door as they go to visit Sandy's neighbours in New York City. (The Watchtower folks)


    Thanks Steph, Talk soon.


    Smiles :)





    Thanks Fred


    Thanks for the tip. I do read Steves comments but havn't read the March issue yet. I have been doing so much office time lately there has been very little time for Strokenet.


    I agree with you and do hope that we can find a way to meet the needs of "everyone". (reasonably)


    I know that is a tall order but it is what makes Strokenet "Strokenet". "The more that we care means the more that we share" A quote of mine from earlier Strokenet days.


    Have a "Great One" Fred


    Smiles :)



  4. Pam!


    You fickle thing you!!! LOL (Be the able bodied "be the creature")


    And here I thought you would be my strokebuddy for life eh. he he


    Congrats.......You Go Girl!


    Just don't forget us little people when you've gotten the Big Picture mastered......


    Smiles Cowgirl :)


    Gary (A slightly damaged stroke survivor who still uses his bath bench)

  5. Hi Sue and Ray


    Great Blog entry. I think it is wonderful to have both you and Ray in chat. I try to use a bright color along with bold and italicised text to make it easier to read.


    Tell Ray that I think he is doing really well and I look forward to seeing you both in chat.


    I try to make chat a couple of times a week but sometimes like tonight I was out for coffee with a friend and ended up being late comming in.


    Also I missed you when you left as I was on a brb (be right back) sorry.


    So thanks for being there and I look forward to more chats with both of you in future eh. LOL


    G day mate....


    Smiles :)


    Your Canadian stroke buddy





    Hi Mum, Bonnie eh and Asha


    Thanks for your replys. I appreciate them very much. Asha I didn't so much fall as more of a collapse. You see since the stroke I have these episodes every so often where I start to cramp and feel like I need to go pottie (LOL) when actually I don't but the stroke has effected the trigger mechinisim so I feel like I do. Then my BP starts to fall and I get very weak. (an episode usually lasts about an hour and then I feel fine again) I usually try to lie down and relax untill it passes.


    This time when it started I was still in bed asleep so it woke me up and I thought that I needed to go to the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom I realized that it was an episode and that I should get back to bed. I stood up and I guess I was so weak at that point that I collapsed. I do kinda remember thinking after I was on the floor that at least I was in a prone position so I might as well just relax and let it pass. I guess about 45 minutes passed before I awoke and felt well enough to get back to my feet and back to my bed. I had left the bedroom at 6:20 am and got back at 7:10 am. (almost an hour)


    Btw Asha I am familiar with the balance thing that you describe. Shortly after my release from hospital I fell off a wooden kitchen stool. Bruised myself up a bit but otherwise no damage. LOL


    Thanks again for your replies.


    Smiles :)



  7. Hi Sue


    So sorry to hear of your experience. Some people are simply not capable of using reason when they are assigned to review a need.


    I had one dear lady tell my caregivers that I should be grateful for any assistance that I received as I was the one that had caused the stroke and now I would just have to be content with whatever they (govt support) would be kind enough to provide for me.


    Fortunately not all of these people are "so limited" in their ability to use common sense when doing an evaluation and so I have met some that have tried very hard to access the help needed.


    Sometimes it is a matter of getting the family doctor involved to shake the fruit from the tree so to speak.


    Don't ever give up when at first you don't succeed try, try again.


    My best to you Sue in your search for the help that you need.


    Smiles :)




    A Mountain

    Hi Pam


    Love your mountain! What a great way to illustrate the struggle between stroke event and recovery. We may never actually reach the peak but that's ok it is learning to overcome the chalanges on the climb that really makes it interesting.


    Watch out for snakes as they tend to hide in between the rocks.


    Don't forget to pack climbing gear as some of those rock faces are rather shear.


    Sure is nice to meet other climbers and swap climbing stories with them.


    Sure hope we can make camp soon and get a fire started. I am cold, damp and dog tired.


    Wonder what cookie has in mind for chow.


    Looking forward to a little rest. you know a little bit of climbing then rest eh.


    Smiles smile.gif



  8. Hi Lin


    So... what are you saying? Are these emails spam? What does that mean?


    Are our members being used in something that is considered bad on the net?


    How can we find out if this is something that we could consider looking at or something that would be better not to look at at all?


    Does this make any sense to you? Sorry for all of the questions but inquiring minds you know.


    Smiles smile.gif



  9. Hi again


    Hang in there as long as you can. You are not alone. There are all of your strokebuddies here at Strokenet. So don't ever think that you are alone.


    We all want the very best for all of our stroke survivor friends.


    Lorraine is located in Ottawa not very far from you. (I think you sais that you are in Montreal).


    Pat Provost is also in Montreal.


    I am also Canadian in Prince Edward Island and Gunther is in Winnipeg.


    I know that Lorraine is going through something similar to what you are struggling with.


    So reach out to us and let us know your good days and your bad days cus everyone needs a friend.


    There is also email, private messaging and MSN Messenger to keep in touch with others here at Strokenet.


    So never feel that you are alone.


    Smiles smile.gif



  10. Hi Phil


    No we havn't had any snow yet. A flake here and there but no snow.


    Np with the hot spicy cider. I have some fresh apples from the local orchard.


    Talked to my sister tonight and she tells me that our aunt Hellen in Toronto has put a family history. (Geneology) She (aunt)sent one to her (sister) and I guess there is supposed to be one comming my way as well.


    So I am kinda looking forward to getting it. Maybe with that I will be able to figure out where all the skeletons are burried in our family closet eh. LOL


    Maybe I could convert it to digital format and share it on the Harmony Lane blog.


    Speaking of the blog I had better do another post soon as no one will come by if I don't post links to some interesting FREE stuff.


    Later Gator


    Smiles smile.gif



  11. Hi


    Interesting that they are suggesting that you should resign. Do you have a financial advisor? How long have you been employed at the work that you were doing when you stroked? Is there a pension plan of any kind? Will they give a seperation package?


    I know...More questions eh...LOL


    Your bank or Credit Union may provide the financial planning service at little or no cost. That person should be able to assist you in making a sound financial dicision about terminating your employment.


    Retirement is not the end of us as contribituters to the community. It is a new beginning and like stroke we need to accept and adjust.


    At 50 you have many more productive years. Maybe the door of opportunity could be opening for you so do be realistic in your evaluating the options available.


    There is nothing wrong with learning new things. Lifelong learning is more common now then ever.


    Be sure to think about what would make you happy as you do consider your oppotunities.


    May your doors of opportunity always open onto fertile gardens of rich rewards.


    Smiles smile.gif





  12. Hi Lin


    Good points. Some how what you are saying seems so logical. Thanks.


    Yes, where I am living now is bright with lots of windows too. that could make a difference all right.


    Dry skin can be a major problem because it can itch. If I then scratch it takes nothing at all to get bleeding due to being on blood thinners.


    So I do try to use a good lotion "Aveeno moisturizing lotion".


    I will try to enjoy the winter. So far no snow and temps that have been into the 60's F. But I kinda do miss the X country skiing eh. LOL


    Smiles smile.gif




    ps great job on the newsletter again this month. I enjoyed Kate's article.



  13. Hi Pam


    Sent to the corner! Oh my..Oh my. he he he


    Mam have paid your dues and as such your membership entitles you to get mad, rant n rave all you like.


    But!.... U know what. The people that are making you mad are most likely not even aware.


    They tend to be locked up in there little world mostly all by themselves.


    "Poor me" , "Get otta my way!" and "why can't I park here? Nobody was using the parking space".


    There's one in every crowd. Don"t let them get to you. Just smile and say "Have a great day". They don't have enough brains to even know that they made your blood pressure go off the scale.


    Most likely nothing you say or do will cause them to change anyway.


    People are like web pages. When you encounter a bad one just close it and forget it. There are millions of good ones that you haven't met yet.


    Smile Pam smile.gif


    thanks cowgirl

