
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by garydotgray

  1. Hi Phil, Mum and Tom


    I appreciate so much that you all took the time to post a comment. I am sure that your thoughts are all very true.


    We know how difficult acceptance is let alone adjusting to the new reality. So to expect people to want to be social butterflies, mix with stroke survivors and admit that they could use some help to cope might just be a streetch.


    But, that does not mean that we have to give up on them?


    So to that end, I will continue to make myself available to assist in any way that I can to support the establishment and continuing efforts of local strokeclubs to educate, assist and support Islanders reguarding strokes.


    Thanks all. I do appreciate your feedback.


    Smiles smile.gif



  2. Hi Gang


    Thanks Lin, Marilyn, Asha and Lorraine for your posts and your encouragement.


    I agree with all of your thoughts. Actually Lori told me that it is next to impossible to get names of survivors due to the fact that the information cannot be shared by hospitals, doctors offices and Pharmacies because that information is confidential.


    So that does pose a bit of a problem. However comma there is no reason that we can't share information with others as they become known to us.


    So to that end I guess I should begin to build a database of names.


    I know of at least three other survivors in this area so that will give a start.


    Every journey begins with a single step they say.


    Again thanks for your encouragement.


    Smiles smile.gif



  3. Do your best and leave God to do the rest!


    Yes you can like the little sngine that could eh.


    I think I can...I think I can...I think I can...


    Thought I could...Thought I could...Thought I could...


    root root rootn 4 U!


    Smiles smile.gif





    Hi Bonnie and Phil


    Thanks for your posts. I was running around like a headless chicken yesterday.


    Blood work in the am along with the meeting on the Strokeclub with Lori from Heart and Stroke. Grocery shopping in the afternoon and another meeting last nite.


    Up early this morning to do laundry then home care and off to the office for the afternoon.


    Oh well I am thankfull that my body is responding positively to all of this activity.


    I did take time to nap both yesterday and today.



    Thanks again


    BTW the Turducken and Sex in a pan are on the board.


    Smiles smile.gif



  5. Hi


    So sorry to hear of what they are putting you through. You are brave to hang in there to the bitter end.


    Fighting with the system is never easy (been there done that) Different issue but the same hassle.


    Fact is one of the end results was my stroke. (they almost killed me)


    So that was the end of that. I have taken control of my life and have no plans of being pressered like that ever again.


    I hope everything works out well for you. But sometimes we have to say enough is enough.


    Best to you and please stay healthy.


    smiles smile.gif







    Hi Asha


    Yeah I have found Skype. But I have not used it as yet. Haven't found anyone else that uses it so far.


    I have MSN Messenger set up and talk to other survivors that way. A number of survivors have MSN Messenger set up and are equipped for audio. Gunther, Frank and Wendy, are some that talk often.


    Basically just like talking on the phone (only more natural) You can surf and talk at the same time.


    My MSN address is on my homepage check it out.


    smiles smile.gif




    ps you can download MSN Messenger free as well. I am going over to Harmony Lane Blog to post a link for the free download now.






    Hi Mum and Asha


    I agree this site is the best. (I dearly love everyone here) I thought that it might be easier to just concentrate on the one blog but I understand what you are saying so I will try to post as often as I can (here)... Thanks


    I do think that blogging could be fun but it has not been something that has come naturally for me. So, I hope that you will continue to give me feedback and encouragement. Thank you everyone!


    Smiles smile.gif




  8. Hay Marty



    Your blog makes me glad that my X wife is just that X. BTW the cat also went to live with friends. wicklaugh.gif


    It is cool to live alone. My friends say "you are never home." lol_2.gif


    Got a good routine. Makes me active, happy and cool. cloud9.gif



    I'll stay in the slow lane and leave life in the fast lane for you and your cat.


    smiles smile.gif




  9. Amy


    I didn't get married till 1978 and our two girls were born in 1983 and 1984. We used proper child safety seats (with them facing backward) in the back seat for both of them.


    Sorry... but in the 70's I guess I was too busy listening to Three dog night, Iron butterfly and Led Zeppelin and talking on my CB radio to to be thinking about making babies. ( I seem to recall however, that the seat of my car was a great place for watchin jets eh) lol_2.gif (well maybe your too young for that one too)


    Smiles smile.gif



  10. Hay Clarke


    I am just looking out my window a a yellow finch at the feeder There was a hummingbird there a short while ago. I found blueberries, wild flowers, little birds and butterflies in the field where I walk today. There was a crow perched in the Oak tree by my front door when I came home saying "hello".


    I hope that hearing about them will pick you up as much as seeing them did for me.


    Smiles smile.gif



  11. Hi Mike and Jean


    Here is a phrase that I have been using for awhile now "Caregivers are survivors too".


    That is how I feel as the caregiver has in many ways gone through many of the same stroke events as the stroke survivor but still has the responsibility to hold things together. So in many ways caregivers are every bit the survivor that the stroke survivor is.


    Also we are ALL part of the stroke family and as such require each others support.


    Thanks for being here....


    Smiles smile.gif

