
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by garydotgray

  1. Great to hear from you Clarke


    Hang in there Buddy and exercise is great. I walk as much as I can.


    I just finished 100 wrist rotates, 100 wrist flexes and 1000 steps in my relaxed mode. Now I am off to Tim's for a coffee (more walking)


    Been listening to Julie talking to the Discovery crew. (just like being there eh)


    BTW the images that are comming in are fantablous. They must even impress an old pro like you Clarke.


    Smiles smile.gif




    Take it back!

    Hi Michael


    I am so sorry to hear this.... I hope that you are able to work through the callanges that you are describing.


    I really can't offer much advise in this department as I have been seperated for over ten years now and I don't have any desire to be involved with a relationship.


    It keeps me busy enough looking after me. lol_2.gif


    My best to both of you and if you need an ear to vent Mike I will be here eh.


    Smiles smile.gif



  2. Hi Lorraine


    Thanks...You are exactly right. The Botox treatment is just the facillitator.


    It is up to me to train the brain to make the movements that will increase my range of motion.


    My job is to work on the rotation and flex of my left wrist. Also to get my left elbow to assume a more natural and relaxed position when standing and walking.


    The way that this is done is by using my right hand to make the wrist movements (about 100) per time in order to teach the brain. I also use the method of placing my left hand in my left pants pocket when I am walking in order to (again train the brain).


    The Botox treatment should be fully in effect this week (second week since treatment) and according to the doc. it will give me about a three month window to get the brain up and running re these specific movements.


    Time will tell.


    The Botox treatment seems to be taking good effect so I am very hopeful that I will be able to get the desired response from my buddy the brain.


    Smiles smile.gif



  3. Hi Clarke


    Long time no talk ol buddy. Sorry that you are feeling a bit down today.


    Hay man I just read an encouraging post on the board that was posted a while ago by a very good friend of mine and I thought I would like to share it with you eh.


    Here it is:


    very thankful to be alive and see the sun set one more time. It did put things in persprctive for me something I don't think I could have done for myself. I saw people who were buried with enormous physical and mental problems, struggling to recover. Boy did I ever feel humble. I think most people on this site would like to live as long as they can with the best possible quality to life they can have, not an was task but this is a pretty special group of individuals strong, brave and caring and I know they would just as soon spite in the devils eye before they had to give up a single hour of their lives. Truly role models if there ever were any. I'll never forget that dark day in November 2003 when I stumbled onto this site and starting my own road to recovery and acceptance. An accident I don't think so, coincidence? luck? no now of those. I was meant to find you exceptional folks. So I guess what I'm saying is live long live good and enjoy every day you have. When The time comes we'll all get the call until then take care and enjoy.


    Nice post eh and it had over 2000 views.


    So keep your chin up and your back to the wind cus we all need each other here at strokenet.


    Enjoy the sunset.....everyday


    Big smiles Clarke biggrin.gif


    Your strokebuddy



  4. Hi Asha


    That is a good point that you make. You are right Botox does not provide the answer.


    As I understand it the treatments provide a window (about three months) that the opposing set of mussels are relaxed enough so that you can train the brain to use the mussels that will do the work to move body parts again. So the key is to move as quickly as you can to train the brain and then hopefully when the Botox wears off in about three to four months, the brain will have effected a work around type solution that will give a greater range of motion than what you had pre Botox.


    So the drug is only the means. WE still have to do the work.


    In my case I have to work on my wrist both the rotation and the flex. I also am trying to get my elbow to extend in a more natural way while standing and/or walking.


    So for the next month or so I have to make sure that I WORK the arm/hand every day and do it as many times as I can each day. (that is my assignment)


    So hopefully if I do my exercises the brain will also do it's part to rework the circutry to gain some more precious range of motion.


    We shall see...


    ps I am very pleased with the movement and range I have been able to gain post stroke without the use of Botox so any further gains are gravy eh.


    Smiles smile.gif





    Hi Pam


    I hear ya......


    Change can be a good thing. "BUT", TOO much is NOT good. bop.gif


    "Everything in moderation" the saying goes.


    Sometimes I can get overwhelmed and start to freeze up with fear because of change. sad.gif


    Speaking of change I just got the call this morning from my doctor that they have the green light to give me my first Botox treatment on Thursday afternoon.


    So... I guess we will see how that goes... change eh. ohmy.gif


    Well...must run...gotta go see if I can find some Shrimp (virtual) to make dinner (virtual) for a friend eh.


    btw two of my next door ladies just brought me a quart (each) of fresh Island strawberries....mmmmm with venilla ice cream, now that's to die for. cloud9.gif



    Remember Pam "change is good Doonkay" .....Shrek.



    Smiles smile.gif



  5. Hi Marty


    Great blog.


    Now what was it that I was going to put in this reply? lol_2.gif


    Oh yeah about doctors. I do know that it is important to listen to the doctors but your body can tell you a lot too. (so do take the time to listen).


    I think sometimes doctors are like mechanics they have to try different things and keep taking you for test drives eh.


    So maybe if they just kicked the tires, did an oil change at 5000 klm intervals and put a can of tune in the tank every other fillup we could be a classic someday.(like a 57 Chevy)


    "Honk" if your happy Marty beer.gif


    Smiles smile.gif



  6. Hi Pam


    I enjoyed your post eh. Sounds like you are getting the hang of this independant living. cloud9.gif




    It must be the stroke (mine). But... you got me totaly confused. Is that(what you said) a good thing?

    : lol_2.gif : eh Ponder.gif


    Smiles smile.gif







    Hay Ricky (Steve)and Rocky(Pam) (sounds like a rock band eh)



    Way 2 go Steve. Wishing you the best in your endevors eh.


    Smiles smile.gif


    and warm christian love to you and your family.


    Strokebuddy in Canada eh.





    Hi Pam


    Wow mum that's deep!!! Only a month per year? Don't you believe it. A breakup is more like a death but worse.


    Pam Happiness to me is "Wherever a laugh goes happiness follows".


    I will try to attach a joke that Bette of Frank sent me (can't remember which) lol_2.gif to fill up your happiness cup eh.


    Subject: Young Boy!!!!!


    A young boy had just gotten his driver's permit and inquired of his father, a preacher, if they could discuss his use of the family car. His father took him into his study and said to the boy, "I'll make a deal with you, son. You bring your grades up from that 'C' to a 'B' average, study your Bible, get your long, shaggy hair cut..... and we'll talk about the car." Well, the boy thought about that for a moment, and decided that he'd settle for the offer, and they agreed on it. After about six weeks, the boy came back and again asked his father! about using the car. Again, they went to the study, where his father said, "Son, I've been real proud of you. You've brought your grades up, and I've observed that you have been studying your Bible, and participating a lot more in the Bible study class on Sunday morning. But, I'm still disappointed, since you haven't gotten your hair cut." The young man paused a moment, and then said, "You know Dad, I've been think."

    ng about that, and I've noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had Long hair... and there's even a strong argument that Jesus had long hair." His father replied, "You're right, son. Did you also notice that they all walked everywhere they went?"



    Have a "HAPPY DAY" Pam


    Smiles smile.gif



  8. Hi Pam smile.gif


    You will when you are ready. It must be killin you to keep a secret eh secret.gif


    We of course are all waiting with baited breath. rolleyes.gif


    A survivor is he? Maybe clues you will leave. That way the answer we will guess and doing it fun we will have. beer.gif


    Gary! Shut up eh bop.gif


    Smiles and a gleam eh smile.gifgleam.gif


    Wink bigwink.gif



  9. Morning Pam


    I was happy to read that the ding dong snake is dead eh. (play on words there)


    So i don't have to watch for him any more. (As a Canadian Rock Dodger)


    Yes that is very strange (sounds more like a lolife or inbred rather than a hybred) lol_2.gif


    Will be waiting to hear what the next beastie is that's going to invade.


    Keep that can of Raid House and Garden bug killer handy.


    pssst secret.gif My best wishes to you with your relationship search (I hope things work out for both of you) Sincerely (you rebel) blush.gif


    Smiles smile.gif



  10. Hi Bonnie


    Sounds like a menagerie to me eh. cloud9.gif You sound like a real animal lover.


    I am very happy for you that you were able to find a place that you could feel comfortable with.


    BTW Maybe it would not be such a great idea to send any snakes and or ants over to Pam's (Rocky) house eh. laugh.gif


    Smiles smile.gif







    Oh my Oh my


    Sounds like your snake buddy is headed for Canada by now. He probably figures that you are too much woman for him eh lol_2.gif


    I can just imagine his blog titled "Crazy Rock Lady" You will never guess what happened to me this morning. I was out to a batchelor party for squiggy last night and passed out in the Rock Garden on the way home. I woke up this morning got up and was doing my morning stretch exercise when this crazy lady started making a fuss. Stamping her feet and yelling at me then the next thing I know "Pow" right in the kisser I get this huge rock (darned near broke my neck)


    I was outta there in a flash and I am posting this blog as a warning to all snakes stay away from that lady. Boy am I glad that I don't have buns! Cus I am sure that lady would have squeezed the heck outta em. Like, i dunno if it was PMS, or what, but for goodness sake stay outta her garden eh.


    Just had to do it Pam cus you know that we all love ya eh.


    Smiles smile.gif



  11. Hay Janice (not Jan) lol_2.gif


    I appreciate that you thought enough of me to include me on your "Top 10 List".


    I just wanted you to know that I am not worthy of a place on this list. blush.gif


    I would be most proud just to be included (last place is fine) on your list of friends. flowers.gif


    Here are some of those smiles that you like eh smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifgiggle.gif


    You are a good strokebuddy Janice pash.gif


    Thanks and smiles smile.gif



  12. Michael


    I agree...Go 4 it eh. remember the more we care...The more we share!


    Brain injury is much more than I had ever envisioned. sad.gif


    Life is a learning experience and this has been a VERY interesting experience.


    I look forward to hearing more from you.


    Whatever the cause, the effect puts us all in the same boat. It's just that I guess we just get to man a different oar. lol_2.gif


    Hay if none of this makes any sense to you I understand. My logical thinking connectors must be burned out again. blush.gif


    Smiles smile.gif



  13. Thanks Janice smile.gif


    Kim, Forgive and forget eh. (the wheel always comes around) In other words you get what you give in this demand little and give lots.



    "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you"...Mat 7:12


    Mat 7:12



    Great suggestion Marty!! lol_2.gif


    Try Raid "House and Garden bug killer" (green can) Pam.


    O yeah I have the large variety (ants eh) not many. I catch em with a tissue an flush em. (I hope they are good swimmers eh) flowers.gif


    Smiles smile.gif





    Hi Pam hiya.gif


    So... do we now call you the "Happy Hostpam"? cloud9.gif


    So glad that it went well for you. Why not make it a regular thing eh?


    Living independent is well "Living independent" french_cig_nomo.gif and it allows you to get to know yourself (not a bad thing).


    Talking to yourself is allowed. However, answering yourself is a whole other matter. lol_2.gif


    Have fun kid! happydance.gif


    Smiles smile.gif




    My 2cents



    sorry to hear that someone had the nerve to offend someone as nice as you.


    You are a very valuable component of "Strokenet" and I can tell that (almost) everyone here thinks highly of you.


    So, whoever the culprit might be, I think that the weather bureau should issue an advisory not to stand anywhere close to them for fear of getting hit by a lightning bolt. lol_2.gif


    When we are the most committed to something that is dear to us, that is the time when we are most vulnerable to getting hurt.


    Please don't leave Michael. The members of strokenet (us) need people like you who care so much and can transform your caring into action.


    If I wasn't a guy I'd give you a big hug eh. (Aw what to heck) pash.gifblush.gif


    Big Smiles to you Mike biggrin.gif


    Your strokebuddy in Canada (caregivers count too)

