
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by garydotgray

  1. Vickie


    I am sorry that you have to deal with the riggors of life. I just wanted to add my support to the others and let you know that the "been there done that" scenario "got the t shirt" kinda thing is relevent to the past ten years or so of my life as well.


    The previous posts all have sound advice and you are right stuff is stuff and people come first.


    Hang in there will make it.


    Big smiles biggrin.gif




    ps thank you for your post to my fall prevention thread. (still lol_2.gif )

  2. Amy hiya.gif


    Just my 2 cents worth from Canada. (Not sure what that is in American ) wicklaugh.gif


    Up here we have "pop" (both Coke and Pepsi). We have grocery bags and bags of bird feed. We have shirts and pants. We use the bathroom (ifn we need to). Our dollars are "Loonies" and two dollars are "Toonies". We have Mountains, Moose and Mounties. We have a bad habit of adding the word Eh (pronounced A) when we talk. However contrary to popular belief we don't have snow all year (at least in Southern Canada) We don't live in Igloos and use Skidoos to get around. We do wear toques (knit hat) in winter. A favourite treat are "Beaver Tails" and a popular dessert is "chocolate moose" eh lol_2.gif




    from your strokebuddy in Canada eh



  3. Hi Lin hiya.gif


    You got me blush.giflol_2.gif


    I was thinking more like what leaves do in Autumn (fall)!


    You did a great article in the Strokenet Newsletter back a couple of months ago or so. Thanks for that.


    I also know that you have had your share of interesting experiences and challenges as well wicklaugh.gif


    So if you happen to corner the market on this "Fall Prevention Thing" You can share any of the goodies with me eh.


    It is a BIG problem and getting bigger as we age and get to be stroke survivors and such.


    Apparently the cost to the Health Care System is in the Billions if not the Trillions of dollars each and every year.


    Thanks for your comment I am still lol_2.gif


    How about Fall Jokes e.g "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it make a sound?" What about Vickie at the Source Store? (see my post on fall prevention.)


    Smiles smile.gif





    Hi Janice


    I am sorry to hear that life is a bowl of cherries. (at least the pits eh) smile.gif


    Here are some smiles for you and I hope that they will brighten your day.




    beer.gif Heres to better days ahead.


    Put a smile in your style and do a happy dance for me k.


    Big Smiles biggrin.gif


    Your strokebuddy



  5. Hay Janice


    No I didn't falll off the map. I did take a trip to the other side of the contenent (Surrey B.C) near Vancouver Canada.


    smile.gif and smile.gif and smile.gif to you


    You see I only had a very limited amount of time that I could be on a computer while I was away.


    Anyway I am back at home now and getting back to my usual routine (whatever that is LOL).


    Cheers and smiles smile.gif

