
Stroke Survivor - female
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About suemaria

  • Birthday 05/09/1972

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  • Stroke Network Email

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  1. Hi there, welcome to the site, I am fairly new to finding this site likewise. However, everyone on here is very friendly and helpful and mostly, we all understand to varying degrees what each other has been going through. And the things we still struggle with. I am from Winnipeg but moved to Edmonton 11 years ago. Look forward to hearing more about your story. All the best, Susan
  2. How exciting to visit Quebec and Lake Louise! I have not been to either place, but hope you enjoy your visit! Carol, I have not been out east, but that's nice that you have some history here!
  3. I'm Susan and I was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, but have lived in Edmonton, Alberta since 2005. My "episode" was on January 12th of this year.