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Posts posted by HostTracy

  1. A wonderful way of thinking! Trust me it is much simpler to see, feel, grieve all the negatives but I know I have reaped the positves from opening your eyes, heart and head to your current circumstances and see/feel what you can get from that (the positive, new blessings you may have never paid attention to, the choice to find the joy).


  2. Oh dear Becky I completely understand about not getting shingles. I, thankfully, have not had them personally but my previous manager from years ago developed them all over one side of her head and scalp. :sorry: Suffering, painful, she couldn't wash her hair, she had to apply greasy ointment on everyday (she still came to work sometimes...tough lady). It was months and more months of residual pain and neurological pain. I think she took gabapentin for a good while. I am planning on my vaccine as soon as I can get it.


  3. I can relate to both. Though this year I am feeling physically weaker than I ever have and I am so aware that if I don't work on my stamina I'm going to short change myself. As far as cheating (being a diabetic myself) well i am not a strict miser about it. I fall off when holidays pop up or the occasional I have to have something "real" sweet. I just get off that train and hop back on the right one. I think it keeps me from going full postal and eating a whole cake lol. I certainly do feel there are things I can do to improve some aspects of myself. I think I have been working on them since I had the stroke. Baby step by baby step I'm getting better at being me.


  4. Janelle I am so glad all is in the open and yes it does feel so much better. Life is lighter. I think you are right, many of us bottle things up and it is always a burst of release which can be overwhelming. One thing I know for myself is that I work on speaking my truth as it comes instead of bottling it up inside. This is something I'm not an expert at. I have difficulty after my stroke with processing information (coming in or going out)... it tends to add a layer of emotion and anxiety making it difficult to communicate fluidly. I have learned I pay much more for carrying these burdens than letting them free. LOL my imperfections at controlling my emotions during communication is an ongoing project. I have a very small group of close friend/family who love me enough to allow me time and patience to get my points across... hopefully in a positive and calm way. This is not perfect of course, there are definately times where my point comes across hurt, angry, frustrated, and possible rude feeling. It's hard sometimes... and I have found myself overwhelmed with emotions and frustrations and just need to stop communication (sometimes crying, covering my ears, saying not so nice words - as you can imagine it doesn't go over very well). Ha ha I think of having a laminated "This is why..." typed out explanation of my reaction rather than the moment coming off as spoiled brat. Weird to explain but it can seem childish reather than frustrated upset behavior. This is just a long way of saying sometimes when I need to get something out that I can't seem to sometimes gets to that point where I cover my ears, squeeze my eyes closed, and loudly repeat "la la la la la la la la la..." or crawl under the table and suck my thumb (ok a little dramatic but funny). I'm not exactly sure what I'm trying to say here.... my stuff is a work in progress. I celebrate your release my friend, it can make all the difference in the world. Huggs!!!

  5. Hugs my friend (((HUGS))). I'll tell you a little story about my tears (in the past 4 months). As you know I have ongoing PBA (emotional lability) and the past 4 months have been pretty emotional for me. So I went from completely over emotional and crying at the drop of a feather to feeling the sad pain and the inability to let it out (no tears no matter how much my body needed to). I was so frustrated!!! Sort of angry at moments, completely defeated at others. I thought about the lack of tears so many times (talking to myself, working to shed just one tear). After talking it over with my therapist, I found some answers.... 1st due to my stroke and where it happened and my defecits I have quite a few Psychiatric issues and depending on the moment it can trigger strange "symptoms". I definately have been under extra stress and I have been having moments of dissociation. My therapist and I have been working for a long time to recognize when this is happening to me (it helps with excessive anxiety to recognize it). My lack of tears is in this same "realm" of psychiatric stuff... I can't handle excessive anxiety/stress and something triggers when I am having that and I sort protect myself without trying or maybe knowing (the more tears I have the more anxiety at the moment so the more my psyche diverts, softens, pushes down any emotions that try to hijack me. The good news is that it is not lasting it will pass. That cry I had a week ago, was a much needed flood and even though negative emotions were the catalyst the act of crying releases a huge amount of tension. (and I sleep which is always a plus) I sure hope your tear maker gets back online soon I know what it's like to lose it for a bit and it's not easy. Love you friend and hope you feel better soon.



  6. 17 hours ago, heathber said:

    Nothing like knowing we are all going crazy in our own way but still all the same 🙂

    Again, at least we are in good company! :crazy: Not that I want anyone to have any crazy in them... I do feel less alone. 🙂